- Учителю
- Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему 'Мой друг' (1 класс)
Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему 'Мой друг' (1 класс)
Theme : My Friend
Aims : to teach students to speak about theme
To introduce letter Bb
Objectives : by the end of the lesson SWBA to :
write letter Bb
call members of the family
tell rule of using "he, she, it "/
Plan :
1. Warm- up ( Greetings. Song " Hellow".
- Hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello,
Hellow, Lee , hello, Lee
Hellow, hellow, hello.
Let's go, let's go, let's go,
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
The children stand in a circle. One child gives the name badge for Lee and stand in the middle of the circle. Children hold hands and move around Lee and so on.)
2.Theme and aims of the lesson.
3. Phonetic Drills : [ ei] [e] - Aa
Apple, ant, Ademy, Astana
_ What's your name?
_How are you?
_ Where are you from?
Song " Where are you from ?''
4. Pairwork. Children work in pairs. They put their masks over their faces and introduce the names of their masks.
5. Introducing Letter Bb
Eх. 1-3, 18. Listen , point and repeat. Listen and chant. Write and say.
Then children write Letter Bb.
Eх.3, p.34 -Write and say
6. Presentation " Remember"-he, she, it
Game. The Teacher shows pictures - the students should call pronouns
7. Practice. Ех. 4, p.35 Act- pairwork
I am … She is … He is…. My friend
Eх . 6, p. 36 Listen and circle
8.Relaction. - Stand up! Hands up!
Hands down! Sit down!
Stand up! Hands to the sides!
Bend right! Bend left!
One, two, three - hop
One, two, three - stop!
Sit down, please.
9. Groupwork. E х. 7 p, 37 Act ( the children look through pictures, the teacher asks" Who is this?" - " he is my friend". Then the children call members of his family/
10. Reflection. The teacher asks the students to call Letter they knew , words with this letter, members of the family and rule of using "he, she, it ".
End of the lesson. Good bye!