- Учителю
- 3 класс The world of fary taile
3 класс The world of fary taile
Date: 13.04.2016
Theme: World of the fairy tales.
Visual aids: an interactive board, pictures of the fairy tales
Ашылу салтанаты « сахнаның перделері ашылып, жүргізушілер сахнаға шығады»
жүргізуші: Good afternoon, dear guests! You are welcome to 'World of the fairy tales'!
жүргізуші: Кеш жарық, құрметті қонақтар! « Ертегілер әлемі » мерекесіне қош келдіңіздер! Бүгінгі кешіміз тілдер мерекесіне арналады.
жүргізуші: Our language is interrelated with our feelings and thoughts. It has appeared with the emergence of society. In all languages influence the geographic , political and economic factors.
жүргізуші: Тіл- тіршілік коммуникациясының басты құралы, сондықтан болар тілдің болуы ауадай қажет.
жүргізуші: What a happy day today! Boys and girls are beautiful today! They dance and wonderful play ! What a happy, happy day!
Жүргізуші : Ия бүгін шынымен бақытты күн, себебі балалық шақтың әр күні әдемі де тәтті.
Осы сезімдерін сіздерге 3 сынып оқушылары жеткізбекші.
Жүргізуші : Ерте, ерте, ертеде
Ертеде 3 сынып оқушылары болыпты
Десекте бауырсақты көп жеме
Тыңдамай ертегілер әлеміне түсіп кетіпті
Жүргізуші : 3 сынып бауырсақ ертегісі:
The Bun (The Kolobok, The loaf)
An author:
A grandfather:
A grandmother:
A bun:
A hare:
A wolf:
A bear:
A fox:
The trees:
The author:
Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in a village. One day the old man asked the woman to make a bun. (Дед пилит дрова, бабушка подметает пол)
The grandfather:
I'm so hungry! Make me a bun; please (Садится на лавку за стол, вытирает пот со лба)
The author:
The old woman mixed some flour with sour cream and shaped it into a kolobok,a kind of a little round bun (бабушка катает колобок) Then she fried it and left it on the windowsill to cool. (Бабушка ставит колобок на подоконник. Игрушечного колобка заменяет один из ребят)
The grandmother:
Ok (Перестает подметать, подходит к столу, надевает фартук и замешивает тесто)
The grandmother:
Well done (любуется колобком)
The author:
After some time the bun was bored to lie on the windowsill. So the bun decided to jump outside and have a look, what is going on around.
Suddenly the bun saw a hare.
A hare: Ah,Kolobok,kolobok I'll EAT you now.( Заяц подходит к колобку и хочет съесть, но…)
The bun:
Don't eat me hare. I"ll sing you a song (поет песню)
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk
I'm running from grandma,
I'm running from grandpa.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, little hare, I will easy run away.
The author:
The hare even didn't notice the bun disappear. The bun rolled down the road until it met a wolf (Колобок катится по дороге и встречает волка)
The wolf:
Hi! Tasty bun, I'm going to eat you!
The bun:
Don't eat me Mister Wolf,I will sing you a song(Поет песню)
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk
I'm running from grandma,
I'm running from grandpa.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, angry wolf, I will easy run away.
The author;
The wolf looked around, but the bun was far away (Волк оглянулся а колобок уже был далеко
The wolf:
Ah,I'didn'n bite even a small piece of that tasty bun. Next time I'm not going to listen to any stupid songs, I will bite and eat, eat and eat. (Волк разочаровывается)
The author:
But the bun happily kept running deeper to the forest. The bun was running, running and saw the big brown bear
The bear:
R-R-R, hi, round bread, I'm going to eat you.
The bun:
Don't eat me Please big brown bear,I will sing you a song(Поет песню)
The bear:
Oh,so kind and romantic, dinner after song.
The author:
The bear sat down, closed his eyes and became ready to listen to the song.
The bun:
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk
I'm running from grandma,
I'm running from grandpa.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, big brown bear, I will easy run away.
The author:
The big brown bear was still waiting for another song, but the bun went on his way. (Медведь сидел и ждал следующую песню, но колобок убежал) And the bear went to the deep forest. The bun was rolling, rolling and suddenly he saw a fox (Колобок катился, катился и увидел лису)
The fox;
Hello dear, I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect! I like you so much! Where are you going?
The bun:
I'm just rolling along the road. Do you want me to sing you the song, I wrote myself
The fox:
Of course, I want to
The author:
The bun began to sing a song.
The bun:
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk.
I'm running from grandma,
I'm running from grandpa,
I'm running from the hare,
I like running I'm not tired.
I'm running from the wolf
I have got my own rule.
I'm running from the bear
I want find my luck somewhere!
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, red fox, I will easy run away
The fox:
What a wonderful song! (Лисе нравится песня, она показывает это)
The author: The fox pretended to be crying! (Лиса пытается заплакать)
The fox: Poor me, I became so old, I can't hear anymore. The bun, please sit on my nose and sing your song again.
The author;
The bun jumped on top of the red fox nose and started singing his song
The bun:
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
The author:
But the red fox ate him. Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory!!!
Жүргізуші : 6 «в» cынып би.
Жүргізуші : 1- «в» сынып «Up and down»
The Bun (The Kolobok, The loaf)
An author:
A grandfather:
A grandmother:
A bun:
A hare:
A wolf:
A bear:
A fox:
The trees:
The author:
Once upon a time an old man and woman lived in a village. One day the old man asked the woman to make a bun. (Дед пилит дрова, бабушка подметает пол)
The grandfather:
I'm so hungry! Make me a bun; please (Садится на лавку за стол, вытирает пот со лба)
The author:
The old woman mixed some flour with sour cream and shaped it into a kolobok,a kind of a little round bun (бабушка катает колобок) Then she fried it and left it on the windowsill to cool. (Бабушка ставит колобок на подоконник. Игрушечного колобка заменяет один из ребят)
The grandmother:
Ok (Перестает подметать, подходит к столу, надевает фартук и замешивает тесто)
The grandmother:
Well done (любуется колобком)
The author:
After some time the bun was bored to lie on the windowsill. So the bun decided to jump outside and have a look, what is going on around.
Suddenly the bun saw a hare.
A hare: Ah,Kolobok,kolobok I'll EAT you now.( Заяц подходит к колобку и хочет съесть, но…)
The bun:
Don't eat me hare. I"ll sing you a song (поет песню)
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk
I'm running from grandma,
I'm running from grandpa.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, little hare, I will easy run away.
The author:
The hare even didn't notice the bun disappear. The bun rolled down the road until it met a wolf (Колобок катится по дороге и встречает волка)
The wolf:
Hi! Tasty bun, I'm going to eat you!
The bun:
Don't eat me Mister Wolf,I will sing you a song(Поет песню)
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk
I'm running from grandma,
I'm running from grandpa.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, angry wolf, I will easy run away.
The author;
The wolf looked around, but the bun was far away (Волк оглянулся а колобок уже был далеко
The wolf:
Ah,I'didn'n bite even a small piece of that tasty bun. Next time I'm not going to listen to any stupid songs, I will bite and eat, eat and eat. (Волк разочаровывается)
The author:
But the bun happily kept running deeper to the forest. The bun was running, running and saw the big brown bear
The bear:
R-R-R, hi, round bread, I'm going to eat you.
The bun:
Don't eat me Please big brown bear,I will sing you a song(Поет песню)
The bear:
Oh,so kind and romantic, dinner after song.
The author:
The bear sat down, closed his eyes and became ready to listen to the song.
The bun:
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk
I'm running from grandma,
I'm running from grandpa.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, big brown bear, I will easy run away.
The author:
The big brown bear was still waiting for another song, but the bun went on his way. (Медведь сидел и ждал следующую песню, но колобок убежал) And the bear went to the deep forest. The bun was rolling, rolling and suddenly he saw a fox (Колобок катился, катился и увидел лису)
The fox;
Hello dear, I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect! I like you so much! Where are you going?
The bun:
I'm just rolling along the road. Do you want me to sing you the song, I wrote myself
The fox:
Of course, I want to
The author:
The bun began to sing a song.
The bun:
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk.
I'm running from grandma,
I'm running from grandpa,
I'm running from the hare,
I like running I'm not tired.
I'm running from the wolf
I have got my own rule.
I'm running from the bear
I want find my luck somewhere!
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, red fox, I will easy run away
The fox:
What a wonderful song! (Лисе нравится песня, она показывает это)
The author: The fox pretended to be crying! (Лиса пытается заплакать)
The fox: Poor me, I became so old, I can't hear anymore. The bun, please sit on my nose and sing your song again.
The author;
The bun jumped on top of the red fox nose and started singing his song
The bun:
I'm kolobok,kolobok!
The author:
But the red fox ate him. Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory!!!
Жүргізуші : 10- ә сыныптың орындауында «Fariy tales» би.
Герои по сценарию:
Cinderella - Золушка
Father - отец
Stepmother - мачеха
Stepsister - сводная сестра
Fairy - фея
Prince - принц
King - король
Queen - королева
Всего 8 человек (+ стража без слов).
При необходимости, вы можете ввести в спектакль и своих персонажей, придумав им слова. Например, в 4 действии с принцем должна быть стража, и хотя по сценарию для них нет слов, вы можно придумать их сами, либо стража может выходить с какой-нибудь подходящей песней.
1 действие
(Золушка подметает пол. Входит отец.)
Cinderella (обнимает
отца): Good morning, Daddy! I love you!
Father (гладит Золушку
по голове): Good morning, dear! How are
Cinderella (улыбается):
Fine, Daddy, fine. And you?
(Входит мачеха с дочерью.)
(надменно): We'll go to the ball today.
You, Basil, go away! Cinderella, clean this mess and I want a party
Stepsister (прихорашивается
перед зеркалом): And I want a dress.
Stepmother (бросает на
пол вещи): Cinderella, clean this mess!
You can't go to the ball, until you do this all
(дает ей длинный
список домашних дел).
Stepsister (хихикая):
No, you can't go to the ball, until you do this all!
(Мачеха с дочерью уходят.)
Cinderella (читает вслух): Clean the house, wash the blouse, make food… Oh, it's not good(плачет).
2 действие
(Золушка плачет. Звучит музыка. Появляется фея.)
Fairy: Why are you crying, dear, why? Please,
don't cry!
Cinderella (плачет): I
can't go to the ball, because my dress is very old.
Fairy: I can help you. Look at me! Close your
eyes. One-two-three! (взмахивает
волшебной палочкой)
Cinderella (изумленно
смотрит на свое новое
красивое платье): I can't believe this
dress is mine! Thank you, fairy, you are so kind.
Fairy (грозит Золушке
пальцем): But at twelve o'clock you must be here…
or your dress will disappear.
Cinderella (радостно): Oh, yes, it's
3 действие
(Звучит музыка. Начинается бал, выходят король, королева, принц, гости.)
Queen (обращается к
гостям): The ball is on. Let's dance and
King (обращается к
гостям): Let's have a lot of fun today!
(Звучит музыка. Появляется Золушка в бальном платье. Все смотрят на нее с восхищением.)
Queen (обращается к
королю): Look at that girl!
King (восхищенно):
She's so nice and slim!
Prince (подходит к
Золушке): Hello! Let's dance! You are my dream!
(Звучит музыка. Принц и Золушка танцуют. Часы бьют 12.)
Cinderella (испуганно): It's twelve o'clock and I must run. Bye-bye. I had a lot of fun (Убегает, теряя одну туфельку)!
4 действие
(Утро. Звучит музыка. Приехали принц со стражей. Мачеха с дочерью встречают гостей. Золушка накрывает на стол.)
Prince (обращается к мачехе и дочери):
We know you were at the ball. Try on this shoe.
(раздраженно): Oh, it's very
Prince (заметив
Золушку): But who is that girl? Come here,
please! Try on this shoe, pretty Miss!
(возмущенно): But she didn't go to the
Father (принцу): Give
her the shoe! Her foot is small.
Prince (встает на одно колено перед
Золушкой): I'm happy that I've found you! I love you, and I'd
like to marry you.
Cinderella (радостно):
Oh, yes, my Prince, I love you too.
(Звучит музыка. Все персонажи сказки выходят на поклон.)
Жүргізуші : And now lets listen to our young kids.
Жүргізуші : Ендеше 3 сынып оқушысының Н.Аблайулының орындауында «Жаса Қазақстаным» әні тамашалаңыздар!
Жүргізуші : Осымен біздің кешіміз аяқталды. Келесі кездескенше қош сау болыңыздар!
Жүргізуші : Good bye dear guests!