- Учителю
- Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему Моя будущая профессия 9 класс
Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему Моя будущая профессия 9 класс
Открытый урок по английскому языку
Тема : «Время выбора будущей профессии»
Topic: "It's Time to Think about Your Future Career"
Основные задачи урока:
Развивать умения устной речи: обсуждение выбора профессии и его жизненную важность.
Систематизация лексики по темам «Профессии», «Черты характера».
Формирование грамматических навыков употребления модальных глаголов для выражения степени вероятности действия или состояния.
Развивать воображение , творческое мышление средствами компьютерных технологий и вовлечением в творческую деятельность.
Воспитать уважительное, толерантное отношение к разным видам профессий.
Экспозиция к уроку:
Soon you will finish the 9th form. I am sure that most of you have already chosen a future profession. It's not easy to make such a choice. Today we'll discuss what you are going to be and what sort of job appeals to you.
You know that there are different kinds of jobs. And unfortunately some of them are not respected nowadays. For example do WE respect people of such job as street cleaner???
And do you know that fact that in the 17th - 19th centuries this job was very respected! It was very difficult to get it, because it was given by a policeman. A street cleaner was the first helper to a policeman, he earned a high salary, and even got a flat! People erected monuments and great artists painted pictures to people of this profession.
You can see a monuments to street cleaners in Europe, in our country in Lipetsk city, and a picture of a Russian Artist.
Now let's recall some other professions that you know.
So Sasha, Vika… What professions do you know? Some of them you can see on the board.
(карточки с изображением и названием профессий на доске)
Речевая разминка:
OK! Good of you! Now answer my questions:
Do you like animals? (Vika)
Would you like to be a vet? (Katya)
Would you like to connect your future career with music? (Sasha S.)
Have you chosen your future profession? What profession have you chosen? (Diana)
Do you want to be a journalist? (Masha)
Are you going to be a doctor? (Inna)
Do you like to look after people? (Sasha M.)
Развитие умения устной речи по методу проф. Е.И. Пассова «Look up and say»:
Работа с таблицами Пассова.
Now let's work with our tabulations. Look up and say!
After the exams in the 9th grade some people can continue their education at school, then take some courses and become a baker. They can enter a college and become a mechanic. They can stert working right after their exams if the job doesn't demand special knowledge and skills. They can work as waiters / waitresses or look after domestic animals.
Now try to describe a job that you'd like to have in the future. Try to explain your choice.
(На доске опоры для высказываний)
Формирование грамматических навыков употребления модальных глаголов для выражения степени вероятности действия или состояния:
Заключительный этап урока
What new have you learnt today?
All of you were very active today and I am very thankful to you. I believe that all your dreams will come true!
At home you have to describe the professions that are more attracting for students of your age.
(in a written form).