- Учителю
- Комбинированный урок на тему 'Аnimal's Planet' (4 класс)
Комбинированный урок на тему 'Аnimal's Planet' (4 класс)
Animal planet
Внеклассное мероприятие для 3-го класса
1. Организационный момент
2. Основной этап
3. Рефлексия
1. Формировать у учащихся навыки монологической речи, диалогической речи, развивать инициативу, языковую догадку, логическое мышление, расширить кругозор по теме «Животные».
2. Воспитывать любовь к животным, уважительное отношение друг к другу.
1. Ноутбук,диски
2. Детские рисунки.
3. Костюмы, принадлежности для постановки сценки
4. Картинки с животными.
.I. Организационный момент. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.
T1. Good morning, dear guests, girls and boys! We are glad to see you. We invite you to our party "Animal Planet". We'll talk about different animals at today's lesson.
I hope you will enjoy our lesson!.
II. Основной этап, включающий различные виды деятельности.
Children, tell me please, what animals do you know? …
T2. Oh, you know a lot of animals. Perhaps you know poems about them.
***( Дети выходят к доске и рассказывают стихи.)
I love my cat
It's warm and fat,
My cat is grey,
It likes to play.
A hare is kind
A tiger is wild
A mouse is small
A giraffe is tall.
Little mouse
Come to my house
Sit on the chair
Eat a pear.
I am a dog,
My name is Jack
My coat is white,
My nose is black.
Cats sleep anywhere,
Anywhere, any table, any chair
Top of piano, window sill.
With your shoes - anywhere
They don't care!
Cats sleep anywhere!
Рассказы учащихся про животных. Описание рисунков.
Well done, girls and boys! All right, let's speak about your pets now. What is your favorite animal? Have you got a pet at home?
I see a lot of pictures here on the blackboard. Whose pictures are these? Who wants to tell about his pet?
*** (дети рассказывают о своих любимых животных или питомцах , несуществующих животных )
That's great! I think you like your pets!
Знакомство с группами животных.
And now, we'll know the new information about animals. N.. , please, come up to the blackboard. Listen to her, attentively!
*** Ученик рассказывает о группах животных.( Травоядные, всеядные, хищники, млекопитающие, рептилии)
4. Отгадай загадку.
T2. And now, listen to me and guess my riddles.
a. My name is Nile.
I always fine.
I like to smile.
My name is … (a crocodile).
b. I'm so happy.
I can fly in the blue-blue sky. (a butterfly)
c. I can lie on the mat.
I can catch a rat.
I'm black, I'm fat.
My name is … (a cat).
d. I'm very funny.
I like honey.
My name is Claire.
I'm … (a bear).
e. I run there, I jumped here,
I'm very fast, I'm a …( hare)
Сценка "The Three Pigs"
Oh, look, girls and boys! I find a cap! Whose cap is it? How do you think? (……)
Yes, I think this is pig's cap. Now let's watch the last part of our party - a fairy tale " The Three Pigs" (постановка сценки )
Подведение итогов
Our party is over. Do you like the party? What have we known? We glad that you like the party.
Thanks for the song, your poems, pictures. See you later. Good-bye!
Запасное задание.
T1. So, let's play "It's interesting to know". I need a interpreter. Who wants to be a interpreter? Come up, please.
Listen to me and translate the statements.
a. White tigers live in India and they have blue eyes.
b. The Nile crocodile can smile.
c. It's interesting that mice can sing.
d. The tallest animal is a giraffe. It's about seven meters high.
e. The best eaters are elephants. They eat 100 kilos of food a day and drink 189 liters a day.
f. The best sleeper is a hedgehog. It can sleep 236 days without food.
I like dogs, all dogs,
Big dogs and small dogs.
Black dogs and white dogs.
But I like best,
As you can see,
The dog who likes
To play with me.
We go to the Zoo
Tomorrow on Sunday
We go to the Zoo
Tomorrow , tomorrow
There is a zebu there,
And a zebra too,
A bear and a monkey,
And a kangaroo.
I love all kind of animals,
Dogs and cats and rabbits,
I love all kind of animals,
I know their little habits.