- Учителю
- Открытый урок по английскому языку 'Спряжение глагола 'to be' (5 класс)
Открытый урок по английскому языку 'Спряжение глагола 'to be' (5 класс)

Theme: Health problem
Цель: Формирование знаний учащихся по теме HEALTH AND ILNESSES
Ознакомить учащихся с НЛЕ по теме.
Закрепить изученный ранее лексический и грамматический материал в речи учащихся. Развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь по теме Health problem.
Совершенствовать"Spoken Etiquette"по теме "At the doctor's"
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Оборудование: слайды, интерактивная доска, карточки, таблицы.
«Health is not everything, but our life without health is nothing».
Teacher: Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you. Let's begin our lesson. But first of all I want to know how you are today. Ask each other about it, please.
II.Pupil 1: How are you?
Pupil 2: We are fine, thank you. And you?
Pupil 1: We are too. Thank you
Pupil 1,2: And you, dear teacher. How are you?
Teacher: I'm also fine, thank you. Let's think a little and say when we are fine.
Pupil 1: I'm fine when I have a good mark.
Pupil 2: I'm fine when I have a present from my parents.
Pupil 3: I'm fine when I have the sun is bright.
Pupil 4: I'm fine when I have a lot of money.
Pupil 5: I'm fine when I have a tasty food.
Pupil 6: I'm fine when I have a good mood.
Pupil 7: I'm fine when I'm well.
Pupil 8: I'm fine when I'm not ill.
III.Teacher: OK. You are right, children. All of us are fine when we have a good health. "To be well" means to have allparts of the body in a good state. Let's check up your homework and name all the parts of body.
Teacher: Can you name these parts of the body in Kazakh?
Class: Yes, of course.
Arm- қол
Ear - құлақ
Chest - кеуде
Toe - саусақ
Knee- тізе
Foot- табақ
Finger - саусақ
Head- бас
Shoulder- ыиқ
Mouth- ауыз
Stomach- асқазан
Nose- мұрын
Eye - көз
Lips - ерін
Leg- аяқ
Hair- шаш
Face- бет, жүз
Neck- мойын
Hand -қол
Teacher: OK, children, take the card #1 and fill in it, please.
Teacher: Pass me your tasks, please. I hope you have coped successfully.
VI.Teacher: But sometimes we are not well. We have problems. Let's talk a little about problems.
Pupil 1,2,3: a cold, stress, insomnia, tried eyes, the flu, a sore, throat, a bad headache, a cough, a toothache.
Teacher: Let's compose short conversations with these problems. Imagine that you tell your friend about you problem and he or she gives you advice. You can use the sentences from Ex. 3 p. 103
Pupil 1: Hi! How are you?
Pupil 2: Oh, not so good.
Pupil 1: What's the matter?
Pupil 1: I have a terrible cold (stress, insomnia, tired eyes, the flu, a sore, throat, a bad headache, a cough, toothache).
Pupil 1: Really?! That's too bad! Have you taken anything for it?
Pupil 2: No, not yet.
Pupil 1: Well, do you know what you should do?
Take some garlic and cook it in chicken stock. Then drink a cup every half an hour.
Take a glass of sweet tea and a pill.
Drink a cup of warm milk with honey.
Shut your eyes and put the packets on tea on them for 10 minutes.
Go to the doctor for help or get some medicine from chemistry.
Take a hot shower and have a rest.
Rub oil on the chest and drink a mixture of red pepper, hot water, sugar, lemon juice and milk.
Take a painless pill or go to the doctor for help.
VII.Teacher: when you have a minor health problem you can use remedy. Let's read the text "Home remedy"
VIII.Teacher: Take card #2. There are some advice for problems in your cards. Write True (T) or False (F)
Card #2
Ice is good for a burn.
Warm milk helps you to go to sleep.
Honey helps a cough.
Hot chicken soup is good for a cold.
Hot chocolate helps for a toothache.
Ice-cream is good for a sore throat.
Aspirin helps you to go to sleep.
Lemon juice with honey is good for a cold.
Hot chicken stock helps a cough.
Candies and biscuits are good for your teeth.
IX.Teacher: when the problems are serious you must go to the doctor. Look at these sentences and decide whether it was said by the doctor or patient?
X.Teacher: And now, children, I would like you to compose the сonversations "At the doctor". Here are some ways that a doctor might givesome advice.
XI.Teacher: Many health problems are because of our food. They say that a man is what he eats.
Teacher: To remember our food, let's recycle some kinds of it.
XII.Teacher: And now I propose you to play a memory game.
Teacher: What is there no in the picture?
Teacher: There is no … in the picture.
XIII.Teacher: I want to know if you know
What food is good for you?
What food is bad for you?
Teacher: Can you defend you projects? Are you ready?
Pupil 1:
-Protein gives us energy and helps us to grow.
-Vitamins help you grow and stay healthy.
-Bananas give you energy.
- Carrots help you to see in the dark.
-Green tea protects your teeth.
-Onion is a good for your nerves.
-Fat is also gives you energy but animal fat in meat, eggs and has got cholesterol in it.
-A lot of sugar can make you fat.
-Alcohol drinks can be cause of cancer.
-Sweets can make a toothache
-Fizzy drinks can give you stomachache.
XIV.There are some proverbs about health in different languages. Can you remember it in English?
Pupil 1: Health is above wealth.
Pupil 2: A sound mind in a sound body.
Pupil 3: Health is better than wealth.
Pupil4: В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
Pupil 5: Здоровье не всё, но жизнь без здоровья ничто.
Pupil 6: Денсаулық-зор байлық!
Teacher: And I have some advice to keep fit. Because the health is not, everything but our life without health is nothing.
XV.Teacher:The lesson is over.Your home task will be essay "Health is above wealth"
Theme:Tours you will never forget.
Цель:Повторение и закрепление лексического и грамматического материала по теме GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVELLING
Закрепить ЛЕ по теме
Обучить монологической речи по теме
Развивать диалогическую речь по теме
4.Совершенствовать разговорный этикет и умение вести себя в аэропорту и на борту самолёта
Наглядные пособия и дидактический материал:Teacher's book, учебник английского языка, Английский курс для не лингвистов, видео "The USA",интерактивная доска, ярлыки, таблицы, "Main Lobby", магнитная доска, картинки, тесты.
Начало урока. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
T: Good morning, friends! I'm very glad to see you. Look at the window. The weather is warm, the sun shines brightly and I'm happy. And when I'm fine and happy to sing.
Let's sing a song please:
O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of gain,
For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain.
America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea
O beautiful for pilgrim feet Whose stern impassion'd stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat A cross the wilderness.
America! America! God mend shine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.
O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved And mercy more than life.
America! America! may God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine.
O beautiful for patriot dream, that sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears.
America! America! God shed His grace in thee>
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.
Фонетическая зарядка: (английский базовый курс для нелингвистов р. 79.Использование ТСО).
Фонема u
fullfulполный, целый
Оwoman 'wumnженщина
OUL could kudмогбы
ULL pull pulтянуть
USH pushpuSтолкать
U truetru:верный
OO tooltu:lинструмент
O whohu:кто, который
OO soup su:pсуп
UI fruit fru:tплод, фрукт
EU sleuth slu:өсыщик
EW crew kru:команда, экипаж
Речевая зарядка
Обратный перевод вопросов и ответов ежедневного обихода. Работа в режиме "T-CL"
Сообщение темы урока. Постановка целей и задач урока
T: The theme of our lesson is "Tours you will never forget". It is a very interesting and difficult theme. It is interesting because we'll not have our lesson in the classroom. We'll have an interesting trip to America. It is difficult because you must remember all the words and expressions of your last lessons.
Packing for a trip. Повторение ЛЕ. Практика устной речи
T: First of all you must pack for a trip. What will you do? Tell and show please.
Работа в режиме "P1 - P2 - P3 - P4… P7" на базе дополнительного текста"Рacking for a trip is easy if you follow these tips"
Закрепление грамматического правила №Четыреста вопросов».
Сколько и какие типы вопросов существуют в английском языке?
Дайте характеристику общего вопроса.
Из чего состоит разделительный вопрос?
Что такое специальный вопрос?
С помощью чего образуется альтернативный вопрос
и его характеристика?
T: Oh, what is it?!! There are some black clouds in the sky. The weather is bad. It's a pity, but we can't fly.
P: But what shall we do?
T: I know these clouds. They are grammar clouds. Answer the questions and they will disappear.
Работа в режиме "P1 - P2 - P3 - P4… P7"
On the airplane. Чтение и перевод табличек с надписями, которые можно увидеть в аэропорту или на борту самолёта.
T: It's fantastic. We can fly! Welcome to the airplane
P (pilot): Ladies and gentlemеn, this is the pilot speaking. I would like to welcome you abroad
Delta Flight 31, non - stop John F. Kennedy Airport in New York.
T: Dear passengers, you may see the sings abroad the airplane. Readthemplease.
Работа в режиме "T-CL" (чтение и перевод)
Практика диалогической речи. Работа в режиме "P1 - P2" "P3 - P4" "P5-P6" p 16-17
Игровой момент"British and American English.
T: There are some differences between British and American English. Would you like to play game?
Cl: Yes, of course!
Вниманию класса представляется карточка с американским вариантом слова. Необходимо назвать британский вариант. За правильный ответ даётся «звёздочка». Победитель определяется по количеству набранных звёзд.
F. ex.
T: Five stars! It's great! He is a winner
In Kennedy Airport in New York. Проверка знания ЛЕ
T: We are in the airport now. There are many different signs in the airport. Do you know them?
CL: Yes, we do.
Опрос 2-3 учащихся у плаката с изображением аэропорта. Обратный перевод с русского на английский.
Речевая ситуация "At Customs". Работа в режиме "P1 - P2" "P3 - P4"
A memory game
T: Let's play a memory game. You see some labels in the picture. I'll cover the label with a red card. And you must guess the covered label.
Поочередно закрываются 1,2,3,4 ярлыка. Задача назвать закрытые ярлыки.
T: What is there no in the picture?
P: There is no "phone" in the picture.
Историческая справка о национальном составе Америки.
Америка - страна с особенностями исторического развития. Именно этим объясняется её многонациональный состав населения.
В начале 18 века у восточного побережья Северной Америки стали появляться английские корабли с первыми европейскими поселенцами. До этого на территории США жили только индейцы. До 1865 года в южной части Америки сохранялось рабство. Рабов доставляли с Африканского континента. Сначала в США ехали только одни англичане и ирландцы, но к 19 веку сюда стали прибывать выходцы из многих других стран немцы, шведы, евреи, венгры, русские, финны. После Второй мировой войны процесс миграции возобновился и сюда стали прибывать филиппинцы, китайцы, мексиканцы. Как вы видите, Америка - страна многонациональная, со своими традициями и культурными особенностями каждого народа.
Просмотр видеоматериала "The USA"
Aнализ текста.
T: Open your books . You can see the text here. It is too long. Let's try and make it shorter. Tell us about Atlanta.
Test "What do you know about the USA"/
Ответы: 1a) 2b) 3b) 4c) 5c) 6a) 7b) 8a) 9c) 10c)
Конец урока. Итог. Оценки.
Домашнее задание: Essay "My trip to America"
In the Cafe
Value time over money - only time cannot be replenished.
Цель: Формирование и закрепление знаний по теме "In the Café"
Активизировать употребление Л Е по теме "In the café". "Food". "Drinks". "Fruits".
Развивать монологическую речь по теме "In the Café"
Развивать диалогическую речь с применением Future Tenses.
Обобщить грамматический материал по теме Future Tenses.
3)Совершенствовать разговорный этикет по теме "In the Café"
H.П. и дидактический материал: Схема "In the Café"
textbook; Hacker's; пособие "29 тем по английскому языку". (Т.Ю. Журина),
Картинки с Л Е "Fruits", "Drinks", "Food", свoдная таблица времён "Future Tenses"
1.Орг. момент. Приветствие.
T: Good morning, children. I'm very glad to see you and I want to know how are you.
Gr. 1: How are you?
Gr.2: we are fine, thank you! And you?
Gr.3: We are fine too. Thank you.
T: I'm also fine, thank you. And when I'm fine I want to sing. Let's sing a song "Smile".
2. Создание эмоционального настроя. Дети поют песню "Smile".
With a smile a gloomy day is bright
And rainbow in the sky at once appears.
Share your smile and everything all right
And it will return to you and will be near.
Refrain: then for sure
Clouds in sky
Will be merry
Dancing high,
A grasshopper takes
At once a fine fiddle.
From blue stream
All revers start,
Give a smile from all your heart
Give a smile from all your heart
Just from the middle
T: Well, children, your singing is good and I want you to give your smile from all your heart to our guests.
3.речевая практика. Повторение предыдущей темы "My working day".
T: Let's repeat the topic "My working day".
Работа в режиме:
А) С! (по схеме с движениями)
Б) Р1,Р2,Р3,Р4.
4. обобщение грамматического материала "FutureTenses". And do you know and love grammar? Look at the blackboard. You can see two baskets on it. One more is not only a basket, it's a grammar basket. Do you like to pick up mushrooms? I do, but today I want Neznayka to help us and learn more about Future Tenses .take the mushroom, ask the question and if the children answer one put it into the grammar basket.
Neznayka: 1. Дайте определение FutureSimple.
2. Назови все времена системы Future.
3. Назови вспомогательный глагол системы Future.
4. С какими местоимениями употребляется глагол "Shall"?
5. Какое действие выражает Future Perfect?
6.в каком случае употребляется Future Progressive?
7. Что ты знаешь о времени Future Perfect Progressive?
5. Закрепление употребление времён системы Futureпри переводе с русского на английский язык.
Т: P:
Я буду ходить в кафе по воскресеньям.F. S.
Я пойду в кафе, когда он зайдёт за мной. F. Pr.
Я пойду в кафе к 6 часам.P. P.
Я буду находиться в кафе уже час, когда она придёт. F. P. Pr.
Я буду заказывать улыбающуюся пиццу.F. S.
Я закажу пиццу в 6 часов, когда ты придёшь. F. Pr.
Я буду ждать пиццу уже 10 минут.F. P. Pr.
Я буду ждать пиццу с 3 часов. F. P. Pr.
Я закажу пиццу на дом к 8 часам.F. Perf.
T: Well done! I see you know grammar very well.
Введение новой темы. And now look at the blackboard, please. The theme of our lesson "At the café". Let's repeat the lexical units.
"A memory game". Игровой момент с целью закрепления лексического материала.
Учитель поочерёдно закрывает цветной карточкой картинку на таблице "Food".
T: What is there no on the table?
Pl: There is no meat on the table?
(постепенно картинки закрываются двумя и более цветными карточками).
Совершенствование речевого этикета.
If you go to the café you must know Spoken Etiquette. If the food is nice you can say: it's great!
It'sO.k. etc.
Закрепление фраз, выражающих отношение к еде в режиме.
T - Cl.
T-CL( с переводом)
Игровой момент ( учитель показывает фразу, а дети выражают свою реакцию сигнальными карточками).
Т: В русском языке есть поговорка: "О вкусах не спорят", "Это дело вкуса". В английском языке "The tastes are differ".
Введение фразы"I'd like to eat".
T: If you invite somebody to the café you can use sued expression as this.
"What would you like to eat (to drink)".
"I'd like to eat hamburger" " I'd like to drink tea".
Look the video and remember, please.
А) (смотрят фрагмент, где Хрюша и Степашка употребляют эти фразы).
Б) закрепление фраз в режиме Р 1,2,3-Р 4,5,6.
P1: Taras, what would you like to eat?
P2: I'd like to eat some mushroom soup.
Закрепление чтения денежных знаков в меню.
T: there is a menu in each café.
Let's act out short dialogues using this menu. Work in pair and imagine that one of you is an assistant.
Pl: I'd like hamburger. How much does it cost.
P2: It costs 3p. 50p.
Практика диалогической речи.
Работа в режиме Р1-Р2.
Работа по схеме "At the café".
Практика монологической речи.
Итоги. Оценки.
Домашнее задание. Схема "At the café".
Открытый урок "My Flat"
Обобщение лексико-грамматического материала.
There's no place like home.
Цель: Обобщение лексического и грамматического материала по теме MY FLAT
Активизировать употребление ЛЕ по теме: "My flat" в речи учащихся.
Контролировать знание правил и умение употреблять структуры "there is/are" во всех типах предложений.
Совершенствовать разговорный этикет в диалогической речи учащихся.
Прививать эстетические чувства по отношению к своему жилью.
Оборудование и дидактической материал:
Аяпова Т. "English 5". Голицынский «грамматика», таблицы, грамматические конверты, схемы, сюжетные картинки ,макет современного дома, интерактивная доска, аудиозапись "Smile".
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Методы: словесный, наглядный, контроля и самоконтроля (устный и письменный), стимулированный и мотивации.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
T: Good morning, children!
CL: Good morning, teacher!
T: I'm very glad to see you. And you?
P1,P2,P3: Yes, we are sure. Yes, of course.
T: I hope you didn't forget to guest each other this morning in English.
Создание эмоционального настроя
T: We have many guests at our lesson today. Let's greet them. And I'm sure you did it with a smile.
CL: Good morning, dear guests.
T: And now let's a song "Smile" for our guests.
With a smile a gloomy day is bright
And a rainbow in the sky at once appears
Share your smile and everything's all right
And it will return to you and will be near
Refrain: then, for sure
Clouds in sky
Will be merry
Dancing high
A grasshopper's take
At once a tiny fiddle.
From blue streams
All rivers start
Give a smile from all your heart
Give a smile from all your heart
Just from the middle.
T: You are very good. And I'll give you such smile for your right answer. The theme of our lesson is "My house"
Тренировка тематической лексики в игровом моменте "Memory game" в режиме T-CL.
Предметы на таблице.
T: what is there no on the table?
P1: there is no shelf on the table.
P2: there is no fire, lamp … on the table.
Игра заканчивается хоровым проговариванием, необходимым для коррекции произношения и закрепления ЛЕ по порядку и вразброс.
Речевая зарядка. Тренировка перевода с русского на английский. В режиме T-CL.
Сколько комнат в твоём доме?
How many rooms are there in your house?
Какие они?
What are they?
Это гостиная, спальня, ванная, детская комната и туалет.
They are living room, bedroom, bathroom, children room and a toilet.
Что вы делаете в вашей гостиной? (спальной кухне)
What do you do in your living room? (bedroom, kitchen)
Я читаю книги (газеты)
I read books (newspapers)
Я смотрю телевизор
I watch TV
Я слушаю музыку
I listen to music
Я расслабляюсь
I relax
Я беседую со своей семьёй
I talk with my family
Я играю в шахматы
I play chess
Я завтракаю
I have a breakfast
Я готовлю обед
I cook dinner
Какая комната тебе нравится больше всего?
Which room do you like best of all?
Мне нравится кухня больше всего
I like kitchen best of all
В вашем доме есть гостиная?
Is there a living room in your house?
Yes, there is.
No, there is not.
Работа со схемами. Активизация структур There is/there are.
Перевод отдельных предложений с русского на английский язык в режиме Е - Р1, Р2, Р3
Отработка схем хором с целью коррекции порядка слов в предложении в режиме T - CL
Пересказ схем с помощью опорных слов в режиме Р1, Р2, Р3 ("My house" "My living room" "My bedroom" "My children room")
Тренировка порядка слов в предложениях со структурами There is/ there are.
T: Look here, dear friends, I've got an idea. Let's compose your own sentences from the words in the envelopes.
Раздаются конверты, в которых находятся разрезанные предложения. Предполагается составить предложение на английском языке. Образец русского варианта на конверте.
Тренировка чтения структур There is/there are. Работа с карточками по картинкам в режиме Р1, Р2, Р3, Р4 etc.
Практика диалогической речи. Проверка домашнего задания. Р. 103 ех 1 Р1, - Р2, Р3 - Р4, Р5- Р6
"аукцион". игровой момент. Цель активизировать неподготовленную речь учащихся по теме "Myhouse". Выставка дома на продажу. Дом продаётся за предложение.
T: Dear friends, do you like this house?
P1 Yes. I do
P2 Sure
P3 Certainly
T: well, many people want to buy it. By the way, I want to sell it. It's price will be sentences.
Let's start our auction. Lady at the third desk wants to say something.
P1: the house is nice.
T: one sentence is "one" (стук молоточком)
P2: this house is modern.
T: two sentences is "one"! two sentences is "two"! Оh! I see a gentleman at the fourth desk. He seems very rich.
T: the auction is over. The price of this house is 40 sentences. Let's clap to the winner.
Аудирование текста. (видеоматериал)
My name is Ilona. This is my children room. There is a table, 2 armchairs, a sofa, a piano, a bookcase in my room. There are two bookshelves on the wall. There are many English and Russian books on the shelves. There is a nice picture over the sofa. There is a clock over the piano. The piano is black and old. The clock is black too. I like my children room best of all.
A) This is my children room +
B) This is my living room -
A) There are two tables and a 3 armchairs in my room -
B) There is a table, 2 armchairs, a sofa, a piano/ a bookcase in my room+
A) There are 2 bookshelves on the wall. +
B) there are 2 bookcase on the wall. -
A)There are only English books on the shelves. -
B)There are only Russian books on the shelves. -
A)There is a nice picture over the sofa. +
B) there is a nice flower over the sofa. -
A) there is a picture over the piano. -
B) there is a clock over the piano. +
A) the piano is black and old.+
B) the piano is brown and new. -
A) the clock is red. -
B) the clock is black. +
A) I like my children room best of all.+
B) I like my kitchen best of all. -
A) My name is Ilona.+
B) My name is Kate. -
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Well, children, we have been sitting so long. I think it's time to walk around a bit, march a little and sing a song to cheer ourselves up.
Исполнение песни "A Happy Song"
Открытый урок
Theme Спряжение глагола "to be"
Practice is the best of all instructions
Цель:Формирование грамматических навыков по теме СПРЯЖЕНИЕ ГЛАГОЛА TO BE
Ознакомить учащихся с употреблением глагола "to be" b-;+;?;- форме
Развивать диалогическую речь по теме "About Myself"
Повторить лексические единицы по темам "Сlothes", "Сolours", "Parties of the body"
Совершенствовать разговорный этикет
Обoрудование : схемы, сюжетные картинки, куклы, магнитная доска, одежда, цвета, таблицы,интерактивная доска
Ход урока:
Организационный момент. Приветствие. Создание эмоционального настроя на уроке.
What is your name?
What is your name?
Now tell me, please,
What is your name?
My name is Helen.
My name is Helen.
My name is Helen.
That's my name.
Фонетическая зарядка. Повторение стихотворений. Обработка специфических звуков [r], [w], [t], [d]
Игровой момент "English in actions". Закрепление глаголов путём выполнения приказаний типа "Swim!", "Fly!", "Play snowballs!" etc.
Речевая зарядка. Работа со схемой "About myself"
Работа в режиме:
T - CL
T and Cl
P1 - P2 - P3
N - My name is…
S - surname is…
10 - I am 10
P - I am a pupil
3d - I am pupil
I am a girl
I am a boy
K - I am from Kazakhstan
A - my address is…
I am thick (thin)
I am tall (short)
5. повторение вопросительных слов: "what", "when", "where", "who", "whose"
Задание: Let's watch video cassette
And name wh-words
6 . просмотр видеофрагмента из мультфильма «Котёнок по имени Гав - Гав»
T: who can name wh - words from this cartoon
P: I can. These words are who, whose, what
7. практика диалогической речи. "Telephone talk" (на голову надеваются ленточки с номерами телефонов).
Задание: phone the boy or girl and meet him or her. Ask about him or her.
P1 P2, P3 P4, P5 P6
P1: - hello
P2: hello. What is your name?
P1: - my name is…
P2: - what is your surname?
P1: - my surname is…
P2: - how old are you?
P1: - I am 10 (9)
P2: - what are you?
P1: - I am a pupil
P2: - who are you?
P1: - I am boy (girl)
P2: - where are you from?
P1: - I am from Kazakhstan
P2: - what is your address?
P1: my address is…
8. объяснение новой темы "спряжение глагола to be" в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательных формах. (на доске таблица спряжений "to be" в +;?;- формах)
Давным - давно на белом свете существовал город. А назывался он Грамматикус. Хотите я вам его покажу? А жил в этом городе один господин по имени Глагол "to be". Для детей которые любят учиться, он был игривым и шаловливым. А для детей лентяев слыл хитрым злодеем. И всё потому что, он любил забавляться, меняя свой облик. Он обожал бродить по улицам и переодеваться. На улице "I"он становился "am", на улицах "he, she" выглядел "is", а на улицах "we, you, they" "are".
Те дети, которые выучили спряжение to be узнавали его сразу и получали «5» в дневники, ну а те, которых ему удавалось обмануть… а впрочем не будем о плохом. Ведь в любой сказке должен быть счастливый конец. Лучше внимательно приглядимся к этому господину.
I am
You are
He is
She is
We are
They are…
An I …?
Are you …?
Is he …?
Is she…?
Are we …?
Are they …?
I am not …
You are not …
He is not…
She is not …
We are not…
They are not …
9. просмотр видеофрагмента. Употребление артикля в структурах типа"I am a teacher", "We are teachers"
10.закрепление новой темы с лексическими единицами "Clothes", "Colors", "Parties of the body"
А) повторение "Parties of the body" в песенке"Alouette"
Б) прямой перевод предложений с английского на русский язык.
My hair is brown
My shirt is red
My hat is green
My trousers are red
My boots are black
My ears are big
В) Guess! Who is this?
T: - Her hair is blue. Her dress is blue. Her eyes is blue. Her shoes are blue.
P1: - Her name is Malvina
T: - Her blouse is green. Her skirt is blue. Her hair is red. Her nose is small.
P2: - her name is Red Hat
T: - His shirt is blue. His trousers are red. His boots are black. His hat is green.
P3: - His name is Neznayka…etc
11. письмо с ошибками от Незнайки. Исправление в режиме
Р1 Р2 Р3
Конец урока. Итоги.
Домашнее задание: написать письмо Незнайке.
Внеклассное мероприятие "Save the Earth"
Орудием и посредством воспитания должна быть любовь, а целью - человечность.
Class 7
Цель: Формирование бережного отношения к природе.Совершенствование навыков устной речи.
Hello, my dear Friends! I am glad to see meet you again. I am sure we are going to have a lot of fun together - you, me and all our guests. I'm perfectly sure we'll have a nice time together.
The participants of the ecology club are invited to our meeting to take part in the work against the pollution of our Earth. Our Earth is our home. I think people must take care of our Motherland.
Poem "Oh, Earth, I'm in love with you!"
P1: remember, Earth, you are great
Not in the field of battles past
But in the green fields full of wheat
And forests, gardens free of dusts.
I love you deeply, dear land
You hills and rivers, sand on stand
You songs and dances, lakes and seas
Your beasts and fish, birds in trees.
Your sunshine in spending sight
Which give always such delights.
It's wonderful! There's nothing like climbing trees, running barefoot on the grass camping, boating, fishing, lying in the sun and watching green trees and nice flowers - such delights!
Look at our trees and flowers fair. What kinds of the tree's leaves can you see here? What color are they?
P1: I can see the oak's leaf. It is dark green.
P2: I can see the maple's leaf. It is green and red.
P3: I can see the willow's leaf. It is yellow.
P4: I can see the birch's leaf. It is light yellow.
P5: I can see the lime-tree's leaf. It is emerald.
P6: I can the horse chestnut's leaf. It is emerald.
Песня"Golden Childhood"
There are apple trees and birch trees
Growing just behind the stream,
It's the nicest place the world through,
It's as pleasant as a dream!
It's as pleasant as a dream!
From the mountains through the forest,
To the seas so large and blue,
There are roads in all directions
And each road is calling you!
And each road is calling you!
And what can you say about the flowers?
But first I want you repeat the names of the flowers
T Cl
Violet, tulip, snowdrop, rose, pansy, forget-me-not
(повторив несколько раз произношение названий цветов, учитель поочередно закрывает их)
T: what can you tell me about this flower?
P1: it's a violet. It's may be dark or light violet.
T: what can you tell me about this flower?
P2: it's a tulip. It's may be yellow, lilac, but I like scarlet best of all.
T: what can you tell me about this flower?
P3: it's a snowdrop. It's a first spring flower.
T: what can you tell me about this flower?
P4:it's a rose. It is a flower for sweethearts. I like red roses very much.
T: what can you tell me about this flower?
P5: it's a pansy.. it is like beautiful eyes.
T: what can you tell me about this flower?
P6: it is forget me not. It is light violet or lilac.
Well, children, I see that you like flowers and I want you know that the flowers have their own soul, they even can speak and dance.
(звучит «Вальс цветов», танец)
There are many big and small rivers, green forests, high mountainous, different animals. Environment influences the life of animals, plants and our human life. And if we not don't use chemicals to waste in a proper way we'll pollute our environment. Look at this table "Approximate Decomposition Times in a Landfill"
T: How much time does traffic ticket last?
P1: Traffic ticket last one month. Natasha, how much does banana peel last?
P2: Banana peel lasts up to six months. Dima, how much does wool sock last?
P3: …
You know, children, not only litter pollute over environment. Our plants and factories put their wastes into water and atmosphere and pollute the environment.
I propose you some texts about pollution solutions.
Уч1 Уч2
Уч3 Уч4
And now let's discuss this problem.
Уч1 Уч2: What can cause air pollution?
Уч2Уч3: What does acid rain harm?
Уч4Уч5: What do you some companies dump their chemicals waste?
Уч5 Уч1: What is in energy "leak"?
Уч4Уч2: What do you know about Poison in Food?
Уч3Уч5: What can cause car's pollutions?
As you can see the pollution of the environment influences the life of animals, plants and our human life, because all parts of environment are closely connected?
Can you imagine that
Blue - is water
Black - is ground
Brown and yellow - animals
Red, rose, violet - flowers
Green - grass and trees
(заплетаем косичку из разных ленточек)
It's really nice, isn't it?
We can't separate one part from another because each of them is important.
What can we do protect the Earth?
Let's write your own whishes on the hands. How take the hands with your wishes and glue them on this poster.
(ладошки с пожеланиями пришиваются вокруг земного шара, словно защищая его от мусора, дым фабрик и заводов, ядохимикатов и т.д.)
P1: we stand for the Earth.
P2: we work for clean environment all over the world.
P3: we promise to do our best for the Earth.
P4: we'll work against pollution without rest.
P5: we are against air pollution.
P6: we are against dirty water.
P7: no poison in food!
P8: we are for using waste in a proper way.
P9: we are for making our life cleaner and happier.
T: and now let's imagine a little bit to make some pictures about the Earth.
(дети делают аппликации)
T: Earth gives us all we need: water, air, food.
What can we do for the Earth?
Let's try to give it the part of our soul, the warm of our hearts.
(дети зажигают свечи, установленные на бархатных сердечках, и выкладывают ими большое сердце)
This poem is written by a girl of your age. It's a very wise, I think.
A child wish.
I want to live and not to die,
I want to laugh and not to cry,
I want to feel the summer sun.
I want to sing when is fun.
I want to fly into the blue.
I want to swim as fish can do,
I want to shake all friendly hands
Of all the young of other land.
I want to work for what is right is right
I want to love and not to fight
I want to laugh and not to cry
I want to live and not to die.
Открытoe внеклассное мероприятие: "Let's study English"
Class 11
Цель:Формирование сознательного отношения к изучению английского языка и совершенствование устной речи.
Pupil 1: Hello, everybody! Our teachers, students and even the youngest pupils came to our party "Let's study English". We are very glad to see you.
To listen to you and to speak to you!
Pupil2: Sasha, do you speak English?
Pupil1: Yes, of course, I do. I have been learning English since 11 years old. Learning English is important for me because I live in real life and I should know what is going on around me in the world.
Pupil2: I think so. It's great to speak English and understand each other.
Pupil1: I heard that not only we speak English. Let's look and listen to this couple of young people.
(acting out the dialogue)
Dasha: Hello, Roma!
Roma: Hello, Dasha! Nice to meet you here.
Dasha: What are you doing?
Roma: I'm learning English.
Dasha: Really?! I see you are working hard to know English well?
Roma: You are right. In general working hard means nothing. If you have no life-long purpose.
Dasha: And how do you learn English?
Roma: Speaking shortly I try follow the rule: learn speaking by speaking, learn reading by reading.
Dasha: Oh, I see you are a philosopher.
Roma: If I propose to know English well I'll achieve the effect
Dasha: The question is how …
Roma: How? I listen to B.B.C. news in English every day, watch English TV-programs three times a week, read books and sometimes speak to Englishmen.
Dasha: It's not too easy. But I'll try to follow your advice.
Pupil2: Many wonderful things to hear, to see belong to you, belong to me.
Pupil1: What is going on?
Pupil2: Nothing special is going on. Simply I am very romantic today and I want to listen to some poems in English.
Pupil1: Oh, it's possible! Because our pupils know many English poems. And one of them, Dil Victoria took the first place for the reciting the poem.
"My native land"
My native land!
I love you very much!
Your trees and flowers
That I can touch
My Kazakhstan you are
The best of us!
And our teachers and study
Will help us!
Be rich and happy!
Day by day!
My native land!
I love you very much!
My Kazakhstan, you are
The best for us!
"Our country"
New country - Kazakhstan
Is here with us now!
Let's happy be it's birth!
And all the people all around
We are for peace on Earth
And we are very happy
To live on a beautiful land!
Our Kazakhstan, our Motherland!
Is a really the best land!
We live in a beautiful country
The name of it is - Kazakhstan!
We live in the best country
The world calls it - Kazakhstan!
We study in comfortable classes
We study English, Russian, Kazakh
We are proud of country -
The best country in the world - Kazakhstan!
I like to dance, I like to read!
And do you want to grow wheat?
For all people: old and young
Bread is necessary all the time.
Yes, of course, I have a dream…
To become a teacher or a doctor?
Oh, no! my dream is to become
A farmer, for growing wheat on fields.
And every spring and summer
To look at green sea of wheat!
Pupil 2. And what are you singing, Sasha?
Pupil 1. Oh, it's a very popular song nowadays. It was sung at Eurovision for the first time.
Pupil 2. Well, I suggested. I know this song was sung by Aleksandr Rybak. It has a very nice name "Faire Tale"
"Fairy Tale"
Years ago when I was younger
I kinda' liked a girl I knew.
She was mine, and we were sweethearts,
That was then, but then it's true
I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind;
I'm already cursed
Every day we started fighting,
Every night we fell in love.
No one else could make me sadder,
But no one else could lift me high above
I don't know what I was doing
But suddenly we fell apart.
Nowadays I cannot find her.
But when I do we'll get a brand new start
I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind;
I'm already cursed
She's a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind;
I'm already cursed.
Pupil2. Many young people learn English because they want to listen to music in the original.
Pupil1. I'm agree. Because I like not only pop and rock also such kind of music like Elvis Presley, Barbara Streisand a Beatles.
All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday
I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go I don't know,
She wouldn't say
I said something wrong,
Now I long for yesterday
Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Why she had to go I don't know,
She wouldn't say
I said something wrong,
Now I long for yesterday
thPupil 2. I have that band was so popular, beloved and talented that we have a special day of "Beatles"
Pupil 1: You are right. We have the International Day of the Beatles on the 14
of January. This group broke almost 40 years ago, but their brand power is almost as strong as it was when they first played the "Let it be"
"Let it be"
When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom let it
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom let it be
And when the broken-hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer let it be
For though they may be parted
There is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer let it be
And when the night is cloudy
There's still a light that shines on me
Shine until tomorrow let it be
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah let it be
Oh there will be an answer let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah let it be
Oh there will be an answer let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, yeah let it be
Whisper words of wisdom let it be
Leila: Hello, Taras, what are you doing?
Taras: what?
Leila: I've asked you what are you doing?
Taras: I'm listening to jazz!
Leila: oh, really? I didn't know that you like such kind of music like jazz.
Taras: Be honest, I can not say that I like jazz very much. But I like the songs of my favorite band "The Beatles"
Leila: M-m-m. I know too much about this band too. They were popular in 70s and I see that they are beloved nowadays. Let me listen to this song.
Taras: Of, course!
"Can't buy me love"
Can't buy me love,
I'll buy you a diamond ring my friend
If it makes you feel alright
I'll get you anything my friend,
If it makes you feel alright
For i don't care too much for money
For money can't buy me love
I'll give you all i got to give
If you say you love me too
I may not have a lot to give
What i got
I'll give to you
For i don't care too much for money
For money can't buy me love
Can't buy me love
Everybody tells me so
Can't buy me love
No no, no, no,
Say you don't need no diamond ring
And I'll be satisfied
Tell me that you want those kind of things
That money just can't buy
For I don't care too much for money
For money can't buy me love
Pupil 1: if you want to understand song you must listen to it in the original.
Pupil 2: Yes, Sasha. And if you want to understand English books you must read them in the original too.
Pupil 1: oh, it's so fantastic to read book in English. When I was a little girl my mother read me "Cinderella".
Pupil 2: Either my mum. Let's remember it.
Pupil1: I will be Cinderella.
Pupil2: no, I will be Cinderella
Pupil1: but I want to be Cinderella.
Pupil2: well, you will be Cinderella and I will be a nice Fairy
(music sounds. "Cinderella")
1 stepsister. There will be a ball.
2 stepsister. In the King's Palace!
Stepmother. Well, I know all, but where is… where is my dress?
1 stepsister. And mine?
2 stepsister. And mine?
Stepmother. Why can't you find anything when I ask?
Cinderella. Oh, it's not a difficult task
Your dress is there.
And your dresses are here…
Stepmother. Be careful, dear. Don't spoil them with your dirty hands. But where are our fans?
Cinderella. I can give your fans too. Sister, you are happy, aren't you?
1 stepsister. Do you also want to go to the ball?
Cinderella. Oh, I can't dream about the ball at all!
Stepmother. Of course, you have much work to do. You must think about it too.
1 stepsister. First, you must mend mu socks.
2 stepsister. Clean the spoons, the knives and the forks.
Cinderella. Oh, yes . I'll do everything. Don't worry…
2 stepsister. Let's hurry.
Fairy. Why are you crying dear child? Why? Please, don't cry!
Cinderella. I can't go to the ball because my dress is old and dirty.
Fairy. I know you are diligent and kind, my dear. I want to help you. Please, look here.
Cinderella. Oh, what do I see?
A dress and shoes for me…
Thank you, you are so kind!
I'm happy now. It's really fine.
Fairy. But at 12 o'clock you must be at home, dear, otherwise your dress will disappear.
Cinderella. Oh, yes, it's clear.
Queen. The ball is on, please dance and play!
King. We want to make a happy holiday!
Queen. Who is that girl?
King. She is so nice and smart …
prince. May I dance with you? Let's start … you are a dream of my heart.
Cinderella. It's 12 o'clock. I have to run away. Good bye, I really had a great fun!
Prince. Where have you run, the dream of my life? I want to dance with you all night!
2. everybody knows the happy end of this story =)
To know English well it is necessary to study it carefully from the earliest age.
Let's invite the smallest and look what study at their English lessons and how they can speak English.
Pupil1. Today the Republic of Kazakhstan integrating into the world community and the problem of learning. English for the purpose of communication is especially important for us.
Pupil2. You must …
(using interactive board)
enrich your vocabulary
use new words in grammar structures and conversation
read in English as much as possible
write in English not only exercises at school but it in your own diary
listen to B.B.C. news in English
Communicate if possible with English-speaking people; it will help you a lot. (together)
Learn speaking by speaking!
Learn reading be reading!