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  • Сказка на английском языке 'Колобок'

Сказка на английском языке 'Колобок'

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Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Мероприятие для декады английского языка. Сказка: «Колобок»

Разработала Псарева Т.А

АВТОР: Once there lived a grandpa and grandma

ДЕД: Grandma,bake me a rolling bun.

Баба: What can I make it from

I have no flour

ДЕД: Eh, eh grandma! Scrape the cupboard, sweep the flour bin, and you will find enough flour

Бабка месит и припевает (дед подхватывает) CLAP,CLAP…

ДЕД: What a nice tasty rolling bun! Can I eat it?

Баба: no,you can't. It is so nice, look at its.

АВТОР: Suddenly it rolled off the window sill to the bench,

From the bench to the floor

From the floor to the door

From the door to the gate and on, and on…

АВТОР: The rolling bun rolled along the road a met a hare.

ЗАЯЦ: Hello, I want to eat you.

КОЛОБОК: don't eat me.

I will sing you a song

Песня зайца и колобка: What's your name? (танец).

АВТОР: the rolling bun rolled on and met a wolf

ВОЛК: Little rolling bun , little rolling bun, I want to eat you.

КОЛОБОК: don't eat me, grey wolf

I will sing you a song

Песня колобок и волк How are you? (танец).

АВТОР: The rolling bun rolled on and met a bear

МЕДВЕДЬ: Little rolling bun , little rolling bun, I want to eat you.

КОЛОБОК: don't eat me

I tell you a poem

КОЛОБОК: I've got a friend

We like to play

We play together

Every day.

АВТОР: the rolling bun rolled, a rolled and met a fox

ЛИСА: hello,little rolling bun,nice to meat you.

I want to eat you

КОЛОБОК: I got away from grandpa and grandma,

From the hare

From the wolf, from the bear.

And I'll get away from you,old fox.

КОЛОБОК: песня : family (танец).


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