- Учителю
- Методическое пособие Устная часть ЕГЭ
Методическое пособие Устная часть ЕГЭ
Полезные фразы для устной части ЕГЭ
Полезные фразы для 3-й части:
This picture was taken when / while …
In the foreground / in the background / on the right / on the left
At this particular moment …
Perhaps … He / she / they might …
They seem to be … They look …
I would say that …
I took this picture because … / That's why I took this picture
As I know … That's the reason why …
Полезные фразы для 4-й части:
I would like to compare and contrast these two pictures.
In both pictures we see …
The first picture shows … perhaps …
He / she / they might be …
It seems that … It looks as if …
In the second picture, …
These pictures have a lot in common: both of them show
What is more, …
Besides, …
Judging by …
Another similarity is that …
However, these photos have certain differences too.
In the first picture, … while in the second picture, …
What is more, in the first picture … whereas in the second picture
Finally … In contrast …
Personally, I would prefer … rather than …
Firstly … In addition, … Finally...
Speaking в ЕГЭ. Part 3
В третьей части нужно рассказать другу о фотографии (одной из трех) не более 2-х минут по данному плану:
when and where the photo was taken
what/who is in the photo
what is happening
why you keep the photo in your album
why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Начинаем с того, что делаем небольшое вступление и говорим, какую из трех фотографий мы выбрали:
As you know, I like taking photos. Today I'm going to tell you about picture one.
Теперь отвечаем последовательно на каждый из вопросов, стараясь сказать 2-3 предложения по каждому пункту:
1) when you took this photo -
This photo was taken last summer. It was in July if I am not mistaken. Yes, definitely, it was the end of July.
2) what/who is in the photo -
In the foreground, you can see my brother and his best friend. They look like twins, don't they? And the sea is so calm and beautiful!
3) what is happening -
They were so happy that day because they saw the sea for the first time. Actually, they were over the moon. At this particular moment they are looking at the sea and, perhaps, dreaming about something
4) why you keep this photo -
While watching the children I was thinking about my childhood: I was their age when I saw the sea, and I was greatly impressed as well. That's why I keep this picture in my album.
5) why you decided to show the picture to your friend -
As I know, you are fond of children. Besides, you have always liked holidays at the sea. That's the reason why I decided to show the picture to you.
И крошечное заключение:
I hope you like my photo.
Вот что получилось (обратите внимание на выделенные слова и выражения):
As you know, I like taking photos. Today I'm going to tell you about picture one.
I took this photo last summer. It was in July if I am not mistaken. Yes, definitely, it was the end of July.
In the foreground, you can see my brother and his best friend. They look like twins, don't they? And the sea is so calm and beautiful!
They were so happy that day because they saw the sea for the first time. Actually, they were over the moon. At this particular moment they are looking at the sea and, perhaps, dreaming about something.
While watching the children I was thinking about my childhood: I was their age when I saw the sea, and I was greatly impressed as well. That's why I keep this picture in my album.
As I know, you are fond of children. Besides, you have always liked holidays at the sea. That's the reason why I decided to show the picture to you.
I hope you will like my photo.
Speaking в ЕГЭ. Part 4
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
give a brief description (action, location)
say what the pictures have in common
say in what way the pictures are different
say what kind of lesson you'd prefer
explain why
You will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously.
Sample answer:
I would like to compare and contrast these two pictures:
In both pictures we see people studying. The first picture shows a lecture, perhaps, at university. The teacher might be explaining something to the students. It seems that the lecture is quite interesting because most students are listening to the lecturer. It looks as if some of the students are taking notes. In the second picture, we also see a group of students. Perhaps, they are doing some task at the seminar or a workshop.
These pictures have a lot in common: both of them show groups of students engaged in studying. Besides, the action in these pictures takes place in a classroom. What is more, both groups of students seem to be genuinely interested in whatever they are doing judging by their faces and postures. Another similarity is thatsome of the students in both pictures are writing something.
However, these photos have certain differences too. In the first picture, the students are not expected to take active participation in the lesson. They are probably only expected to listen to the speaker. While in the second picture the students seem to be active participants. They might be discussing something, or, perhaps, they are playing a game. What is more, in the first picture the students are sitting at the desks with the teacher in front of them whereas in the second picture the students are sitting in a circle. Finally, there are a lot of students in the first picture. In contrast, the group in the second picture is relatively small.
Personally, I would prefer to attend the seminar rather than a lecture. Firstly, I believe that it is easier to study in a small group because you get distracted less. In addition, I would like to be an active participant rather than a listener. Finally, I believe people remember material better when they have an opportunity to discuss it together or role-play.
Выполнила учитель английского языка - Кайбелева Равза Равилевна.
МБОУ "СОШ №32" г. Набережые Челны 2016г.