- Учителю
- Сценарий детского праздника на английском языке 4 класс
Сценарий детского праздника на английском языке 4 класс
Сценарий детского праздника, посвященный зиме.
Winter Forest
Зал украшен «зимними» кустами и деревьями. До начала праздника играет музыка. Музыка смолкает, входит ведущий- учитель.
Good morning, children! We are very glad to greet you here. We know, that you like winter forest and those who live in it. But today you'll visit the fairy Kingdom and meet Her Majesty Queen of the Winter forest. Somebody will help us. How do you think who is that?
When She comes,
It becomes cold.
Everything becomes white,
All the lakes and over
Are covered with ice.
Дети отгадывают:
It is Winter!
Входит Зима (Winter Fairy)
Winter Fairy:
Good morning, children!
Good morning, guests!
You are welcome to the Kingdom of Winter Forest! It is very nice in
winter forest. Trees are dressed in white. It is silently. You can meet here only squirrels , hares, foxes, wolves and tomtits. How beautiful is winter forest picture!
Not so many people can see Her Majesty Queen of the Winter Forest. But you will meet her. She is not an old Lady, she is very young and gay.
( Под звуки музыки выходит царица Зимнего Леса)
Her Majesty Queen of the Winter Forest:
Good morning, good morning!
Glad to see you!
You are welcome to my Kingdom! There is silence and peace in my Kingdom! But my friends are fond of holiday. Let's call them! Guess, please, who are my friends!
She is red,
With red, bushy, tail,
She is cunning!
Who is it? ( A fox)
( Под музыку выходит Лиса)
The fox:
Good morning, Glad to see everybody!
The Queen:
He is very kind, hard working
He is covered with needles.
Do you hear him! Who is it?( A hedgehog)
Выбегает ежик
The Queen:
All the hedgehogs are sleeping in winter, but our friend decided to visit our holiday! Hello, my friend!
The hedgehog:
Hello, everybody! Am I late?
The Queen:
No, you are not late!
Please, you are welcome!
The Queen:
There is not a bird in a tree,
It is a small animal.
It has warm fir-coat.
Who is it? ( A Squirrel)
Под музыку выбегает белка)
The Squirrel:
Hello! I am very glad to see you here in our winter forest!
Our holiday should be very gay!
The Hedgehog:
Somebody is very cold. Soon I think it will be warm, and even very hot!
The Fox:
Somebody thinks. It is boring. I hope it will be very gay.
( Дети становятся в круг, поют песни, танцуют)
The Queen:
Thank you, dear friend! I see, that you are not afraid of the frost!
The Squirrel:
I have got a game. There is a word in my hands. The word is «Snowflakes». You should make a new words from these letters! The winner is who says the last word.
Дети придумывают новые слова. Кто скажет слово последним, тот и победитель.
The Hedgehog:
And I want to listen to the poems about the winter, winter forest.
About the ice
Slide, slide, the ice is strong,
Quickly, quickly slide along!
Slide along and don't be slow,
In the cold your face will glow!
Slide along, slide very fast,
It's a shame to be the last.
This is a season
When mornings are dark
And birds do not sing
In the woods and the park.
This is the season when children ski
And Farther Christmas
Brings the New Year Tree.
It's snowing
It's snowing, it's snowing.
What a lot of snow!
Let us make some snow balls.
We all, like to throw.
It's snowing, it's snowing.
Let us sledge and ski!
When I'm dashing down to the hill
Clear the way for me!
The snowman:
Come to the garden
And play in the snow,
Make a white snowman
And help him to grow!
"What a nice snowman!"
The children will say
"What a fine game
For a cold winter day".
The fox:
If somebody knows songs about winter, please sing!
Дети поют.
Winter Fairy:
Thank you, children! But I have a surprise for you. There is a magic tree in the forest. There are a lot of sweets in the tree all year round. We have such big sweets. They are not simple. If you eat the sweet, you should do the action, which is described on the sweet' paper. Who wants to eat the sweet?
Дети, взяв конфету из корзинки Зимы, читают задание на фантике, едят конфету и выполняют действия. Проводится игра.
The Queen:
Thank you , Winter Fairy! Are there a lot of sweets in your bag?
Winter Fairy:
Yes, of course!
The Queen:
Now, let's play a new game. Children, please, come here. Take these snowflakes (детям раздают кусочки ваты). You are to blow! (Дуя на кусочки ваты, надо как можно дольше удержать их в воздухе).
Let's begin.
Проводится игра. Звучит тревожная музыка, выбегает перепуганный заяц и бегает по залу.
Winter Fairy:
Dear Hare. What's the matter? What has happened with you?
Заяц останавливается. От страха не может сказать ни слова.
The Queen:
Probably, you the fox, frighten the Hare?
The Fox:
I saw him only yesterday! No!
The Hare:
No, it's not she!
Winter Fairy:
Than who? Is there a wolf in our forest?
The Hare:
No! But there is a monster!
Все хором:
A monster?
The Hare:
Yes, of course. It is very big and dangerous!
The Queen:
You are mistaken, my dear! Where is the monster in our forest? Probably, you saw a dream?
The Hare:
A dream? Do you hear?
(Слышится рычание. Оно все ближе и ближе. Выбегает взъерошенный медведь. Заяц от страха прячется за ведущего учителя)
The Teacher:
This is a bear. And you thought, it was a monster!
Медведь останавливается. Жалобное рычание.
The Нare:
All the bears are sleeping now! And he is running in the forest.
The Queen:
He needs our help! Somebody has awaked him, and he can't fall asleep.
Winter Fairy:
We should help him. But how to do it?
The Queen:
And we'll ask the children. Who knows how to help our bear?
Все хором:
To sing a song!
Дети поют песню. Медведь трет глаза и уходит со сцены. Доносится храп.
The Queen:
Now, our bear is sleeping. It is very good, when you have a real friend, who can help you.
Winter Fairy:
I hope that everybody will remember our party, our forest and our games. Good bye!