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  • План проектной работы для 4 класса по теме Мой дом

План проектной работы для 4 класса по теме Мой дом

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</ My flat (The flat of my dream)

My house (The house of my dream)

I would like to tell you about my flat/house.

I live in the town / country in a house / a flat. There ____ rooms in my house / flat. They are (перечислить комнаты). In the kitchen I __________ (что делаете), in the bedroom I _____________, in the living room I __________________, in the bathroom I ____________, in the hall I _____________ and in my room I ______________ (смотри учебник с 88 упр 18).

I would like to describe you my room. It is __________ and __________(comfortable, small, large, nice, lovely, beautiful). There is a bed (что) at the window (где). There are _______________ . There is ________________.You can see _______________(не забывайте использовать предлоги). You may see ( shops, parks, a garden, a bank, a school, a playground, a sports ground…) _________________ in front of /behind / opposite my house.

I love the place I live in!

Предлоги: on, under,in, next to -рядом с,opposite - напротив, in front of - перед, behind - позади, in the corner - в углу, in the middle - в середине, between - между.

Мебель: a table, a chair,an armchair, a bed, a sofa, a mirrow, curtains, a carpet, a wardrobe, a lamp, afireplace

Декор: (flowers, pictures, toys)

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