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- Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 7-сыныпқа арналған сабақ жоспары 'Сырқаттар мен оларды емдеу жолдары'
Ағылшын тілі пәнінен 7-сыныпқа арналған сабақ жоспары 'Сырқаттар мен оларды емдеу жолдары'
Ағылшын тілі
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Сырқаттар мен оларды емдеу жолдары
Сабақтың мақсаты: Сырқаттармен таныстыру, оларды сипаттауға үйрету
Күтілетін нәтиже: Сырқаттардың атын айта алады, сипаттай алады. Бір- бірін тыңдай білуге тәрбиеленеді. Ауызша сөйлеу, есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыта алады
Бағалау: Өзі - өзін, бір - бірін, жиынтық
Модуль: АКТ, СТО, ОЖТ мен ЖЕ, ТДО, ОүБОБ, КБ
Деректер: Интербелсенді тақта, жұмыс парағы, бағалау парағы
Сабақтың барысы:
Сабақ кезеңдері
Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті
Оқушылардың іс-әрекеті
Ұйымдас-тыру кезеңі
2 мин
Амандасады. Түймедақтың жапырақтарының түстерімен екі топқа бөліну.
Білім ОЖТ, ЖЕ
7 мин
Суреттер арқылы жаңа тақырыпты анықтау. Сабақты мақсаттау.
Жаңа сөздерді меңгеру.
How do you think what the theme of our lesson is?
He's coughing He has a temperature/ fever
What is the aim of the lesson?
Write the new words and try to understand them.
Оқушылар суретке қарап тақырыпты анықтайды.
We should learn the new words. To know diseases and describe them.
Injury, bandage, twist, ankle, bullet, wound, stitch, bruise, unconscious.
Түсіну СТО, КБ, ОЖТ мен ЖЕ, ОүБОБ,
Мәтінді оқу, өз сөзімен білдіру.
Look at the chart, there are some injuries, look and learn.
An injury Is damage to part of your body, usually caused by an accident at home, in a car, or playing sports, e.g., soccer, football. Here are some common injuries.
b) Hospital treatment.
1. Jane fell of chair, hit her head on the floor, and knocked her unconscious.
2. Her husband called an ambulance, and she was still unconscious when it arrived.
3. She was taken to the hospital where they kept her for two days for observation (the hospital staff watched her to decide if anything was wrong).
4. I jumped for the ball and ran into another player. We hit each other/ we both had cuts on our heads, but I had to go to the unconscious ho unconscious hospital for eight stitches.
d) Wound and injuries.
Wound and injury are both used to describe harm to the body, but a wound is generally caused by a weapon (e.g. knife or gun) and is often intentional. (note the pronunciation of wound /wund/
He shot the man in the chest /a bullet wound, from a gun, in the chest/
He got into a fight and was beaten up. He had a black eye and two broken ribs.
He was beaten black and blue.
Әр топ өз мітінін оқып, өз ойларын ортаға салады.
Бағдаршам арқылы бағалау /өз-өзін/
Қолдану ТДО, ОЖТ мен ЖЕ, ОүБОБ
5 мин
Жаңа сөздерді қолданып, сөйлем жазып көрсету.
Бағыттау, қадағалау, тыңдау
Топ ішінде жеке сөйлемдер құрастырады, топ ішінде тыңдап, бір-бірін бағдаршам арқылы бағалайды.
Талдау СТО, ОЖТ мен ЖЕ, ОүБОБ, КБ
8 мин
Берілген жарақат түрлерін түсіндіру, бір-бірінен айыра алу. Емдеу жолдарын жазу
Уәж, мадақтау, баққылау, бағыттау, тексеру
What is the problem?
How did it happen?
Cut my finger
Using a knife
It's bleeding
A band-Aid
I have a concussion
Playing football
I was unconscious
I twisted my ankle
Running for a bus
I can't walk on it
Rest+ bandage
I burned my hand
Taking something
It's very painful
Special cream, a cast
I broke my arm
I fell off my bike
I can't use it
I have a bruise on my arm
I hit it on my desk
It's swollen and black and blue
Ice pack
Жарақат түрлерін түсіндіреді, емдеу жолдарын жазады. Топпен алмасып, бір-бірін тексереді.
Жинақтау СТО, ОЖТ мен ЖЕ
Таблицаны толтырау, сөз таптарын алмастыру.
Жарақаттар мен мәселелрді жинақтау.
Look at the cards, there is a table; your task is to complete the table.
There are some injuries and cause; match them then check each other.
Ойын түйіндейді.
He burned his finger
He twisted his ankle
He cut his foot
He has a bullet wound
He fell down and banged his head
He was shot during robbery
He touched a hot burner on the stove
He walked barefoot on some glass
Бағалау СТО, ОЖТ мен ЖЕ
4 мин
Сұрақтарға жауап беру арқылы тақырыпты шоғырландыру.
Work in pairs and answer the questions by using new words.
-have you ever broken your leg? When was it?
-have you ever needed stitches?
-have you ever called ambulance?
-have you ever been unconscious?
-have you ever had a blood test?
-have you ever been in an ambulance?
Оқушылар өз ойын білдіреді.
Үй жұмысы
2 мин
Диалог құрастыру
тексерілді --------------
Injury, bandage, twist, ankle, bullet, wound, stitch, bruise, unconscious.
He's coughing He has a temperature/ fever
An injury Is damage to part of your body, usually caused by an accident at home, in a car, or playing sports, e.g., soccer, football. Here are some common injuries.
b) Hospital treatment.
1. Jane fell of chair, hit her head on the floor, and knocked her unconscious.
2. Her husband called an ambulance, and she was still unconscious when it arrived.
3. She was taken to the hospital where they kept her for two days for observation (the hospital staff watched her to decide if anything was wrong).
4. I jumped for the ball and ran into another player. We hit each other/ we both had cuts on our heads, but I had to go to the unconscious ho unconscious hospital for eight stitches.
d) Wound and injuries.
Wound and injury are both used to describe harm to the body, but a wound is generally caused by a weapon (e.g. knife or gun) and is often intentional. (note the pronunciation of wound /wund/
He shot the man in the chest /a bullet wound, from a gun, in the chest/
He got into a fight and was beaten up. He had a black eye and two broken ribs.
He was beaten black and blue.
What is the problem?
How did it happen?
Cut my finger
Using a knife
It's bleeding
A band-Aid
I have a concussion
Playing football
I was unconscious
I twisted my ankle
Running for a bus
I can't walk on it
Rest+ bandage
I burned my hand
Taking something
It's very painful
Special cream, a cast
I broke my arm
I fell off my bike
I can't use it
I have a bruise on my arm
I hit it on my desk
It's swollen and black and blue
Ice pack
Look at the cards, there is a table; your task is to complete the table.
He burned his finger
He twisted his ankle
He cut his foot
He has a bullet wound
He fell down and banged his head
He was shot during robbery
He touched a hot burner on the stove
He walked barefoot on some glass
He burned his finger
He twisted his ankle
He cut his foot
He has a bullet wound
He fell down and banged his head
He was shot during robbery
He touched a hot burner on the stove
He walked barefoot on some glass