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- Конспект урока по английскому языку. Тема 'Is the system of social welfare fair?' (11 класс)
Конспект урока по английскому языку. Тема 'Is the system of social welfare fair?' (11 класс)
Form 11.
Unit 5. Is the system of social welfare fair?
Lessons 5. Who Benefits from Social Benefits?
Цели и задачи:
развивающий аспект - развитие способности к целеустремленной работе, к самостоятельному труду, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия - к подбору речевых средств, адекватных цели и ситуации, к импровизации, к планированию своего высказывания, воображению:
воспитательный аспект - формирование гуманитарного мировоззрения, способности к пониманию чужой точки зрения на социальные проблемы
учебный аспект - развитие умения читать с извлечением полной информации; развитие речевых умений на основе творческого использования усвоенного ранее материала в новых ситуациях общения.
Методические принципы, использованные на уроке:
1. Коммуникативная направленность обучения.
2. Принцип индивидуального подхода.
Метод обучения : проблемно- развивающий
Тип урока: урок закрепления, совершенствования и развития знаний, умений и навыков.
Ход урока:
Проверка домашнего задания. Повторение ранее изученных ЛЕ. Проверка усвоения ЛЕ.( см. Прил.1)
Reading Practice.
Pre-reading activities
New vocabulary:
-busker- бродячий актер, уличный музыкант
-scruffy- грязный, неряшливый
-efficient-действенный, результативный, эффективный
-enforce- вынуждать, заставлять
-eligible-имеющий право
Name the groups of people who can claim for social benefits in Britain
Compare with the social welfare in Russia.
Say who in your family gets any kind of allowance or benefit
If you could, whom would you add to the list of people entitled to benefits
Reading. The history and the problems of Social Welfare in Britain.
Social welfare includes various benefits, e.g. retirement pensions (men above 65 and women above 60), sickness benefit, invalidity pensions, injury benefits, unemployment benefits (for people without a job but seeking some employment, it is paid for a maximum of one year), widow benefits, maternity benefits (maternity grant when a child is born, maternity allowance 11 weeks before a birth and 6 weeks after) and family allowances.
In the past, begging for money was something the British expected to see only on trips abroad - perhaps to somewhere like India or one of the poorer African countries. It was something only uncivilized foreigners did rather than the British. Britain had buskers and street performers but they were just youngsters having a bit of fun and earning an easy pound or two.
But the last years are different. Now it seems every town and city has its own beggars. British beggars. People, often in scruffy, dirty clothes, who sit on the pavement or get in the way in shop doorways. Sometimes they put their hand out and say something like "Spare some change, please?" Others say nothing but have a cardboard notice reading: "No money - No job - No home". Too many of these people seem to be very young and it's a sight that many luckier people walking past don't like at all.
The British welfare system really began in Britain in 1948 when the Labour (i. e. socialist) government came to power soon after the end of the WWII. This looked after things like pensions for retired people, benefits for the sick and unemployed, and the National Health Service. Everyone was supposed to be looked after by the state.
Unfortunately, no one in 1948 could see what kind of problems would begin forty or fifty years later. The biggest is, of course, money. By 1994-94 social security was costing 90 million. This money can only come from people's income taxes. To make the welfare system better the Government has only three real choices: to increase taxes, to take money from somewhere else (e. g. from the Navy and Army) or to make the present system somehow more efficient.
Nobody likes paying taxes so the Government won't increase taxes because it is unpopular. Taking money from somewhere else is possible but usually causes other problems. In recent years, the Conservative Government, especially under Mrs Thatcher, chose the third option - but also did something more: trying to persuade people to look after themselves. This means encouraging things like private pension and health care schemes. These are fine for those who have the money to pay into such schemes while they are working. Unhappily, many people can't afford it so easily.
To make the system more efficient has also meant enforcing rules and regulations more carefully - with the Government hoping to reduce the number of people eligible for state benefit. They couldn't do much about ordinary unemployed people (about 2 million). Instead, they said that school leavers (16, 17 and 18 years old) would get no benefit before they had had some kind of job. But many school leavers cannot get jobs so their parents must continue to look after them. Similarly, older unemployed people who have once worked can only claim benefit if they have a regular home or "permanent address".
This is why Britain has beggars. Some youngsters, who have never worked, argue with their parents and leave home. With no job and no permanent address they get no benefit. Other, older people, perhaps lose their home and job and are in the same situation: no job, no permanent address, no benefit. And once they are in this situation it is very difficult for them to get back to normal.
This is the most obvious problem with the Welfare system but there are others. Currently there is much concern over the number of teenage pregnancies and single-parent families in Britain. Should the state give these people enough money to live on or does that encourage young girls to get pregnant and spend their lives receiving benefit looking after their children but otherwise doing no useful work?
Another big problem is the cost of retirement pensions. With increasing numbers of older people (and more of them living longer) in a few years there simply won't be enough money for these pensions. What happens then? The most important question about the welfare system is: how much should the state be responsible for looking after people and how much should they be responsible for looking after themselves?
Answer the questions:
How long are unemployment benefits paid?
How long do mothers get maternity benefits?
How did the situation with begging change?
When did the British welfare system really begin?
What was the way out of the problem of shortage of money in the 1990s?
What way did the Margaret Thatcher's government choose?
Why couldn't the school leavers get any benefits?
What is the problem of some older people?
There are some more problems of welfare state, aren't there?
Agree or disagree. If you disagree, explain why.
1.The British retired get retirement pension at the age of 60.
2.The unemployment benefits are paid till the person finds a job.
3.Nowadays Britain suffers from a great number of beggars.
4.By 1990s social security was costing about nineteen million.
5.A lot of people can afford to pay money into private pension and health care schemes.
6.The number of the unemployed is about 2 million people.
7.The increasing number of unemployed leads to the problem of the cost of retirement pensions.
In groups discuss the problems. Name the positive points of the welfare system.
Some people who are entitled to various benefits do not receive them, because they don't understand the complicated system and they are not able to fill in all the forms.
Some other people do not know what they are entitled to receive.
The poor simply don't know about their rights to receive particular benefits and sometimes don't claim them.
Others are too proud to apply, so they refuse to accept help.
The provision of benefits weakens the family. If there was less provision by the state, families would have to cope and this would make the family stronger.
The provision of benefits deprives individuals of their desire to look after themselves.
There is no need to help the unemployed or the homeless. They are to be guilty for their being unemployed and homeless and nobody else. People should be responsible for what they do and have.
Домашнее задание: 1) повт. ЛЕ из активного вокабуляра
2) непр.гл. 1-60
3) с.154 у.1.1)
Подведение итогов урока.
Приложение 1
Ex.1 Read the text below. Fill in each space with the new word
In the USA Social Security is limited mainly to the provision of pensions and Medicare for the (1) _____ (RETIRE) and elderly. Social Security system is financed through a tax which is paid by employees and their employers during the years of (2) _____ (EMPLOY). The self-employed, who also pay into the system, are (3) _____ (PROVISION) with benefits as well. When (4) _____ (WORK) retire at the age of 65, they are entitled to pensions.
To those who retire at the age of 62 or 64, (5) _____ (REDUCE) pensions are available. (6) _____ (PENSION) are also paid to non-working widows and widowers. Children under 18 and (7) _____ (DEPEND) parents can claim their benefits, too. Unemployment (8) _____ (INSURE) is financed through taxes paid by the employer.
Ex.2 Fill in the proper word
Health Service, emergency doctor, National Insurance, retirement, maternity allowance, claim, child benefit, mobility allowance, state, maternity pay, contributions
Our family is an ordinary one. My father works as a programmer. Of course he receives money for his work, but some of his money he pays as (1) ___________ to the (2) ____________ fund. Then when he becomes a pensioner he will have a (3) _____________ or (4) __________ pension according to his payments. My mother doesn't work now because she is pregnant, so___________ she receives (5) _________, that is money that a pregnant woman gets from an employer and a (6) ___________, the money she receives from the state. As a child I am entitled to a (7) __________. My grandfather is now a pensioner, so he can (8) __________ a (9) __________, and maybe we will have a new car soon. Last week I was ill so my mother had to send for a(n) (10) ____________. He examined me and said that I must be taken to a hospital. Some people say that our (11) ___________ doesn't work well, but in my case I can't complain