- Учителю
- План - конспект урока в 7 классе с использованием интерактивной доски по теме «Английские и русские школы»
План - конспект урока в 7 классе с использованием интерактивной доски по теме «Английские и русские школы»
План - конспект урока в 7 классе с использованием
интерактивной доски по теме «Английские
и русские школы»
Цель урока: Обобщить и систематизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме «Английские и русские школы»
Задачи урока:
Актуализировать страноведческий материал по изученной теме.
Развивать навыки говорения, пересказа иноязычного текста, восприятия речи на слух, креативного и логического мышления, воображения, индивидуальной и групповой работы.
Воспитывать уважение к учителям, одноклассникам и их мнениям, воспитывать положительное отношение к школе.
Поддерживать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
Оборудование: карточки для фонетической зарядки, картинки, творческие работы учащихся, презентация на CD, магнитофон, учебник «Happy English.- ru» К.И.Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман.
Тип урока: обобщающий.
Ход урока.
Этапы урока
Деятельность учителя
1. Организа-ционный
Good morning to everybody. Nice to see you. The topic of our lesson is «English and Russian schools»
Nice to see
you too.
2. Фонетиче-
ская зарядка
Let us train your pronunciation. Please, repeat after me the words.
Mathematics, Literature,History,Music,Art,Physical Education, Information Technology, Geography, Biology, Design and Technology, Religious Education .
A game" Word window".You should put the words into 3 columns - subjects, school, uniform. One word is odd .Read.
Учащиеся произносят
звуки и
Слайды 2, 3
3. Речевая
1. Do you know words about school?
1. pen
2. pencil
3. book
4. ruler
5. bag
7. desk
8. teacher
9. blackboard
10. pupil
11. classmates
12. Tell him or her about your lesson
What are English school like? Answer: true or false?
-In England there are different types of schools (T)
-English public schools are for everybody (F)
- Public schools are the cheapest (F)
-There are schools only for boys and only for girls(T)
- State schools are not very expensive (T)
-Some schools are for the rich (T)
-If you go to a public school ,you can be in one class with a prince or a future minister (T)
-Scholarships are for the poor(F)
4. Основная
часть урока. Развитие монологи-ческой и диало-гической
1.Работа с текстами.(ex.3 p.117 and ex.3 p.121)
As far as you remember Misha Inin studied in St David's school with his friend Rob. Misha wrote a letter to his parents and an e-mail to his sister Masha about his first days at school. Look through the texts and compare them. (ex.6. p. 122)
Fill in the table with information from Misha's letter to his mum and dad and his e-mail to Masha. Read.
Which letter do you believe: to parents or to Masha? Why?
Misha's life is difficult, isn't it? Let's give him some advice.
Imagine that you are Misha Inin. You .should choose an optional subject. What subject would you like to choose?
I think Physical Education is your favourite subject. You are tired, let's have a rest.
3. Работа с учебником. (ex. 7 p.123)
4. Imagine that Rob comes to Russia. Tell Rob about Russian school.
4. Let's talk about our school.
a. Describe your typical day at school to your new American friend.
b. Tell him or her about your school.
c. Tell him or her about your school subjects.
d. Tell your friend about your sport lessons.
e Describe your classroom to your friend.
f. Tell your friend where your get knowledge. How do you increase it?
g. Tell him or her about English lessons.
h Describe your typical lessons.
Примeрные ответы учащихся
1) I get up at 7o'clock, make my bed, have breakfast and go to school. Our lessons begin at 9o'clock. Every day we have six lessons, except Saturday. On Saturday we have only five lessons. Every lesson lasts 40 minutes. After third lesson we have lunch. Our lessons finish at 1.35o'clock.
2) We have many subjects. They are: Russian, English, Mathematics, History, Music, Sport, Literature and others. My favorite subject is English. It is interesting and exciting at the history lessons. Our History teacher Danara Semenova teacher. He explains a new material simply and interestingly.
3) I like my school. Here we have a computer room where we can or work with computer. Our school library is not very big there we can find every book we need. Our classrooms are well equipped and nicely decorated.
4) My school is great. Especially I like my sport lessons. My favorite spots are basketball, volleyball, and football. But at the same time we don't have enough sport facilities at school. I like swimming but there is no swimming- pool in our school. Our schoolchildren can attend their favorite clubs. I attend basketball and volleyball clubs.
5) It is interesting and pleasant at our English lessons. We translate texts from English into Russian and from Russian into English. We read, write, play different games at the lessons. My favourite lesson is English.
6) Extracurricular activities are different in our school. There are some clubs: cooking And sport games.
6. Do you like your school?
I see, you like your school. Your teachers are clever and kind. Your classmates are friendly. But I know that sometimes students are not ideal. Your teachers use some punishments in your school (lines, report, suspension, bad marks…)
Imagine that you are a teacher. Continue my sentences.
If my students miss a lesson I will…
If my students talk to their classmates during a lesson. I'll…
If my students late for a lesson, I'll…
If my students are not ready for a lesson, I'll…
If my students are impolite to me, I'll…
7. . Which of the following activities do you like or hate? (для сильных учащихся)
To take part in the concerts
To draw pictures and posters
To learn and sing the song
To dance
To solve sum
To translate texts from English into Russian
To play basketball
To play volleyball
To read books
To write a composition
. . What do you think about your school subjects?
(difficult, interesting necessary,, boring, easy, useful, favourite).
Учащиеся рассказывают об английских школах.
Слайд 5,6
Слайд 7
Учащиеся дают советы Мише
Учащиеся слушают аудиокассету и проверяют свои предположения
Учащиеся составляют рассказы о своей школе по вопросам
Слайд 9 Предполагаемые ответы учащихся
Слайд 10
Составляют диалоги
5. Заключи-тельная часть урока,
домашнее задание, подведение
Today we have spoken about English and Russian schools.
What is the difference between English and Russian school?
What is the same in our schools?
Your homework is a project about Russian education.
Our time is out .Your marks are ….
Good luck for everybody.
Говорят о различиях и сходстве английской и русской школах
Задания для учащихся:
Letter to mum and dad
E-mail to Masha
My first days at school were awful
The school is in a beautiful old castle.
We are in a big old room with nocentral heating.
Lessons don't start very early.
We can choose some optional subjects.
The teachers are strict.
My classmates are very friendly.
I have to wear a stupid uniform.
Don't worry. I am having a great time.