- Учителю
- Конспект открытого урока в 11 классе по теме «Развитие навыков чтения и говорения по теме «Права и обязанности» УМК Spotlight 11
Конспект открытого урока в 11 классе по теме «Развитие навыков чтения и говорения по теме «Права и обязанности» УМК Spotlight 11
Судворг Г. Е.,
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ № 306
с углубленным изучением английского языка
г. Санкт-Петербург
Конспект открытого урока
в 11классе
по теме « Развитие навыков чтения и говорения по теме « Права и обязанности»
УМК Spotlight 11
2014 г.
Цели урока:
Развитие устной речи учащихся,
Знакомство с Декларацией принципов толерантности
Развитие навыков чтения с поиском информации и с полным пониманием прочитанного,
Развитие навыка работы с монословарем
Развитие творчества, фантазии, воображения
Развивать стремление быть терпимым в обществе людей,
Воспитывать интернационализм, умение работать в команде,
Помогать друг другу.
Good morning. Today we are having our special lesson and we'll discuss some
important points of our life : our rights and responsibilities and especially
tolerance. It is the main item nowadays because we live in the multinational
city and we must be tolerant to each other.
So, let's begin.
1.Will you, please, open your books at page 48 read ,please , our rights
a) to be educated ( not to bully)-we have the right to learn at school,
universities and so on…
b) to be safe (to obey the law) to be protected from danger and harm
c) to live and work in a clean , unpolluted environment ( to look after
environment )
d )to be treated with respect (to respect others )-to behave in a
particular way towards sb /sth
(responsibility-duty to deal with or take care of sb /sth )
2. (ex.4)-Our next exercise is about the rights and responsibilities
1. stand up for your rights
2.have no right
3. have the responsibility to
4. have the right to
5.take responsibility for
6.do their bit
3. OK ! The next exercise can give us more practice in vocabulary .Let's read it.
Ex.5. 1.violate 4.accepts
2.given 5.treats
3.denied 6. defend
We'll try to speak about tolerance .
4.What is tolerance? What is tolerance in our life? Then we'll read the
Declaration of Principles on Tolerance . I can explain that tolerance
is an aspiration (strong desire) and ability to an establishment and
maintain friendly with the people. The definition of a word "tolerance"
in different languages of the globe sounds differently.
5.So will you ,please, take the first piece of paper on your desks and
let's read the definitions of tolerance in different languages :
1. in English
2. in Russian
3. in French
4. in Chinese
5. in Spanish
6. in Arabian
6.Tell me ,please, how can we understand "tolerance"?
Tolerance means willingness to accept or allow behavior,
beliefs and customs which one does not like or agree with,
without opposition.
7.Your ideas , please. (text2,3)
8.What are the main ideas of your answers? Will you, please,
write them down at the blackboard to know how to be
the tolerant person.
9.Thank you, you are quit right. Tolerance is one of the main
bricks in the building called Personality. But as the person
has got negative and positive treats of character, so
there are different words connected with the meaning of
Look, please, at the list and find out the definitions of them
in the monodictionary. Read the definitions and write down
the words on the blackboard. Some of them have the
negative and some of them have positive meaning.
10.Well done! You know that the Member States of
UNESCO proclaimed 16 November the annual
International Day for Tolerance. On that day in
1995 "The Declaration of Principles on Tolerance"
was signed.
Let's read "Article 1-Meaning of Tolerance".
Your task is to read and to tell us if this statement
Is true or false. You have 5 minutes to do the task.
Are you ready? Read, please. OK.
11.Now all of you let's play a game "Are you tolerant ?''.
Choose your answers and count only the circles.
You have 8 circles : Well done! You are very tolerant!
You have a character, you are a good sport and you
can keep yourself and others from being aggressive.
Between 7 and 3 circles :You aren't very tolerant! You
can be touchy-(обидчивый ) but you are brave and
you can improve.
2 circles or less : Oh, dear! You aren't tolerant! If
you respected yourself and others a bit more ,
you'd be much happier.
12.Our last task is to do word-puzzle. You have a list
of words with translation and definitions and a
crossword. Your task is to find out all the words in bold.
It's great!
Dear students, I'd like to thank you for your work. I hope
you've learned much.
In addition, I'd like you to know that we should find a
place in our heart for tolerance. Tolerance is readiness to
allow others to believe or act as they judge best.
Your marks are……
Your hometask is : wb . p.21 №1,2,3.