• Учителю
  • 2 класс: проверочная работа на контроль чтения (2 полугодие)

2 класс: проверочная работа на контроль чтения (2 полугодие)

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание: Чтение — это самостоятельный вид речевой деятельности, связанный с восприятием (рецепцией) и пониманием информации, закодированной графическими знаками. Во втором классе закладываются основы этого важного вида речевой деятельности. На первом году обучения учащиеся
предварительный просмотр материала

Вариант 1

Hello! My name is Ann. I am from Russia. I live in Perm. I am nine. I can skip, dance and sing. I can't ride a bike.

I have got a family. My family is big. I have got a mother, a father, a grandmother, a grandfather and a sister.

My sister's name is Kate. She is seven. She is merry. She can run, jump and play computer games. She can't skip, skate or ski.

My mum's name is Svetlana. She is a doctor. She likes chess (шахматы).

My dad is Pavel. He is a sportsman. He likes football.

  • Верно (T) или неверно (F)?

1. Ann is from Russia.

2. She lives in London.

3. Ann is not six.

4. Ann's family is not big.

5. She has got a grandmother.

6. She hasn't got a grandfather.

7. Her sister is Mary.

8. Kate can skip.

9. Svetlana is a doctor.

10. Ann's dad is a doctor.

Вариант 2

  • Прочитай и озаглавь текст


    Nicky is a cat. She is a nice white (белый) and grey cat. She is not fat (толстый), she is slim (худой). She is funny and kind. She is 1.

    She lives in a street (наулице). She hasn't got a mother, a father, a grandmother or a grandfather. She has got a friend. Nicki's friend is a black and red dog Spot. Spot is brave. He is 2. He isn't lazy (ленивый). He's got a mum, a dad and a sister.

    Nicky can run, jump, play and sing. She can't fly or swim. She can't dance or skip. She likes milk (молоко).

    Spot lives in a street, too. He can play football, swim, jump and run.

    He can swim well. He can't skate or ski. He likes meat (мясо).

  • Раскрась правильно, заполни пропуски в таблице информацией о животных.



name (имя)


age (возраст)



in a street


run, …


fly, …

has got

hasn't got




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