- Учителю
- Разработка интеллектуальной игры 'Полиглот' на английском языке
Разработка интеллектуальной игры 'Полиглот' на английском языке
Pavlodar pedagogical college named after B.Akhmetov
An intellectual game
Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, teachers and guests! Welcome to our intellectual game «Polyglot». Today we have come together for the competition between experts of English language. It is my honor and duty to declare our competition open. I think we should create a friendly atmosphere.
«Lucky chance» for people, playing games.
Let fortune be with you.
Be always strong and calm
The games won't do the harm.
So, always like the games.
During our game you can see pupils skills in speaking.
The participants of our game are invited onto the stage
(number 1st- ,2nd-
3rd , 4th- ,
5th- 6th-
7th- 8th-
9th- 10th-
-Dear friends! I hope it will be an interesting and exiting competition. And of course the competition will be judged by our jury. Let's greet them! The chairman of our jury is Askarova A.L. and other members of jury are …..
Now, let's start. Dear participants, our game has 6 stages:
1. Self portraits (10 points) - the highest score
2. Baiga (20 points)
3. Kokpar (12 points)
4. Polyglot
5. Zhorga (18 points)
6. Speaking (10 points)
Let's begin!The first stage of our game is called «Self-portraits».
The pupils will introduce themselves according to their numbers. You have a minute. Let's go. I invite the 1st participant onto the stage. (the 2nd, the 3rd ,the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th,9th,10th)
So, dear jury, I ask you to announce the 1st results. №1-, №2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Now, the second game «Baiga». Let's see who is the fastest. Dear participants you should answer the questions, but remember who raises the card first and gives the right answer will receive a score.
How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14) right/wrong
Who wrote «Abai zholy»? (M. Auezov)
What is the name of the 1st Kazakh national cosmonaut? (T. Aubakirov)
What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)
What is Almaty famous for? (for its apples)
What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
What is a double-decker? (bus)
What is the most common word in English? (the)
Whose composition is «Swan Lake»? (Tchaikovsky)
A famous ship which sank on its 1st voyage? (Titanic, 1966)
Who painted Mona Lisa? (Leonardo Davinchi)
When is the Independence Day of Kazakhstan? (on 16th of December)
What is the name of our president? (N. Nazarbaev)
What season is it now? (autumn)
What does shanyrak symbolize? (friendship, unity)
What is the date today? (26th of November)
What is the name of prime-minister of Kazakhstan? (K. Masimov)
What is Big-Ben? (time clock)
How many seasons are there in a year? (4)
Who is the father of my father's father? (grandfather)
How many players are there in this room? (10)
And now listen to our jury. Let's count scores of our participants and who has less points will leave our game. (называются фамилии)Thank you for your activity. You may take a place there.
Our next game is «Kokpar». I think you know what it is. In this game our participants will solve riddles. Who are the fastest those will be winners.
Choose one of the cards from 1 to 10
1. a) It has an eye but cant see. (needle)
b) You have it when you come home after school in the evening. (dinner)
2. a) What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat? (a kitten)
b) You say it when you answer the general question (yes/no)
-- 3. a) What is that we often return but never borrow? (thanks)
b) A man who acts in a play or in the film? (actor)
4. a) A man went on a trip on Friday, stayed for 2 days, and returned on Friday. How is that possible? (Friday is a horse)
b) You wear it on your hand to know the time. (watch)
5. a) What is given to you belongs to you exclusively and yet is used more by your friends than by yourself? (your name)
b) The person who writes books is … (writer)
6. a)What is the happiest start in the USA? (Maryland)
b) There are a lot of interesting books, magazines, newspapers. All pupils and teachers like to go there. What is it? (a library)
--7. a) Some months have 30 days and some months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days? (all the 12 months have 28 days)
b) The author of Romeo and Juliet is … (W. Shakespeare)
8. a) What teaches without talking? (a book)
b) It may be unsatisfactory, excellent or good. What is it? (a marc)
9. a) I'm red, blue, yellow and white. My house is small. Pupils can't draw without me. What am I? (pencil)
b) Who was the 35th president of America? (J.Kennedy)
10. a) Who succeeded the 1st president? (the 2nd one)
b) Here you can see wax models of famous people.What is it?
(Madam Tussauds)
1- Dear jury, we want to know the results of the 3rd game. Please! It's a pity, but who has less scores has to leave our game.(называются фамилии)
2- Well, we continue our game. The next stage is called «Polyglot». Dear players, you should complete the following proverbs and the proverb must be translated into Kazakh and Russian or you may give the equivalent.
1. Leave and ____ learn. Өмір бойы оқып өт/Век живи, век учись.
2. Knowledge is ____power. Білім қуат. Знание сила.
3. It`s never late ____ to learn. Оқуға ешқашан кештік жоқ. Никогда не поздно учиться.
4. No pains ____ no gains. Не ексең - соны орасың. Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.
5. One man ____ no man. Жалғыз ағаш орман емес. Один в поле не воин.
6. Great boast ____ small roast. Айдағаның екі ешкі, ысқырығы жер жара. Звону много, толку мало.
7. First think ____ then speak. Айтпас бұрын ойлан.
Ойнап сөйлесең де, ойлап сөйле.
Сначала думай, потом говори.
8. Better late ____ than never. Ештен кеш жақсы. Лучше поздно чем никогда.
9. East or West, _____home is best. Туған үйдей үй болмас. Везде хорошо, но дома лучше.
10. Health is ____ above wealth. Денсаулық - зор байлық. Здоровье - главное богатство.
1-вед: Dear jury would you like to announce the results of this stage. Some players leave our game. They are…….
2-вед: Now we start our fifth stage «Zhorga». Do you know famous people? Who were they? Each player should answer 3 questions.
Choose one of the cards, there are 3 cards with 3 descriptions ,please
Card 1.
He was born in London in 1564, he was a writer and an actor. He died in 1616. (W. Shakespeare)
He was born in America. He became an American general at the age of 43. He was the US President. (G. Washington)
He was born in 1847 in Scotland. He invented the telephone. (A. Bell)
Card 2.
He lived in the USA. He was a short story writer and greatest American humorist. He wrote about Tom Sawyer. (M. Twain)
He was born in 1881. He was a microbiologist. He discovered penicillin. (Sir A. Fleming)
She was born in 1891. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976. (Agatha Christie)
Card 3.
He was born in 1859. He was a writer. He wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes. (Sir Arthur Conan - Doyle)
He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He was a film actor. (Charlie Chaplin)
He was born in an English village. He discovered a lot of islands in the Pacific Ocean and Easter coast of Australia.(James Cook)
So, I ask the jury to announce the results.
Well, ……. has to leave the game. Thank you, you were brave.
3- вед:
So I invite onto the stage the participants of the last competition which is called «Speaking». Our players should add some more information to the text given according to the content (тіл туралы мәтін жалғастырып 3-4 сөйлем қосу).
Тіл туралы
Ағылшын тілі қазіргі уақытта шамамен 45 мемлекетте бірінші немесе екінші мемлекеттік тіл ретінде қолданылып отыр.Бұл тіл - халықаралық іскерлік тілі,компьютер мен ғылыми конференциялар тілі. Көптеген әйгілі әдеби шығармалар ағылшын тіліне басқа тілдерден аударылған. Шет тілін білген адам өзге елдің халқын , мәдениетін, салт-дәстүрін жете танып,өз ой өрісін кеңейтеді.
Dear friends, the last part of our game has come to the end.
Well, our jury is counting the scores. I invite the Chairman of our jury to announce the winner of the competition.
My congratulations! I`d like to thank everybody who helped to carry out this competition and especially our participants.
Оценочный лист конкурса «Полиглот»
Ф.И уч-ся
1-игра «О себе»
Оценочный лист конкурса «Полиглот»
Ф.И уч-ся
1-игра «О себе»
1. a) It has an eye but cant see.
b) You have it when you come home after school in the evening.
2. a) What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat.
b) You say it when you answer the general question
3. a) What is that we often return but never borrow?
b) A man who acts in a play or in the film?
4. a) A man went on a trip on Friday, stayed for 2 days, and returned on Friday. How is that possible?
b) You wear it on your hand to know the time.
5. a) What is given to you belongs to you exclusively and yet is used more by your friends than by yourself?
b) The person who writes books is …
6. a)What is the happiest statе in the USA?
b) There are a lot of interesting books, magazines, newspapers. All pupils and teachers like to go there. What is it?
7. a) Some months have 30 days and some months have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?
b) The author of Romeo and Juliet is …
8. a) What teaches without talking?
b) It may be unsatisfactory, excellent or good. What is it?
9. a) I'm red, blue, yellow and white. My house is small. Pupils can't draw without me. What am I?
b) Who was the 35th president of America?
10. a) Who succeeded the 1st president?
b) Here you can see wax models of famous people.What is it?
1. Leave and ____ learn. Өмір бойы оқып өт/Век живи, век учись.
2. Knowledge is ____power. Білім қуат. Знание сила.
3. It`s never late ____ to learn. Оқуға ешқашан кештік жоқ. Никогда не поздно учиться.
4. No pains ____ no gains. Не ексең - соны орасың. Что посеешь, то и пожнешь.
5. One man ____ no man. Жалғыз ағаш орман емес. Один в поле не воин.
6. Great boast ____ small roast. Айдағаның екі ешкі, ысқырығы жер жара. Звону много, толку мало.
7. First think ____ then speak. Айтпас бұрын ойлан.
Ойнап сөйлесең де, ойлап сөйле.
Сначала думай, потом говори.
8. Better late ____ than never. Ештен кеш жақсы. Лучше поздно чем никогда.
9. East or West, _____home is best. Туған үйдей үй болмас. Везде хорошо, но дома лучше.
10. Health is ____ above wealth. Денсаулық - зор байлық. Здоровье - главное богатство.
Card 1.
1.He was born in London in 1564, he was a writer and an actor. He died in 1616.
2.He was born in America. He became an American general at the age of 43. He was the US President.
3.He was born in 1847 in Scotland. He invented the telephone.
Card 2.
1.He lived in the USA. He was a short story writer and greatest American humorist. He wrote about Tom Sawyer.
2.He was born in 1881. He was a microbiologist. He discovered penicillin.
3.She was born in 1891. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976. (Agatha Christie)
Card 3.
1.He was born in 1859. He was a writer. He wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes.
2.He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He was a film actor.
3.He was born in an English village. He discovered a lot of islands in the Pacific Ocean and Easter coast of Australia