- Учителю
- Конспект урока по теме Животные
Конспект урока по теме Животные
Дата: 28.01.16 класс:5 а,б,в
Тема :Наши домашние животные. Введение НЛЕ. Формирование навыков чтения и говорения
Цель: тренировать учащихся в умении описывать животных и рассказывать о них
Задачи: 1. развивать лексические и грамматические навыки учащихся в устной речи
2. развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи
3. воспитывать у учащихся чувство любви к животным, повышать интерес к изучению английского языка
Оснащение: учебник « Английский в фокусе 5», мультимедийное оборудование, раздаточный материал
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент.
Учитель приветствует детей и сообщают тему и задачи урока.
T.: " Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you. What date is it today? What day is it?
(Слайд 1)Today we continue talking about animals. You are going to revise some words on the theme, describe different animals and their living places and do some tasks.
II.Речевая разминка.
Чтобы ввести учащихся в тему, учитель предлагает им отгадать загадки.
T. :" To make you feel comfortable firstly, I want you to solve some riddles. "(Слайд 2)
III. Основная часть.
1. Беседа с учащимися в режиме T- P1,P2,…
T.: "So, I see you are very clever and you know a lot about animals. Then you must know that there are 3 groups of animals: wild, farm animals and pets. (слайд 3)
Please, look at these pictures and say which of these animals are wild/farm/ pets.
Why do we call them wild (farm/ pets)?
Where do they live?"(Слайд 4) (match the expressions to the animals)
They are dangerous./ In the forest, jungles./ They hunt other animals. They live on the farm / near people/ they give us food : milk, meat, eggs. They are our friends/ they live at our home/ we play with them.
2. Повторение лексических единиц по теме.
Учитель показывает на экране разные части туловища животных, а ученики называют их.
T.: "Before talking about animals in details, let's revise some words. What do we call the following?" (Слайд 5)
T.: " After revising words we can play a game. One of you will think of an animal and the others try to guess what it is asking different questions about its appearance, the place where it lives, what it eats, etc. You can use the words on the screen in your questions."(Слайд 6) and don't forget to use the correct present tense.
Pupils ask questions P1- P1,2…
Is it a wild animal?
Does it live in the forest?
Does it eat grass?
What colour is it?
Has it got a tusk?..."etc.
3. T.:" And now take, please a card and do the following task, please."
"Find mistakes and correct them."
Elephants eat tigers.
Bears fly.
Snakes and spiders are very kind.
Monkeys aren't noisy.
Giraffes live on the farm.
Peacocks have beautiful tails.
Tigers like to sit in the mud.
My hamster likes eating meat and bones.
Ученики читают предложения , находят ошибки и исправляют их.
(слайд 7) By the way look at the picture and say what does it mean?(животные как национальные символы этих стран)
-it's high time to have a rest and sing a song (песня « I love my pets»)
-What animals are in the song?( a cat,a dog,a rabbit,a bird,a mouse).And what type of these animals?(farm and pets)
5.Работа с ЛЕ по теме
-Open your textbooks at p.70.Look at the pictures and repeat after me (Рs повторяют слова за учителем). And now listen to the sounds and say which animal it is? Let's devide them into 2 groups: farm animals and pets.
-Read the title of the text and say what is the text about?(Ps отвечают на вопросы)
5. Проверка домашнего задания.
T.: "Well, as you know your homework was to read and translate the texts but at first listen . It' time to check." (Ученики читают и переводят тексты)
-Thanks for your working and now answer some questions: What pet has each person? What are their pets' names? What pets have you got?
6. Conclusion.
T.: So animals can be our friends and they can be dangerous. Anyway, they are necessary because they make nature beautiful.
T.: So, boys and girls, thank you for the lesson.You worked well today and you get the following marks. ..
At home you will make a project about your pets and you may use ex.2 at p.70 as an example". Goodbye and have a nice day!