- Учителю
- Конспект урока английского языка 'Как быть вежливым?' (8 класс)
Конспект урока английского языка 'Как быть вежливым?' (8 класс)
Урок проводится в VIII классе при изучении темы «Традиции и манеры» с опорой на учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений В.П. Кузовлев «English 8»
Задачи урока:
- активизировать словарный запас обучающихся по теме;
- развивать диалогические навыки речи, используя различные формы «small talk»;
- совершенствовать навыки аудирования;
- обобщить страноведческие и культурные знания по теме;
- повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
Вступительная часть (The beginning of the lesson)
Pupils greet their teacher.
После приветствия и организационного момента учитель обращает внимание учащихся на следующие предложения, записанные на доске (либо появившиеся на экране, при условии, что урок проходит в компьютерном классе, выполненные в форме «презентации») CONVERSATION STARTERS,
Teacher - We can use these conversation starters according to different situations, can't we? I really think so. You can't be a good pupil and a polite man or woman, when you don't know how to behave yourself in different situations. Do you agree? So, the topic of our lesson is «How to be polite».
Основная часть.
Many people think that the British are very polite. What makes them think so? Not only what the British say, but how they do it. Let's listen to the dialogue, try to guess where are they from?
Учащиеся рассказывают заранее подготовленный диалог (смотри Приложение 1). Затем учащимся предлагается другой вариант этого же диалога, но звучащий более вежливо, чем предыдущий диалог. Обучающиеся должны сказать, в чем же разница.
Teacher - Yes, you're absolutely right. Well done. True, if you want to sound more politely, friendly, use tags. Tags are mini questions that we can put on the end of a sentence. But some sentences with a tag are not questions. Listen again and pay attention to the intonation of the tags, will you? Is it different in different situations?
Учащиеся прослушивают еще раз этот мини-диалог и отмечают, что с интонацией «подъёма» голоса собеседник задает вопрос, а с интонацией «падения» голоса собеседник спрашивает - согласен ли говорящий с ним.
Teacher - Some Russian and British manners are different, others are common, aren't they? What is different? What is common? Make it clear for yourself.
Учащиеся делятся на две группы. Одна группа выступает в роли экспертов «хороших манер» русскоязычных жителей, указывая наиболее характерные им манеры поведения; вторая группа берет на себя ответственность высказаться о манерах поведения британцев, называя известные им манеры поведения Великобритании.
- In Britain they don't give flowers to a man.
- In Russia we don't give flowers to a man either, do we?
- In Britain they don't take off their shoes entering home.
- In Russia we take off our shoes entering home, don't we?
Обсуждение вышесказанного проходит путем участия в дискуссии, когда говорящие высказывают свое мнение, но в вежливой форме, учитывая чувства собеседника.
Teacher - Well done. Now look at the screen.
На экране представлены наиболее употребимые ситуации общения (либо записаны на доске)
It's rude not to say anything or answer someone , even if you are shy or don't know the person/
Keep negative comments out of your small talk.
During small talk it is not appropriate to discuss salaries.
Bodies are not a «safe» topic.
«Wait» should never be used in small talk.
Religion is not a safe subject to discuss during small talk.
Private information about one's personal life is not acceptable.
Politics isn't a safe subject to discuss.
Обсудив вышесказанное (Yes, I agree. No, I don't agree), учащиеся прослушивают диалог «На вечеринке» - «At a party». Перед обущающимися поставлена задача - найти 10 ошибок, имеющих отношение к small talk. Учащиеся получают карточки с записанным диалогом и подчеркивают ошибки, делая коррекцию. (Смотри приложение 2)
Teacher - So, let's go on. Now you will listen to 10 statements and find out which statement is true or not. Write Small talk quiz.
(Смотри Приложение 3).
III Заключительная часть.
Finally, at the end of the lesson make up question with the suitable intonation about friendliness of British people.
Варианты ответов: The British are friendly, aren't they?
Если собеседник уверен в вышесказанном, то произнесет это с интонацией «падения»
The British are friendly, aren't they?
Если собеседник неуверен или задает вам ответный вопрос, то он произнесет вышесказанное с интонацией «подъёма»
На дом предлагаю учащимся дифференцированное задание:
На «3» - составить вопросы к любому из разделов, данных в начале урока для начала беседы;
на «4» и «5» составить small talk, к примеру на автобусной остановке.
Ответы учащихся оцениваются с учетом их работы на уроке, активности, реакции при ответах на вопросы и т.д. Поэтому некоторые ученики получили две оценки за урок.
Teacher - Thank you for the lesson. It is over. You may be free.
Приложение 1
Примерные варианты диалога:
- Oh, sir, you are an American, aren't you?
Yeah, how d'you mean?
Easy. You grew up in New England, didn't you?
Absolutely! But I'm living in New York City now.
Really? You don't speak like a New Yorker, do you?
No, I don't. But I love you English accent. It sounds so strange to me.
I feel the same about your accent.
Oh, sir, you are an American.
Yeah, how d'you mean?
Easy. You grew up in New England.
Absolutely! But I'm living in New York City now.
Really? You don't speak like a New Yorker.
No, I don't. But I love you English accent. It sounds so strange to me.
I feel the same about your accent.
Приложение 2
Read the small talk below and find the 10 mistakes.
Woman 1: (Standing in a corner drinking a glass of wine by herself)
Man: Hi there. Why aren't you dancing?
Woman 1: (Smiles. No response).
Man: Hello. Have you tried Felicia's lemonade yet?
Woman 2: No, but I was just about to.
Man: Don't. It's terrible.
Woman 2: Oh. OK.
Man: So, how are you knowing Rick?
Woman 2: Oh, Rick and I go way back. We studied nursing together.
Man: Nursing. Hmm. I heard on the radio that all of you nurses are on strike. Are they not paying you enough?
Woman 2: Actually it's about working conditions.
Man: I see. So, have you had a chance to take a dip in the pool yet?
Woman 2: No, not yet. How about you?
Man: No, I need to loose some weight before I put on a bathing suit. But you have a great figure.
Woman 2: Uh, thanks. Well, I better go and jingle. There are a few people I haven't said hello to yet.
Man: Wait! Did you hear that the Pope is coming to town?
Woman 2: Ya. I heard that on the news today. I bet it'll be really tough to get to see him.
Man: I know. But I'm not Catholic anyway. Are you?
Woman 2: Yes, I'm actually. Well, it looks the sun is finally coming out. I think I'll go take that swim.
Man: You better hurry. I hear they are asking for thunderstorms this afternoon.
Key of mistakes
The 1-st woman doesn't answer. It's rude.
2. Man: Don't. It's terrible.
Keep negative comments out of you talk. You don't know if the person you are talking about is a close friend of the person you are talking to.
3. Man: So, how do you know Rick? Instead of
How are you knowing Rick?
4. During small talk don't discuss salaries.
5. Man: No, I need to loose some weight. But you have a great figure.
Complimenting clothing is acceptable for small talk, but bodies are not a safe topic.
6. Woman 2: Well, I better go and jingle.
Well, I better go and mingle.
7. Man: Wait! Did you hear the Pope is coming?
The man didn't take the cue that the woman wants to end the talk. Instead of >>Wait!<< you'd better say >>Oh, before you go…<< or >>I don't want to keep you, but…<< if you had something important to add or ask.
8. Man: I'm not Catholic anyway.
Religion is not a safe subject during small talk.
9. Woman 2: Well, it looks the sun is finally coming out.
Well, it looks like the sun is finally coming out.
10. Man: I hear they are asking for thunderstorms this afternoon.
I hear they are calling for thunderstorms this afternoon.
Приложение 3
Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?
It is common to use small talk when you are waiting in a long line-up.
Religion is a safe topic when making small talk.
It is rude for both children and adults not to make small talk with strangers.
It is inappropriate to make small talk with your mailman.
Sport is not a safe topic when making small talk.
One should never compliment another person's clothes in order to make small talk.
Politics is a controversial subject according to society.
It is common to discuss the weather in an elevator.
It is rude to interrupt a conversation in order to make small talk.
10 One reason people use small talk is to eliminate an uncomfortable silence.