- Учителю
- Сценарий урока английского языка 'Вода - наше достояние'
Сценарий урока английского языка 'Вода - наше достояние'
Сценарий урока « Let`s protect our Black Sea»
I.Организационный момент
Мотивирование к учебной деятельности
Teacher: « Nice to meet you my dear friends. Look at this picture and guess what we are going to speak about today. » (Учитель показывает картинку с изображением Черного моря и учащиеся должны догадаться, о чем пойдет сегодня речь на уроке)
Pupils: We are going to speak about the Black Sea
Teacher: You are right, my dear friends. But tell me please, when we speak about the Black Sea, what thoughts do you have? (Учитель предлагает учащимся назвать мысли, связанные с Черным морем)
Pupils: (предполагаемые ответы учащихся): swim, clean water sun, no litter, waves, fun….
Teacher: We all live in a beautiful town - Sochi which is situated on the Black Sea coast. Every year millions of people come to Sochi to rest, to improve their health and to admire the beauty of our nature and of course to swim in the Black Sea waters.
II.Актуализация знаний
Teacher: «Whose responsibility is it to protect the Black Sea? »
Pupils: «Protecting the Black Sea is not only the responsibility of those countries sharing the Black Sea coast but the responsibility of all states and citizens who benefit from the Black Sea basin. »
Teacher: What do you know about the 31st of October?
Pupils: The 31 st of October is the International Black Sea Day. There are 6 Black Sea Countries: Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania and the Ukraine.
Teacher: Well, my dears, you know so much about our Black Sea. Your home task was to find interesting information and important facts about Blaсk Sea. Let`s get to know them.
(Учащиеся подготовились к уроку о Черном море и рассказали об интересных фактах Черного моря»
Pupil 1: People call it «Black» but the color of the sea depends on the weather. On sunny days the sea is blue-green and when the sky is cloudy it is grey. But it is never black. Ancient Greeks called it «Hospitable Sea».
Pupil 2: Our Sea is never frozen. It`s interesting to know that waters of the Black Sea contain more than 60 different elements such as gold and silver.
Pupil 3: Flora and fauna of the Black Sea is rich and various. There are 3 kinds of dolphins and 180 kinds of fish in the Black Sea. There are also 2 kinds of sharks and 20 kinds of jellyfishes in the Black Sea.
Pupil 4: The bottom of the Black Sea is covered with different kinds of seashells; you can find them on the beaches. The sea is the home of fish, crabs, jellyfish and we are guests here, please, behave yourselves well, be attentive and the sea shows off its wonders.
III. Постановка проблемной ситуации
Teacher: Thank you, my children. We are so worried about water pollution in the Black Sea. What are these problems? (Учащиеся пытаются ответить на вопрос о проблеме загрязнения Черного моря)
Pupils: Our enterprises are polluting our rivers and sea with dangerous chemicals. Sometimes beaches are closed and people don`t want to go to Sochi for this reason. So water is not safe to drink and to swim.
Teacher: Ship also pollute our Black Sea. Do you know how?
Pupils: Travelling by ship, people throw rubbish in the sea: bins, empty cans, bottles, plastic bags and paper. If a ship loses some oil in the water it becomes dirty. Much fish is dying in the sea.
Teacher: Now I would like to divide you into 5 delegations (delegations from Rumania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Georgia and Russia). I would like you to discuss this important question in your groups: «What can we do to protect the Black Sea»?
(Данная форма интерактивного общения учащихся позволяет сделать урок не только динамичным, но и результативном)
Delegation from Rumania: «Much of the trash thrown on the ground reaches the sea by means of wind or rain. Therefore, we must take care not to throw trash on the ground. We can gather information about how the food we consume is produced and we can choose to eat organic food produced in the Black Sea region»
Delegation from Turkey: «We can buy sea product that has been caught in the right season. We may opt not to buy endangered species»
Delegation from Bulgaria: «We may use environmentally friendly cloth sacks in our daily shopping to prevent pollution in the Black Sea stemming from plastics. We can get to know the species living in the Black Sea better and support their protection. »
Delegation from Georgia: «We are so worried about water pollution in the Black Sea. Our enterprises are polluting our rivers and sea with dangerous chemicals. »
Delegation from Russia: «Sometimes beaches are closed and people don`t want to go to Sochi for this reason. So water is not safe to drink and to swim. »
Teacher: «If we don`t take care of our Black Sea and continue to pollute it, we won`t be able even to swim in it?
IV. Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке.
Teacher: I have an idea. Let`s make a message to all people from all over the world to save our home - our sea. I have got a big envelope and we shall put your messages into the envelope.
(Участники делегации составляют «послания людям мира» и зачитывают их Такая форма работы учащихся помогает дополнить учебный процесс творческим и познавательным аспектом)
Послания людям мира.
Don`t throw the litter in the sea!
Don`t leave rubbish on the beaches!
Be attentive to the flora and fauna of the Black Sea!
Don`t catch the rare kind of fish!
Don`t pollute the sea with dangerous chemicals!
Let children get to know about the wonders of the sea!
Remember that the sea is our home and behave yourselves well!
Don`t forget we are guests here!
(Каждый учитель, школьник и житель города Сочи может использовать эти послания в различных учебных целях)
Teacher: Thank you my dear friends for your work at the lesson. I think we had a very interesting and important lesson. I have got two smiles: the first one is happy, the second one is sad. Choose the smile if you studied well at the lesson, and the sad one is you should study more.