- Учителю
- Урок английского языка на тему 'Jobs' (6 класс)
Урок английского языка на тему 'Jobs' (6 класс)
Урок английского языка в 6 классе на тему "Jobs"
Цели урока:
Обучающие: обучить учащихся читать с целью получения нужной информации и, осмыслив прочитанное, употреблять новый материал в речи.
Развивающие: развить навыки самостоятельной работы и работы в парах и группах; развить мышление, память, внимание, логику высказывания; развить умение давать оценку прочитанному. Развить умение употреблять универсальные учебные действия.
Воспитательные: привить интерес к изучению английского языка как к источнику получения интересной информации и новых знаний. Показать, что совместная работа людей даёт наилучшие результаты.
Задачи урока: Введение и закрепление лексики по теме; тренировка речемыслительных навыков; развитие навыков антиципации.
План урока:
Этапы урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учеников
Организационный момент
Беседа с учащимися
Беседа с учителем
Подготовка к введению нового учебного материала. WARMER.
1. Предлагает прочитать вводную статью "Read and learn about jobs" и ответить на вопросы.
2. Predictions. (антиципация). Teacher makes sure that answers explore the students' prior knowledge of the topic. Concepts might include a farmer's long; hours, foods raised, stories, etc.
3. Введение и толкование на английском языке лексики, которая будет встречаться в теме.
1.Читают, отвечают на вопросы, тематически связанные с прочитанным. Работают в группах.
2. Беседа с учителем. Работа в парах. Predictions should be reasonable.
Введение нового учебного материала.
Предлагает читать текст «The farmer and the writer» с целью узнать, правильно ли было их предположение и что нового они узнали. Предварительно объясняет учащимся стратегию "of thinking about what you already know". Students are asked to use the strategy of thinking about what they already know to write the ending of the story
Контроль понимания нового учебного материала.
Тренировка нового учебного материала.
Вопрос - задание учащимся «Что вы узнали из текста, что поможет вам придумать к нему концовку?»
Предлагается написать концовку. Работа в группах.
Отвечают, можно цитировать текст.
answers: Students might form small groups and read their endings to each other. If possible, appropriate suggestions from classmates might be incorporated into revisions.
Extension: Interested students might work together in groups to write a short story of several paragraphs, leaving out the ending of the story. Then groups can exchange stories and write endings for each other's story. Completed stories can be read to the class.
Узнают черты басни в тексте. В маленьких группах придумывают концовку - мораль
Контроль усвоения нового учебного материала.
Exercises: important ideas, important words, skills and strategies.
Выполняют упражнения.
Объявление домашнего задания.
Объясняет, даёт инструкции.
Запиши только одну мысль из текста, которая наиболее важна для тебя, ту, которую стоит запомнить и те слова, которые тебе необходимы для раскрытия темы.
Запись в дневники
Подведение итогов урока и оценка работы учащихся.
Предлагает фронтально ответить на вопросы:
1. Что ты теперь знаешь о работе писателя и фермера
2. Какими стратегиями мы пользовались при работе над текстом
Ход урока:
Организационный момент:
- Good morning, children! How are you today? Good morning! Fine, thanks. If you are fine, let's start our lesson…
Подготовка к введению нового учебного материала. Warmer.
Read and learn about jobs
- People's ideas about work and jobs have changed over the years. About 3,000 years ago, people worked for one reason - to survive. Work was hard. People did what they had to do to meet their needs. About 500 years ago, people in the West began to see work as more than a way to survive. People worked to serve God, their country, and their families. Then, about 200 years ago, a new idea about work arose. This idea was that people should enjoy the work they do.
- When people think about jobs today, they still work to survive. They still work to help others. But they look for more. They want a career that they will enjoy. People can choose among thousands of different careers. For example, a person can be a salesperson, reporter, or technician. They can choose almost any career they want.
Вопросы для работы в группах
What do you already know about jobs? Что ты уже знаешь о работах? Работают в группах.
Talk about what you know. Get together with a group of students to talk about what you already know about jobs Here are some questions to help you get started:
Why do people have to work?
What are the most dangerous jobs?
What kinds of jobs do you enjoy most?
Назови работу, которую ты хотел бы иметь, объясни почему.
Write about what you know. Write down a job you would like to have. Then write a sentence telling why you think you would like that job.
The Farmer and the Writer
Before you begin reading:
What do you already know?
Write down one fact you know about the work a farmer or a writer does. Work with a partner, if you like.
Make predictions
Write down one thing you think you will learn about each of them.
Set your purpose for reading
Write down one thing you hope to find out about jobs as you read this story.
Learn important words
Study the meanings of the words below and how they are used in sentences. Knowing these words might help you as you read this article.
tend - to take care of. Some farmers tend animals such as cows or chickens.
bore - to tire from the same thing over again or something
dull - Jobs bore me if I have to work alone.
create - to make something new. Some writers create funny stones.
There was once a land where everybody had the same job. They grew food. Some people were better than others at their job. Some people liked their job more than others.
One man in this land was a wonderful farmer. He loved his work. He treated all his plants like tiny children. He tended them day by day watching them grow. The man grew every kind of fruit and vegetable. He ate some of the food right away. He put other food in a dark, cool place. He ate this food during the long winter.
This farmer filled the spaces around his tiny house with flowers. He picked some of them and put them all over his house. He hung some of the flowers upside down to dry. Then he filled his sleeping sack with the dried flowers. In the winter, the sweet smell of the flowers reminded him of the warm summer.
The farmer planted and grew more fruits and vegetables than he could eat. He picked more flowers than he could use. It made him sad that such beautiful things were never used. But he couldn't give up the joy of tending his garden. During the winter, the farmer was bored. He sat and waited for the cold weather to end. He wished that he had something to do.
In the same place, there was another man. He grew food, too. But this man didn't like farming. He knew little about planting and saving food. He liked writing stories. His head was filled with ideas for stories. His house was filled with the stories he had created over the years.
This man tried to grow what he needed, but it was hard for him. Instead of tending his plants, he sat outside thinking up ideas for new stories. Instead of picking the ripe fruits and vegetables, he created pictures to go along with his stories.
The little food he grew ran out long before the winter was over. Then he was too hungry to think, write, or draw. Each winter he wished he had been more of a farmer than a writer.
The two men met on the road one day. Each one talked about what he did best. They both decided that they could help each other.
What do you think they decided to do? Write an ending for the story on a separate piece of paper.
Using skills and strategies
Thinking about what you already know
Thinking about what you already know will help you write an ending for this story. You already know that a good solution for a problem is for people to cooperate. You learned that the first man in the story loves to grow things but is bored and unhappy during the winter. You also learned that the second man spends all his time thinking up stories. He has nothing" to eat during the winter.
How can the two men solve their problems? The answer to this question will help you write an ending to the story.
Think About What You've Read
Important ideas
Why was the farmer so unhappy when the winter came?
It was bored. -
Why was the writer so unhappy when the winter came? He had no food.
Which sentence below tells what you think the story is mostly about? Why?
a. Every person should take care of himself or herself.
b. Sharing what you do best is a way to make sure people get what they need.
Use what you already know -
Do you think the writer would grow his own food if he lived today? Why?
Important Words
Look at the underlined phrase in each of the sentences below. Then write the sentence using bored, tended, or created in place of the phrase.
Janet watered and weeded her garden.
David was tired of doing the same thing again and again.
Jesse planned, cut out the pieces, and painted a mask.
Using skills and strategies
You already know a lot about the work done by farmers and writers. On the lines below, write three things you know about each of these jobs.
Домашнее задание
Your important ideas
Look back over the story. Write down one idea that seems to be the most important one to you - the one idea that you would like to remember.
Your important words
Look back at the words you have learned as you read about the farmer and the writer. Write down the word or words that you think are most important - that you would like to remember.