Открытий урок MY PET

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Урок -

Good-morning, children!

- Good-morning! Good-morning Good-morning to you Good-morning! Good-morning we are glad to see you Thank you We have guests at our lesson today. Greet them, pleasе! Good-morning we are glad to see you too Thank you sit down please Tell me, please:

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

What season is it now?

- Do you like our weather? Why?

T: We shall talk about animals in our life, discuss the problems of petshave a talk about animals.

Фонетическая зарядка.

T: _But first let's practice the English sounds. I shall show you the symbols of the English sounds and the task for you is to pronounce this sound and name three words with it on the topic "Animals in our life". Remember the English words and get ready to start.

[ai ] - society, giant, scientist;

[ ei ] - cage; save; endangered;

[b] - bear, black, baby;

[f] - African, full, fun;

[v] - every; very; live;

[h] - help, elephant, have.

Игра «Крестики-нолики».cross and dots Зачеркни крестиком существительные, а ноликом - глаголы.







[s 'saiiti]

[w :ld]


3.Речевая разминка.

-Let's play the game "Snowball". We shall remember the names of the animals. The pictures on the blackboard will help you to remember animals . The first pupil will name one word, the second pupil will repeat it and add another word, the next pupil will repeat two words and say one more. The winner is the pupil who will repeat the chain of all the words on the topics.

-an elephant

- an elephant and a monkey

- an elephant , a monkey and a lion. Etc.

а)All children like to play games. Now I want you to divide into two teams. Each team will have the cards with the words. You must the words in the right order to make a chain.

Игра «Цепочка слов»

Учащиеся делятся на две команды. Каждая команда получает набор карточек для игры. На каждой карточке написаны два слова: одно слово на русском языке, другое на английском языке. Задание для учащихся: расположить карточки таким образом, чтобы получилась цепочка слов. После выполнения задания по команд по очереди зачитывают цепочки слов.

Dream/клетка,cage/ разновидность, the kind/ животное, an animal/ быть свободным, to be free/ спасать, to save/кролик,a rabbit/исчезающий, endangered/ бороться, to fight/насекомое, an insect/ присоединиться, to join/ мечта

Приложение 2







an animal

быть свободным

to be free


to save


a rabbit




to fight


an insect


to join


b) I want you to look at the board now. You can see some English words there. But some letters are mixing. Will you put the mixing letters to complete the words?















c) Now make up words in "Words Halves"

Please take the cards, and when the group is ready, raise your hands.











d) Mixed-up sentences

T: Please make up sentences and read them.

1. tigers long How live do? (How long do tigers live?)

2. does a bear sleep When? (When does a bear sleep?)

3. leaves grass eat and elephants Do? (Do elephants eat leaves and grass?)

4. bats insects eat and fruit Do?. (Do bats eat insects and fruit?)

5. hours do many dolphins How sleep? (How many hours do dolphins sleep?

6. a bird humming Where live does? (Where does a humming bird live?)

e) Riddles

T: Now I want to see how well you know the animal world. Take my riddles, read them. Students from the other groups should guess the animals.

This animal is a mammal. It lives in Africa and Asia. It doesn't eat meat, it only eats fruit, leaves and grass. The animal lives for about 60 years. It is grey and very big. (an elephant)

  1. This animal is a reptile. It lives in water. It has got four legs and sharp teeth. This animal eats fish, meat and sometimes people. It is green and very dangerous. (a crocodile)

5)Динамическая пауза. Физкультминутка.

Now we have a rest. I'd like to see how well you know the animals' habits.

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you walk like a bear?

Can you swim like a fish?

Can you climb like a monkey?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you go like penguin?

Can you jump like a frog?

T: Thank you. Sit down please

6)Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Животные в нашей жизни».

- Do you like to go to the zoo?

- When did you go to the zoo?

- Did you like you visit to the zoo?

- When did you go to the zoo?

- With whom did you go there?

- What animals did you see in the zoo?

- Did you like your visit and why?

  1. Контроль домашнего задания. Проектная работа "MY PET "

Last lesson we imagined that you were the biggest friend of animals , there. Your homework was to prepare a presentation yourself . Show us your work.

  1. Тренировка навыков монологической речи.

T: Let's discuss the following problems. Open your books on page60 EX 19,20 25. Listen the questions in turn. Try to give different opinions.

  1. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Open your diaries and write down your homework find out facts about most popular pets in Russia and write an short article for the RAP magazin .

  1. Итоги урока.

I hope that our lesson today will help you to understand animals' world better and you will save them in any situation.

Оценки за ответы на уроке.

11) T: Our lesson is over and I propose you to listen to well known music from the TV programme "In the animals' world"

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