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  • Урок английского языка по теме 'Политическая система англоязычных стран' (10 класс)

Урок английского языка по теме 'Политическая система англоязычных стран' (10 класс)

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предварительный просмотр материала


учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №1 города Бирск

Разработка урока по проектной методике по теме: «Политическая система англоязычных стран» в 10 Б классе

Цели и задачи проекта:

- расширение знаний о политических системах разных стран,

знакомство с интересными фактами, связанными с институтами


- совершенствование умения понимать схему, развитие способности

к сравнению, формированию выводов;

- формирование демократических представлений о политическом

устройстве государства;

- осознание актуальной проблемы нравственности в политике.

Участники проекта:

Учащиеся 10Б класса


  • микрофон;

  • телевизор;

  • видеомагнитофон;

  • магнитофон;

  • видеозапись программы «Новости» и выступления В.В.Путина;

  • аудиозапись с фонетической зарядкой;

  • магнитофонная запись диалога;

  • магнитофонная запись российских политиков;

  • 4 схемы политических устройств России, США, Великобритании;

  • карточки со словами;

  • книжечка со статьями Конституции;

  • рисунки политиков;

  • визитки для «президентов»;

  • урны для голосования;

  • бюллетени;

  • книга «Утопия».

Тип проекта: творческий

Ход подготовки проекта:

Урок подготовлен и проведен с использованием УМК Кузовлева В.П. Это заключительный урок по разделу 2 "Western Democracies. Are They Democratic?", который по решению ребят мы должны были провести неординарно, поэтому ему предшествовала большая подготовительная работа. Класс разделился на несколько групп, каждая из которых отвечала за свой этап урока.

Первая группа отвечала за монтирование видеоматериалов к уроку. Решено было начало урока представить в виде программы «Новости», озвученной на английском языке. Итоги урока тоже подводились в программе «Новости» в выступлении Путина В.В., также смонтированного на английском языке. В нее входило 3 человека.

Вторая группа непосредственно отвечала за проект "An Ideal State System". В нее входило 6 человек.

Остальные готовили сообщения о политическом устройстве США, Великобритании, Австралии, России.

Третья группа, оформительская, состояла из 2 человек. В их задачи входило подготовить все необходимые плакаты, схемы и т. д. к уроку.

Одна ученица подготовила доклад о премьер-министре Великобритании.

Другая ученица готовила ролевую игру «Выборы президента». Она отобрала трех представителей, которые должны были баллотироваться в президенты и представить свою предвыборную программу.

По временным рамкам мы не укладывались в урок, поэтому мы

попросили диспетчера поставить в этот день пару.

Ход урока


Teacher: Good morning! Glad to see you! Sit down, please. Have you listened to the news? Not yet? Let's do it just now.


( Передача «Новости»)

Ведущая: Good morning! Broadcasting corporation presents news. We're got a message from Bashkortostan that pupils of the 10th form of school number 1 in Birsk are discussing an interesting topic "Political Systems of Different Countries". Our special correspondent is reporting from Birsk.

Корреспондент: Good morning! Today pupils of the 10th form are having an unusual lesson. Their aim is to compare political structures of some English-speaking countries and Russia. During last week they had been preparing for the lesson, looking for information about these countries and their politicians. They got ready for the election compaign and even tried to create a new ideal to their minds political system.

Ведущая: Thank you. Next time we'll report you about the results of their work.


Teacher: Now you know the tasks of our today's lesson. And we are going to start with our phonetic exercises as usual. They will be jazz drills, called "Mother knows best". First, listen. (запись)

Now say with them. (запись)

Pupil 1, you will act as a mother. All the rest will be chorus. Try to speak as quick as possible.

Mother knows best

You shouldn't do it that way

You ought to do it this way

You ought to do it this way

You ought to do it my way

You shouldn't wear in that way

You ought to wear in this way

You ought to wear in this way

You ought to wear in my way

You shouldn't go with them

You ought to go with us

You shouldn't take the train

You ought to take the bus

You shouldn't wear that hat

You ought to cut your hair

You shouldn't get so fat

You ought to eat a pear

You shouldn't do it that way

You ought to do it this way

You ought to do it this way

You ought to do it my way.

Teacher: Is the mother democratical?

Pupils: No, she isn't.


Teacher: The idea of democracy plays a great role in politics. What does "democracy" mean? Many people think that democracy is when people do what they want. Are they right?

Pupil 1: No, democracy is when people do what they want within the framework of law.

Pupil 2: People say what they think.

Pupil 3: People rule the country. They elect their representatives to rule the country. And they elect the head of state directly.

Pupil 4:The head of state guarantees the rights of citizens.

Pupil 5:All people and authorities follow the constitution.

Pupil 6: People can live in any place they choose.


Teacher: Now let's revise our political vocabulary. I need 3 volunteers. Their task is to choose the words that can illustrate the following:

1.Political systems and institutions;

2.Political activities;

3.People involved in politics.

1 2 3

-monarchy -to appoint ministers - President

-constitutional -to revise a bill -Prime Minister


-parliamentary -to determine government -Senator

monarchy politics

-presidential -to make laws -a queen / king


-federal republic -to coordinate government -Deputy


-the Cabinet -to discuss political -Secretary


-the Senate -to form the Cabinet -Representative

-the House of -to examine bills -Minister


-the Duma -to rule the country -MPs

-Congress -to delay laws -the Chairman

of the govern-


Teacher: And all the rest will guess the words:

  1. a group of the most important ministers (cabinet)

  2. non-elected members of the English Рarliament (lords)

  3. a Briton who has the rank of peer but is not allowed to pass it on to a son or daughter after death (life peer)

  4. persons who are responsible for the government policies (ministers)

  5. the number of seats the leading party has (majority)

  6. the party that challenges the official policy (opposition)

  7. the head of state in Britain now (queen)

  8. the name the chambers of Parliament are called

(House of Commons)

OK. Let's check their work. Pupil1, read your words. Is he right? Pupil 2 ................, Pupil 3 .....................


Teacher: We need all these words to speak about political structures of the English-speaking countries, such as Great Britain, the USA, Australia and of our Motherland, of course. I want you to tell us everything you know on these topics. And you are to take any of these cards to choose the country you'll speak about. These schemes will help you. Who wants to be the first? Listen and be ready to add the missing information.

I. CША (рассказ ученика)

II. Великобритания (рассказ ученика)

III.Австралия (рассказ ученика)

Teacher: So you've learned a lot about the policy of the English-speaking countries. And now listen to the dialogue between two girls, guess what country Kate has visited and say what information helps you to understand it.

(запись диалога с.58-59)

Pupil 1: Kate has been in the USA because the Senate and the House of Representatives are the legislative branch of the USA political system.

IV. Russia (рассказ ученика)

Teacher: Now long ago we celebrated the anniversity of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. When was it adopted?

Pupil: It was adopted on December, 12 1993.

Teacher: It establishes the basic rights. What rights are guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation? Will you restore some of its articles. (AB Ex.10, p.27). You know that in official documents the verb shall is used. (книжка со статьями Конституции)

Teacher: And when is the Constitution Day of Bashkortostan?

Pupil: It is on the 24th of December.


Teacher: I am sure that you know our politicians well. Try to guess whose voice it is. Say what he is.

(запись голосов политиков)

Teacher: Politicians play a great role in their countries and even in the world. To get to know the name of one of the most respected and devoted British politician you should do the crossword. Ex. 6(2), p. 24-25. AB.

Pupil 1, read the first sentence. Write the word "Commons" here and spell it, please.

(Ученики по очереди разгадывают кроссворд )

Teacher: What was he?

Pupil: Churchill was the British Prime Minister.


Teacher: And who is the British Prime Minister now?

Pupil: Tony Blair.

Teacher: Gulshat has made a report about him for you. Listen to her, please.

Pupil: Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was born on the 6th of May 1953 to a wealthy family. He went to a prestige school in Edinburgh and then to Oxford where he was reading law in 1972-1975.

He has 3 young teenage children whose company he enjoys, and a baby son. His wife, Cherie Booth, whom he married in 1980, is a lawyer and earns much more than Tony Blair ever has.

The future of the monarchy is a disputable question in Britain. What does Tony Blair think about it?

Tony Blair doesn't see Britain without the monarchy. Some people don't like this point of view, they think that the leader of the Democratic Party should be in the opposition to the monarchy.

To sum it up: Born to a secure professional family , T.Blair is well-educated, handsome, followed his father's choice of law as a career, is secure in his wife and 4 children, commands a joint income of over

S 500,000, is outgoing in nature, balanced, quick on the uptake, earnest and serious.

In an interview before the 1997 election he said, "Yes, I do want to get elected, and will fight very hard to make sure that we do - but it is for a purpose".

Now, agree or disagree

  • Tony Blair was born in a poor family.

  • He has got 4 children.

  • His wife is a doctor.

  • Tony Blair sees Britain without the monarchy.

  • He is the leader of the Labour Party.

Thank you.


Teacher: Some people think that in politics much depends on the personality of a politician. Which traits are positive and which are negative for a politician in your opinion? Open your activity books at page 23 Ex.6(1) and choose the words meaning positive traits.

Pupil 1: I think a politician should be power loving. He should have a will to win and a wish to have power.

Pupil 2: To my mind a politician should be gifted. Any politician who wants to win should be a real personality. No image-maker can help a person who is nothing. It is impossible to improve "nothing". Image-makers and advisors can add only 15-20 % to the image of a politician.

Pupil 3: I am sure that a politician should have an ability to risk and to love risking if he wants to win. He should be able to take non-traditional decisions.

Pupil 4: In my opinion a politician should be ambitions. He should use power for improving the situation in the country.

Pupil 5: I believe a politician should be pliable. A politician who follows one and the same strategic line and doesn't revise his/her ideas won't live a long life in politics.

Teacher: And which traits are negative for a politician?

Pupil 6: A politician shouldn't be hypocritical.

Pupil 7: He shouldn't be cunning.

Pupil 8: He or she shouldn't be deceitful.


Teacher: You are quite right. Thank you.

Unfortunatily young people often think that politics is for adults. But very soon you'll turn 18 and you'll have to make a choice. Let's try to rehease now. 3 of you are politicians who contest the election. They will tell us their political ideas and we'll elect one of them. Listen to interviews with them.

Pupil: Hi! My name is Nina. We have 3 candidates for the President. Let me introduce you the only woman Miss Brown. Hello!

Mrs Brown: Hello, everybody! My name is Elizabeth Brown.

Nina: What party do you present?

Mrs Brown: I am the leader of the Women's Party and I am sure that it is only a woman who can rule the country in the proper way.

Nina: Why is it a woman?

Mrs Brown: Yes, it is a woman who gives a birth to a child and I'll be the very president who will give a birth to a new country- country

without war , mother's tears and children's cry.Give your votes to me and you life will be better and happier.

Nina: Are you sure in it?

Mrs Brown: Yes, I am quite sure.

Nina: Thank you. And now I'd like to speak to the next candidate. Hello! Will you introduce yourself?

Mr Green: How do you do? I am John Green. I am an economist.

Nina: Why do you want to be the head of our state?

Mr Green: I want to be the head of our state because I am eager to improve the situation in our country and to achieve definite aims.

Nina: For example?

Mr Green: For example, to rise the minimum of living for our citizens, to provide free education and medical sezvice, to give people a chance to get a job and to be well paid for their work.

Nina: What do you think of terrorism?

Mr Green: I am against of terrorism of any kind. And I think people of the world must get together to fight against terrorists. I believe that positive ideas will win and we'll be able to build our future ourselves if we are together.

Nina: Thank you very much. Hi! What's your name? What would you like to tell to our people?

Mr Black: Hi! Mr Black is glad to see you! I hope so you are!

Well, it's obvious that our country needs the head strong enough to stand against the world and local terrorists, to keep the country's borders safe and not to allow foreign bussinessmen use our country as a source of their richness.

Nina: What's your occupation?

Mr Black: I am a former officer, I am experienced in giving orders to people and in taking decisions. To my mind I am worth your trust and your choice.

Nina: Thanks a lot. Well now it's high time to make a choice.

( музыкальное сопровождение пока голосуют)

Nina: While they are counting your voices will you explain your choice.

Pupil 1: I've elected Mr Green because he wants to improve the situation in the country.

Pupil 2: I've elected Mrs Brown because she is eloquent and strong-willed.

Pupil 3: I prefer Mr Black for the President because he is a former officer and that's why he is disciplined, power-loving, risky.

Guest: I'm sympasize the ideas of Mr Green.

Teacher: Now let's see who has won the election.

Pupil: Mr Green has won the election. He has .......... votes . ........... people have chosen Mr Black. And only ...... of us give voices to Mrs Brown.


Teacher: In 1516 the brilliant English statesman, scholar and writer Thomas More published the famous book "Utopia". In it he describes an ideal state. (показываю книгу)

We've got a creative group. They have done a project where they explain their idea of a perfect state.

Pupil 1: We've done a project "An Ideal State, as We Understand It". You know nothing can be perfect but we did our best.

Pupil 2: It was difficult for us to determine the political system because 3 of us think that a presidential republic is more democratic than a parliamentary monarchy. But the other 3 disagree. So we decided to question different people.

(интервью на видео):

Pupil 3: Which system would you advise us to choose?

Pupil: I dream of living in the time of queens and kings. So if it depends on me, I'd like to have a king as the head of state.

Pupil 3: Thank you. Imagine that it is you who create the political system of our state. What would you like: a monarchy or a republic?

Teacher 1: A republic, of course, it is more democratic.

Pupil 3: Thank you very much. You know Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. Do you prefer it to a presidential republic?

Teacher 2: No, to my mind the head of the state should be elected directly by the people.

Pupil 3: Thanks a lot.

We've asked 20 pupils, 10 teachers and 10 parents, put the information into the computer and found that the majority prefers to live in a presidential republic.

(идет заставка "B компьютерном кабинете")

Pupil 4: Our next step was to create the institutions that will represent the legislative, the executive and the judicial branches of power

( идет видео ролик обсуждения проблемы )

Pupil 1: Have you got any idea about the institutions of power?

Pupil 2: May I suggest the American system of checks and balances?

Pupil 3: I absolutely agree.

Pupil 4: No, I don't think that the US political system is perfect.

Pupil 5: What don't you like in it? The 3 main branches of government are separate from one another and the powers given to each are balanced by the other two. I think it's wise.

Pupil 6: I'm of the same opinion.

Pupil 1: To my mind the President should be elected by the people but should have great power. He won't do anything if he is controled by everybody.

Pupil 2: But if his decisions will harm the country?


Pupil 1: So the President is the head of our state and is elected directly by the people. He has much power and is involved in the work of the legislative and executive branches.

Pupil 2: Congress represents the legislative branch and consists of 2 houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Pupil 3: The Constitutional and the Supreme Court control the president's power.

Pupil 4: The President appoints his Administration and Ministers, but the Senate and the House of Representatives should approve his appointments.

Pupil 5: Nowadays many people avoid elections. That's why voting in our imaginary state is compulsory. Those who abstain from voting are fined as in Australia.

Pupil 6: And to write "Our Bill of Rights" we asked pupils to give their suggestions.

Pupil 1: Now let's look at it (разворачивает бумажку). Well. "The government should do more to help jobless people"

Pupil 2: I disagree. Every person must work. Jobless people are usually those who don't want to work.

Pupil 3: Imagine that you've graduated from the Pedagogical Institute and want to work at school but there is no vacancy for you. What would you do then?

Pupil 4: All right. Who thinks it will do?

(поднимают руки, голосуют, кроме Марселя) Our Bill of Rights

- All citizens have the right to education, to free medical servise, to a

qualified judicial help;

  • all citizens are eguol in law;

  • the people have the right to rule the country through their representatives;

  • everyone must obey the law, even the president;

  • freemen can't be punished without a fair trial in court;

  • the government should do more to help jobless, old and homeless people;

  • the state should pretect maternity, childhood and family.

Teacher: Your questions, please.

Pupil 1: What is the function of the Congress?

Pupil 2: When do the people have the right to vote?

Pupil 3: To help all jobless, homeless, old, ill people and children the state must have enough money. Where can it take it?

Teacher: Thank you for your work. It's high time to finish. Listen to the news again.


(Подведение итогов. Выступление Путина в «Новостях» )

Ведущий: Hello! Information Agency continue to broadcast news from Birsk. Listen to what the Russian President Vladimir Putin said:

Putin: " I think that the problems which pupils of the 10th form have discussed at their English lesson are of great importance for the mankind nowadays. Because the policy within the country delermines sometimes the international relationships. And they paid a lot of attention to the figure of a modern politician, and it's also very important. In 2 years they will rule the country themselves. Our future depends on our young generation."

Ведущий: That's all for today! Good-bye!

(музыкальная заставка «Новостей»)

Teacher: What do you like most of all at our today's lesson?

Pupil 1: I like the election compaign. I understood that much depends on the head of state.

Pupil 2: It was interesting for me to participate in making a project. And it was difficult too because you should have imagination.

Pupil 3: Earlier I thought politics is dull, but now I think it's very interesting and important.

Teacher: It was pleasure for me to work with you. You've got excellent marks, because everybody tried to do their best and was active. I would like you to analyse our work in writing. Write what you like what don't, write your atlitude to the topic we've discussed, your suggestions, etc. Give your own title to your composition. Our lesson is over.



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