Theme: Can you play guitar?

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Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Сарыбаева Кулаш Есмахановна

Қызылорда облысы

Жаңақорған ауданы

Келінтөбе ауылы

№192 Келінтөбе орта мектебінің

ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Class: 5

Unit: 4


Theme: Can you play guitar?

Aims: 1.Educational: To enrich students' vocabulary.

Type of the lessons: studying the new theme

The method of the lesson: explanations, demonstration, presentation

Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian. Sport, Art

Equipment: An interactive board, cards, books, disk

The outline of the lesson

I Organization moment

1) Greeting

* 2) Talk with a duty

* I. T:-What date is it today?

* S:-Today is the 19th of December.

* T:-What day is it today?

* S:-It is Monday.

* T:-What month is it now?

* S:-It is December

* T:-What season is it now?

* S:-It is Winter.

* T:-What is the weather like today?

* S:-It is cold.

* T: -Who is absent?

* S: -All are present.

II Warm up Match words and pictures

III Awakening stage 1st group

D o m b r a

2nd group

- Can you play the domybra?

- No I can't.

- Who can play the domybra?

- Zhansyly can.

Zhansulu come here and play the dombyra

IV Leving home task

T: What was your home task for today?

S: Ex 9.

T: Are you ready? Who wants to read the dialogue?

V Presentation of the new words

T: Let's listen to me,repeat after me and write the words into your vocabulary notebooks

* Speak Kazakh- қазақша сөйлей алу

* Speak Russian- орысша сөйлей алу

* Speak English- ағылшынша сөйлей алу

* Use a calculator - калькулятор пайдалана алу

* Use a computer-компьютер пайдалана алу

* Ride a horse- атқа мініп жүрү

* Ride a bike- велосипедке мініп жүрү


* make tea- шай жасау

* knit- тоқыма тоқу

* swim-жүзу

* stand on your head- баспен тұру

use a computerride a bike ride a horse make tea knit stand on your head swim

VI Find the names

1st group 2nd group

swim, ride a horse

ride a bike, knit

make tea, use a computer

VII Making the dialogue

T: I'll give each team the cards with words

1st group 2nd group

Ride a horse Play the guitar

VIII.Digital dictation There are words written on the board, give the cards with tables

1-nice 2-guitar 3-socks 4-white 5-pencil 6-jeans 7-tall 8-violin 9- black 10-piano11-beautiful 12-cello 13-flute 14-strict 15-dombyra 16-kind 17-cap 18-blouse 19-yellow 20-hat

IX Playing the game "true'' or ''false''

X Giving home task

T: Open your diary and write your home work.

Learn the new words and make up the dialogue

XI Giving the marks

XII Ending of the lesson


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