Animals are in danger

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Grade 7 Lesson 40 Date

The theme Animals are in danger

Aims of the lesson: Students should know the names of the animals which are in danger. They should explain why they are in danger and what we should do to protect them. They should can describe the animals using the proper degree of adjectives.

1. The educational aim

A) To acquaint with the new words and consolidate them in different forms of activities.

B) To acquaint pupils with grammar and consolidate it different forms of activities

2. The developmental aim

  1. To enrich pupils' vocabulary and oral speech

  2. To develop the pupils skills in speaking

3. The educative aim

  1. to teach the pupils to be on friendly terms with their classmates

  2. to educate young people to care for their environment


  1. Summarize getting knowledge, through making dialogues and posters

  2. To make collaborative atmosphere through working in groups

  3. To make a success situation at the lesson

Waiting results

Students will know about the animals which are in danger, can tell about them through making charts according the meaning of the text.

The type of the lesson

Combined lesson (complex application of knowledge)

The methods of the lesson

To explain, question-answer

Connection with another subjects

Kazakh and Russian languages

I Organization moments

Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please. Who is on duty today? Who can tell me what day is it today? What the weather is like today? How are you getting today?

II Checking up

What was your homework? Are you ready? What about the abloom. Who does want to show me? Let's check.

Is it hot or cool in your region?

Is it hot or cool in the desert?

When does sand become cool?

Does sand become cool in the evening?

Do plants die under the hot sun?

Do plants wither under the hot sun?

Where is it always cool? In the desert or in the tropical forest

Do the animals hide when it is hot?

III Phonetic drill

Let's read this rhyme together

When you clap clap clap our hands

The monkey claps claps, claps his hands

Monkey see, monkey do

The monkey does the same as you

IV Warm up

Are you ready for this lesson? That's great.

V New materials

A) Today we are getting to deal with very interesting theme. I offer to your attention the film. Let's watch it and you should tell me the theme of the lesson. Watching video 'Animals are in danger'. My dears, what about we will speak today?

P. Animals are in danger

T. You are right. Why do you think so? Why they are in danger?

Could you tell me what kind of wild animals do you know?

Where do tigers come from?

Where do rhinos come from?

Where do tigers come from?

Do people threaten some animals?

Let's remember the film and tell me the names of endangered animals.

A) You need divided into three groups. Please, take one of the cards. And find your group. Let's divide into groups /Tigers. Rhinos. Pandas/. Very well. Everyone of you has three colored circles like traffic lights. During the lesson when I will give you task you should show me how well you understand the task.

Animals are in danger

Green - not problems. All is clear

Yellow - I have some little problems

Red - I don't understand the task. I need one's help

Now let's remember about degrees of adjectives.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives (сын есімнің шырай категориялары)

1. Positive degree (жай шырай)







2. Comparative degree (салыстырмалы шырай)

Short - shorter, fat - fatter, happier, wide - wider, small- smaller, tall- taller and more convenient

3. Superlative degree (күшейтпелі шырай)

The happiest, the longest, the tallest, the best and the most beautiful

C) Dear pupils, as you know there are many kind of animals on our planet are in danger nowadays. Let's study some information about this. Now, let's read the text yourself. And each the group should find the appropriate information about that animal, what was named their group.

And you should complete the diagram. I will give you 10 minutes for doing this task. Please help fop each other to completing the diagram. Please, try to use the adjectives in your sentences.

Animals are in dangerAnimals are in danger

Animals are in danger

And I will give you the exercises for each group. You should complete the sentences with the proper adjectives.

Ex. 1 Everest is……… (high) mountain in the world.

  1. A whale is………… (big) animal on our planet.

  2. He is the………… (good) student in our class.

  3. This is…………… (interesting) story by Dickens.

  4. I am…………… (happy) man in the world.



Horse/big/dog - A horse is bigger than a dog.

1. Mary/polite/Ann

2. Car/fast/bike

3. English/easy/German

4. Sam/tall/John

5. Your ring/beautiful/mine

Pupils present their posters. Other groups may ask some questions.


Of course our government tries hard to protect animals. We also have a special holiday International animal protection day when the whole world tries to solve this problem.

What did you learn at the lesson?

Are you ready to help animals?

What we should do for protecting them?


You have cards. Now you should evaluate yourself and after I will give you mark.

H/t: write the short composition about the endangered animals in Kazakhstan. Try to use the degrees of adjectives in your sentences.

</<font face="Times New Roman, serif">Look at the blackboard. You can see the smiles. You have the stickers, please, write to the stickers the answer of the following question: How did you feel at the lesson?

Animals are in dangerAnimals are in dangerAnimals are in danger


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