- Учителю
- Урок-конкурс по теме «Образование в Великобритании»
Урок-конкурс по теме «Образование в Великобритании»
Урок-конкурс по теме
«Образование в Великобритании»
Автор работы: Романова Нелли Викторовна, учитель английского языка, Средняя школа № 82 город Ульяновск.
Описание работы: Данный урок будет полезен учителям английского языка для проведения в 7 классе, учебник М.З. Биболетовой «Enjoy English». Работа позволяет в игровой форме повторить и обобщить изученный материал по теме «Образование в Великобритании».
Цели и задачи:
Образовательные: обобщение изученного материала по теме «Образование в Великобритании»; актуализация страноведческого материала; совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения; совершенствование лексических навыков.
Развивающие: повышение уровня мотивации к изучению английского языка; развитие воображения, памяти и логического мышления.
Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство сопричастности к мировой культуре; формировать умение работать в коллективе.
Оборудование: картинки с изображением школ Великобритании, университетов, школьной формы; раздаточный материал; тексты для чтения; презентация.
Ход урока:
-Good morning, boys and girls! Today we are going to speak about education in Great Britain. But we have unusual lesson today. It will be a game, a competition. We have three teams today. For a right answer, you will get a star.
Let's begin! Good luck!
Учитель приветствует учащихся, объясняет правила игры. Для проверки и оценивания заданий выбирается жюри в составе 3-4 человек. Выполняя задания, участники игры за правильные ответы получают звездочки.
Конкурс «Primary school»
Задание №1
Команды по очереди отвечают на вопросы учителя, за каждый правильный ответ получают звездочку.
Answer the questions:
What age do children start school?
Do all children go to nursery school or kindergarten?
What two parts does primary school include?
At what age do children go to junior school?
How long does a pupil study at primary school?
Do children in primary school wear a school uniform?
Задание №2
Учащиеся заполняют таблицу на заранее приготовленных листочках, жюри проверяет и сообщает, сколько баллов набрала каждая команда.
Fill in the table.
Primary school
Pupils are five or six years old
They often listen to the teacher's stories sitting on the carpet.
Pupils have real classes: they have a regular timetable.
The atmosphere is formal in classes.
They have many different subjects at their timetable.
Pupils often sing songs, draw pictures and play different games.
Keys: infant school: 1, 2, 6; junior school: 3, 4, 5.
Конкурс "Types of schools"
Команды прослушивают тексты о типах школ в Великобритании и определяют, о каком типе школ говорится в каждом тексте.
There are different types of schools in Great Britain: comprehensive, technical, modern, grammar and public.
Listen to the texts and match the definitions and the types of schools.
These schools are schools, which take children of all abilities. So there are no entrance examinations. Almost all secondary school pupils (90 per cent) go there.
These schools give secondary education of a very high standard. Entrance is based on the test of ability, usually at 11.
These schools don't prepare pupils for universities. Education in such schools gives good prospects for practical jobs.
These schools are free from state control. They are independent. Most of them are boarding schools. The education is of a high quality, the discipline is very strict. Parents pay much money for the education of their children.
Keys: 1. Comprehensive, 2. Grammar, 3. Modern, 4. Public.
About 5 per cent of children study at public schools. The most famous public schools are Eaton, Harrow, Winchester and Rugby. They lay the foundation of a successful future to their pupils by giving them a good academia background, self-confidence and the right friends and contacts.
Команды рассказывают об одной из частных школ, показывая презентацию, которую они приготовили заранее, за каждый рассказ команда получает от1 до 5 баллов.
Примерные рассказы:
Harrow School is one of the well-known independent schools for boys in Harrow, England. The Harrow School was founded in 1572 by John Lyon under a Royal Charter of Elizabeth I. The school has 805 boys, who live in twelve boarding houses. As Harrow school is a boarding school, the boys are there twenty-four hours of the day. I the morning they have classes in the classroom and in the evenings they are taught acting, music, art, technology all kinds of games, life-debating societies, science societies. Harrow's uniform includes straw hats, morning suits, top hats and canes. The Harrow School is famous as the place where Winston Churchill was educated, as well as six other British Prime Ministers, the poet Lord Byron and many other famous people.
Eton College is an English boys' independent boarding school located in Eaton, Berkshire near Windsor. It educates over 1,300 pupils. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI. Eton has educated 19 British Prime Ministers and generation of the aristocracy and has been referred to as the chief nurse of England's statesmen. Prince William, the Queen's grandson, went to Eton too. The School is known for its traditions, including a uniform of black tailcoat and waistcoat, false-collar and pinstriped trousers. Most pupils wear a white tie. The education here is of a high quality, the discipline is very strict. Well-trained teachers support the students in all situations and help with questions the students may have.
Winchester College is an independent school for boys in the British public school tradition. It is situated in Winchester, Hampshire, England. It has existed in its present location for over 600 years and claims the longest unbroken history of any school in England. Winchester College was founded in 1382 by William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester. Every pupil at Winchester lives in a boarding house, where he studies, eats and sleeps. Each house has an official name. Houses compete in school competitions, mostly in sporting competitions.
Команды прослушивают тексты о частных школах и выполняют задание на заранее приготовленных листочках, жюри проверяет и сообщает, сколько баллов набрала каждая команда.
True or false.
Eton College, Harrow School and Winchester are boarding schools.
Only boys study at these schools.
Winston Churchill was educated at Eton College.
These schools were founded by the Queen Elizabeth II.
Eaton College, Harrow School and Winchester are famous for their traditions.
Prince William was educated at the Harrow School.
Keys: 1) T; 2) T; 3) F; 4) F; 5) T; 6) F.
Конкурс "Secondary school"
Учащиеся выполняют задания на заранее приготовленных листочках, жюри проверяет и сообщает, сколько баллов набрала каждая команда.
Задание №1
Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-6) with the endings (A-F).
Задание №2
Complete the sentences.
… in a British school lasts 40 minutes.
The … for school uniform in Britain are grey, blue or green.
Pupils whose behavior is not ideal can be … .
Pupils cannot come to school for a few days if they are … .
Each school has its School … which organizes the social and cultural life at school.
After finishing the fifth form pupils can leave school and go to … .
Задание №3
Find the Russian equivalents for the names of punishment in British schools.
Исключение из школы
Наказание письмом
Временное исключение из школы
Запись в дневнике
Оставление после уроков
Задание №4
Translate from English into Russian:registration
to achieve a lot
make progress
mixed school
core curriculum
boarding school
nursery education
compulsory education
Конкурс "Life at school"
Команды выбирают табличку с темой и выполняют задание: ответить на вопросы, исправить ошибки, рассказать о данном аспекте школьной жизни.
School year
Answer the questions:
When does the school year begin in Britain?
Why does the school year never begin on Monday?
How many terms is the school year divided into?
When do the children in Britain have holidays?
School day
Answer the questions:
What does the school day start with?
How many lessons do the children have every day?
Do the children in Britain go to school on Saturdays?
What does the teacher do during the Registration?
Find the mistakes and correct them.
The National Curriculum for children in all state schools in GB consists of seven subjects which all the children must study at school.
English, Mathematics and Science are called foundation subjects.
British children don't learn foreign languages.
Tell about the school uniform in GB.
Примерный рассказ:
Pupils at many schools in Britain wear school uniform. Girls wear a white blouse (perhaps with a tie), with a dark- coloured skirt and a pullover. Boys wear a shirt and a tie, dark trousers and dark- coloured pullovers. Pupils also wear blazers with a school badge on the pocket. Shoes are usually black or brown.
Lunch time
Tell about the lunchtime in British schools.
Примерный рассказ:
The lunch break usually lasts an-hour-and-a-quarter. Children can have a hot or cold dinner provided by the school or a packed lunch taken from home. The lunch is paid by parents.
Report cards
Find the mistakes and correct them.
British pupils usually get report cards once a year.
The report card gives the subjects, the marks and sometimes comments from the parents.
Pupils have to sign the report.
At what age and why do children take these exams: Eleven Plus Examination, GCSE, "A" Level Exams?
Tell about the lunchtime in British schools.
Примерный рассказ:
Children in Britain have different hobbies and interests. Schools offer their pupils a wide range of clubs, from sport clubs, such as football or swimming to Nature or Dancing Club.
Конкурс «Mistakes»
Учащиеся получают карточки с предложением, читают и исправляют ошибки, за правильные ответы получают звездочки.
Compulsory education in Britain starts when the child is seven. (five)
British children draw pictures, sing songs and play games at junior school.(infant)
British children usually sit in rows in infant schools. (junior)
The secondary school consists of infant school and junior school.(primary)
Secondary school lasts seven years. (five)
Most children in Britain go to public schools.(comprehensive)
Eaton, Harrow, Rugby and Winchester are the most famous grammar schools.(public)
If pupils go to technical schools, they have a good theoretical secondary education.( grammar)
Children can enter the best English universities after leaving modern schools. (public)
Higher education begins at seventeen.( eighteen)
At sixteen pupils take "A" Level Exams. ( eighteen)
At eighteen pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education.( sixteen)
After GCSE pupils can continue their education in the sixth form for three more years for "A" Level Exams.(two)
In Britain, the pupils have their own desks to guarantee the safety of their things. (lockers)
Schools in Britain have numbers. (names)
Конкурс «Universities»
Учащиеся читают текст и отвечают на вопросы. Каждая команда получает свой вопрос.
Oxford and Cambridge are the most prestigious universities in the English-speaking world. You never say Cambridge and Oxford; Oxford always comes first. They are often called Oxbridge.
Oxford is one of the oldest universities in Europe. It is situated at a distance of 100 km from London. Most colleges are made of grey stone. They have stood there for many centuries. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. Now there are 27 colleges for men, five for women and another five which have both ones. Perhaps the most famous colleges are Christ Church, University College and All Souls. A characteristic feature of Oxford is that many traditions of the Middle Ages are still current there. One of them is that the students have to wear gowns.
Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London. It is one of the most beautiful towns in England and looks more like a country town. The Cambridge University started during the 13th century (1284) has more than 30 colleges. The oldest college in Cambridge is Peterhouse, which was founded in 1284. The most famous is probably King's college (founded in 1441) because of its magnificent chapel and English fifteen-century architecture.
Since the year of 1970 most colleges of Cambridge are mixed. A lot of famous people studied at Cambridge. They are Sir Isaac Newton, Oliver Cromwell, John Milton and Sir Charles Darwin. In Trinity College, which is a very famous, there is a statue of Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist in the world.
Вопрос для первой команды:
What does Oxbridge mean?
Вопрос для второй команды:
Which of these universities is older?
Вопрос для третьей команды:
What makes these universities quite different from any other?
Учащиеся заполняют таблицу на заранее приготовленных листочках, жюри проверяет и сообщает, сколько баллов набрала каждая команда.
Fill in the table.Keys:
True or false.
Oxford and Cambridge are the most prestigious universities in Europe.
Oxford and Cambridge are often called Oxbridge.
They are situated not far from London.
The first of colleges in Cambridge was founded in 1249.
The most famous college in Oxford is King's college.
Oxford and Cambridge have many old traditions.
Many famous people were educated there.
Sir Isaac Newton was educated at Oxford.
Cambridge has 39 colleges.
Colleges are made of grey stone.
Keys: 1) T; 2) T; 3) T; 4) F; 5) F; 6) T; 7) T; 8) F; 9) F; 10) T.
Ученики подсчитывают звездочки и определяют победителя. Учитель поздравляет команду победителей и подводит итоги.
Список литературы:
И. Ю. Баканова «600 устных тем для школьников и поступающих в вузы» М., «Дрофа» 2001;
Т.П. Ванина, М.С.Евдокимов «Тестовые задания по английскому языку» М., «Лист»1999;
В.В.Ощепкова, И.И.Шустилова «О Британии вкратце» М., «Лист» 2000