- Учителю
- Учебное занятие для 6 класса на тему «Unusual houses”
Учебное занятие для 6 класса на тему «Unusual houses”
Учебное занятие для 6 класса
на тему «Unusual houses"
Марина Викторовна Гаршина
Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №36
План занятия
Класс: 6
Тема занятия: «Unusual houses»
УМК «English 6» Кузовлев В.П.
Тип урока: урок обобщения
Форма урока: традиционная
Цели урока:
Практический аспект: Формирование лексических навыков говорения по теме «houses»;
Развивающий аспект: развитие умения вероятностного прогнозирования, логического мышления, внимания, памяти и речемыслительной деятельности; способности к анализу, сравнению и обобщению, умения делать выводы; развитие умения работать в сотрудничестве;
Воспитательный аспект: показать значимость умения решать коммуникативные задачи, расширение кругозора, творческих способностей учащихся , воспитание коммуникативной компетентности учащихся
Образовательный аспект: Актуализация ранее изученного лексического материала по теме "houses", совершенствование речевых навыков.
Сопутствующие задачи:
Совершенствовать произносительные навыки.
Повторение и активизация лексического материала предыдущих уроков (дом).
Развитие умения читать с целью полного понимания прочитанного и извлечения конкретной информации.
Развивать мотивацию и повышать интерес к изучению английского языка.
Языковой материал: использование структур There is/there are; лексика по теме «дом».
Речевой материал:
Продуктивный лексический - good points, bad points
There is/There are
A caravan, a houseboat, a lighthouse, a teepee, quiet, unusual.
I would like to live in
Оснащение урока: ТСО: компьютер, медиапроектор, дидактический материал: презентации к уроку, раздаточный материал.
План (этапы) урока
Задача данного этапа
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учеников
Учебный материал
Организационный момент
Warming -up
2 мин
1 мин
Создание мотивационной готовности
- Good morning , dear friends. I am glad to see you. My name is Marina Victorovna. How are you today?
Do you hear? Who is this? Is this a dog?
Is this a cat? Is this a bird? Look around your classroom and find birds. Where are they?
Wright you are. Look at the screen. Listen to me and repeat after me. Read yourself.
Let me continue our lesson with the video. Try to guess what we are going to speak about. Look and think.
What houses are they?
(How do you think are they usual or unusual?)
Good morning
I'm fine.
I'm OK.
No, it is not
No, it is not
Yes, it is.
There is a bird on the door. There is a bird on the window. There is a bird on the chair. There is a bird on the floor.
About houses.
Слайд №1
Слайд №2
Этап целеполагания
1 мин
Подвести учащихся к постановки цели
Do you know any unusual houses?
Do you want to learn about them?
Today we'll speak about different kinds of unusual houses, know if children like to live there, read texts, find special facts, and finally make the collages and present them.
No, we don't.
Yes, we do.
Слайд №3
Устная практика
2 мин.
There are a lot of different houses in the world. And many of them are unusual.
Look here.
Can you say it in Russian?
What smart children you are.
Where can you see these houses?
Дети называют дома по-русски
A lighthouse - маяк
A houseboat - дом - лодка
A caravan - трейлер
A teepee - вигвам
Near the sea, river, in the field
Слайд №4
Подготовка к исследованию
2 мин.
Аудирование со зрительной опорой. Презентация коллажа учителем
Let's look more attentively at the collage. This is a lighthouse. It is unusual because it is as high as a tower. There are small rooms in it, but they are light. This is a girl. Her name is Ann. She lives in the lighthouse with her parents. Her parents work here. The lighthouse is near the sea. So Ann can go swimming every day. She likes to live in this house very much. Do you like this house? Would you like to live here?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
Yes, I would.
No, I wouldn't.
Плакат с коллажем о маяке
Работа в группах.
15 мин
Let's work in three groups. Please stand up and sit here. Help me, please.
I've got 3 children's letters from foreign countries. They live in unusual houses. You'll know many interesting facts about them make the collage and present it us. I have only 3 letters Choose the letter. Now you. And your group takes the last one.
Open your envelopes and put everything on your desks. You have a letter. Read it and find out who lives in this house and how it looks like. Also you can see different pictures for your collage. Use the glue to stick them. If you want to draw something you can use pencils. When your collage will be ready one pupil from your group presents it for us. Take this paper. Here you can see the plan of your presentation. You have 10 minutes. Good luck!
Дети выполняют задания по изготовлению коллажа
Презентация коллажей
4 мин
Монологическая речь
Who will tell us about your collage? Go to the blackboard and hang it.
Listen to him/her and answer the question "Does this child like to live in such ouse?"
Thank you. It was very interesting. Your answer is excellent. (nice, interesting)
Дети рассказывают о своих работах.
На доску дети по одному вывешивают коллажи
3 мин
Рефлексия приобретенных знаний и умений.
And now look at these 4 collages. They are great. Do you like these houses? Which unusual house would you like to live in? Let's vote. Take these smiles and put them under the best collage. We can see that the best house for you is…
Our lesson is coming to the end. What was interesting at the lesson? What was difficult for you? What unusual houses do you know? And what do you learn to make?
I hope that it will be interesting and useful for you.
Good bye, everybody, thank you for your work!
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
Дети прикрепляют смайлики под понравившимися коллажами. Каждая группа объясняет свой выбор
A lighthouse
A houseboat
A caravan
A teepee
A collage