- Учителю
- Разработка урока информатики на английском языке 'Internal computer devices. Внутренние устройства компьютера. '
Разработка урока информатики на английском языке 'Internal computer devices. Внутренние устройства компьютера. '
Computer lesson.
Theme: Internal computer devices.
Teacher: Polulyakh Yelena, a teacher of information technologies.
Form: 8
Objectives of the lesson:
To acquaint students with the internal computer devices, their functions and features;
познакомить учеников с внутренним устройством системного блока, особенностями и функциями устройств.
To train pupils' interests to the subject.
поддержать интерес учащихся к предмету
To develop pupils' habits of using computer terms in work.
развивать навыки учащихся в использовании компьютерных терминов
To bring up students' accuracy and fluency in the work on PC.
воспитывать аккуратность и беглость в использовании компьютера
To develop of students' communication skills in team-work;
развивать у учащихся навыки общения при совместной работе
To activate student's creative thinking;
активизировать творческое мышление учащихся
To develop students' self-education skills.
развивать навыки самообразования.
The type of the lesson: combined lesson (with practice work)
комбинированный урок (с элементами практической работы)
During the lesson the students will:
present the internals devices and their functions. (orally)
презентуют устройства и их функции
assemble a desktop computer in a virtual constructor. (modeling process)
виртуально соберут модель настольного компьютера
- work with new terms. (in written and orally)
поработают с новыми терминами устно и письменно
filling a technological card of the lesson. (in written)
заполнят технологическую карту урока
make up the questions about computer's devices.
составят вопросы о компьютерных устройствах
Visual aids: desktop PCs, self-assessment levels, virtual assembly software, presentation "Internal computer devices", interactive board, assessment table, technological cards, cards definitions, demo-models of internal devices.
Sources: 1. Dinos Demetrius's Information technology: Workshop.- Oxford, Oxford UP. 2003. - 40 p.
2. ; ,
3. . - dynamic pause
4. - virtual assembly software
Main terms: desktop PCs, motherboard, processor, adapters, disk drives, hard disk, power supply, RAM -
memory, cables and wires, the network card
The plan of the lesson:
Greeting & organizing moment. - 1 min.
2. Revision the Safety Rules. - 2 min.
3. Evocation. Warm up:
- Activation of the knowledge (Discussion. Types of computers.) - 3 min.
- Defining the title and objectives of the lesson. - 2 min.
- Self-assessment. Knowledge Mountain. - 2 min.
4. Comprehension:
- New vocabulary. - 5 min.
- Internal computer devices. (Teacher speech.) - 5 min.
Individual work "Match terms and their descriptions". (Work in technological cards.)
Make your choice. - 3 мин.
5. Dynamic pause - 2 min.
6. Comprehension: Fixing taken knowledge.
Virtual computer assembly. (Practice work.) - 10 min.
- Internal computer devices and their functions. (Student's speeches.) - 5 min
- Extra work «True or False». (Work in technological cards.)
7. Reflection:
- Bus Stop. Student's questions. - 4 min.
- Summary (assessment). - 2 min.
Self-assessment "Knowledge mountain".
Assessments table.
Greeting and organizing moment.
Good morning students. Please, check up we need for the lesson: handout-paper, register, pens.
How good is your mood?
Our mood is very good!
I am glad to see you. Welcome to this lesson. Sit down, please.
What date is it today?
You should be registered in Uses' Register, while I am checking the absentees. Who is absent today?
Well, let's begin our lesson.
2. Revision of the Safety Rules.
Повторение ПТБ.
What we should do the start lesson before?
At the beginning of our lesson we have to revise Safety rules.
Let's tell the main Safety Rules in computer lab.
Please, be attentive and don't repeat the same rules.
Who wants to start? Students speak rules, for example:
- keep unnecessary things and food near a computer;
- touch electrical wires, sockets and screens with your fingers;
- leave your assigned seat;
- try to correct breaks yourself;
- use social networks and cell-phone at the lesson;
- dismiss the work through the START-menu ;
-use just approved program and sites;
- test information drives to escape viruses;
- keep all devices clean;
- remember: Teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.
3. Warm up:
Defining the title and objectives of the lesson.
Look at the interactive board. (There are the pictures of different types of computer are shown in it: a supercomputer, a server, a desktop computer, a portable and handheld computers.)
What do you see in it? (Students name of all types of computers).
What are the main differences between them? (They have different sizes; carry out different tasks, process data at different speeds).
Well, What about computers of our school labs? Which type of computers are they? (They are desktop PCs.)
Which components of a desktop PC consist from? ( a monitor, a keyboard, a system unit and a mouse).
Well, we learnt about their on previous lesson.
And there is a part of PC which includes many others small but the most important components inside.
Activation of the knowledge.
Look at my desk. They are here.
And, what is a name of PC's part where are fixed? (It is named a System unit.)
What are the main functions of the system unit? (It protects delicate electronics inside.)
Why they are here? What do you think? (Because we will learn about their.)
What do you think? What is the title of our lesson today? (Students speak the thoughts of a title, and teacher generalizes and writes on the blackboard the Title).
Please write the title in your handout-paper. Internal computer devices.
Is this theme new for you? (It is new, but we have spoken about it a little bit.)
Do you know some of these internal components?
May be, do you know their functions?
So tell me: What are we going to do at the lesson?
(We will learn new computer's components and their functions;
learn to assemble system unit
develop our using & speaking skills).
Well Done!!!
Self-assessment before the lesson.
How well do you know this theme? Mark yourself and stick the sticker nearby levels: at the bottom, on my way, at the top.
4. Comprehension:
New vocabulary.
At the lesson we will use new words. Look at Vocabulary, read after me in chorus.
Power supply - блок питания
Drive - дисковод
Adapter - карта , адаптер
Motherboard - материнская карта
Wires & cables - провода и шлейфы
Hard disk drive (HDD) - жесткий диск, винчестер
Central processing unit (CPU) - центральный процессор
Random access memory (RAM) - оперативная память (ОЗУ)
Network interface card (NIC) - сетевая карта
Now write these words into your cards.
What is the English for «процессор»? ….etc.
What is the Russian for "power supply"? …. etc.
Individual work "Match terms and their descriptions". (Work in technological cards.)
Now please, turn on your monitors, find and open the folder virtual desktop and load the file Index.html. Click a button "Skip" and choose a bookmark "Explore".
I will tell you a few words internal computer devices about. And you can see whole devices on your screens too. During my speech you will be filling table 2. You should write device's names in the gaps.
Are you ready?
Let's start.
Internal computer devices (teacher speech).
Now you can see a system unit inside.
There are many small but the most important components in it.
One of the main internal devices is Motherboard. It is the main printed circuit board that connects all the components of the computer. This is a sheet that holds all the circuitry to connect the various components of a computer system.
The next, Power supply. This internal computer device provides the needed voltage to power the various electronic circuits that make up the PC.
CPU and heat sink fan. Fan forces air over the heat sink. And over of fan CPU are fixed. This is the brains of the where most calculations take place. This is a piece of hardware that carries out the instructions of a program.
A permanent storage internal device is HDD - hard disk drive. This is a device that stores all the software installed on a computer as well as all the data files created and used by this software.
There is other storage device which is fixed on a motherboard. It is random access memory - RAM. It is the storage space for data used by the operating system and other programs while the computer is in use. It is temporary memory computer uses to store anything temporary.
Adapter cards are installed on the motherboard to add functionality to your computer.
Video adapter sends data to a computer display. Its function is to generate output images to a display.
Sound card is an internal computer expansion card providing an audio input and output interface with connections for speakers, headphones, and microphone.
Network interface card is an adapter card used to connect your computer to a network.
We cannot image our desktop PC without Drives. They provide a way to pass files to and from the hard drive or to and from another computer.
CD-drive is an optical device that reads and writes information to CDs and DVDs.
Floppy drive is a magnetic drive that reads and writes information to floppy diskettes.
Wires and cables provide power from a power source to some piece of motherboard and tools. They transport electrical energy from the source of the electricity to the device.
Please, turn off monitors.
Check up the table. (Work in technological cards.)
Look at interactive board and check up the table.
If you have not mistaken, raise Green signal card.
If you have 1-2 errors, raise Blue signal card.
If you have 3 and more errors, raise Red signal card.
I will mark in Assessment Tables.
This is the brains of the where most calculations take place. This is a piece of hardware that carries out the instructions of a program.
Power supply
This internal computer device provides the needed voltage to power the various electronic circuits that make up the PC.
It is the main printed circuit board that connects all the components of the computer. This is a sheet that holds all the circuitry to connect the various components of a computer system.
It is the storage space for data used by the operating system and other programs while the computer is in use. It is temporary memory computer uses to store anything temporary.
Video adapter
It is an adapter card that sends data to a computer display. It is a card whose function is to generate output images to a display.
Sound adapter
It is an internal computer expansion card providing an audio input and output interface with connections for speakers, headphones, and microphone.
This internal device is a form of permanent storage. This is a device that stores all the software installed on a computer as well as all the data files created and used by this software.
They read and write information to CDs and DVDs. Another one reads and writes information to floppy diskettes. They provide a way to pass files to and from the hard drive or to and from another computer.
Wires and cables
They provide power from a power source to some piece of equipment or tool. The basic and sole purpose of they is to transport electrical energy from the source of the electricity to the device.
Make your choice.
Look under your keyboard. You can find a card-definition of functions internal computer's devices. Read this definition. Identify the name of device. And write its name on the back of card. Then take your device from my desk.
If you have made right choice I will mark in Assessment Table.
Let's start. (Student read card-definition; identify the name of device. And write its name on the back of card.)
5. Dynamic pause.
6. Comprehension:
Virtual computer assembly. (Practice work.)
Do you want to do more difficult task? Well, for the next task you need a PC. Please, switch on your monitor. And load a Learn bookmark in Virtual Desktop Model. I offer you to train in the assembly of the virtual desktop PC. But your time is limited. Just 10 minutes. Some of you, who will finish in time, will get "plus" in Assessment Table.
Internal computer devices and their functions. (Student's speeches.)
Now please, present you internal device to your classmates.
Who wants to start? If you have made right choice I will mark in Assessment Table.
(Students present internal devices.)
Extra work «True or False». (Work in technological cards.)
Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F):
We use C: drive to open floppy disk. T / F
The parts of computer you can touch are named HARDWARE. T / F
The higher the speed of the CPU? The faster computer will run. T / F
CPU means central processing unit. T / F
We measured the RAM of the computer in megabytes. T / F
Programs with a lot of graphics need a large RAM to run well. T / F
If you have made right choice I will mark in Assessment Table.
7. Reflection:
Bus Stop. Student's questions.
I see some of you have written questions on a poster. Who wants to read your question?
Compose a question about the lesson theme.
Can you answer to it?
Now each of you may stick your question on Bus-Stop place. We will start next lesson with their.
Well done, you have worked hard with the questions.
Summary (assessment).
Today we spoke about "Internal devices."
What were we doing at the lesson?
We were learning new computer's components and their functions;
We were fixing new computer's terms;
We were training the assembly system unit
We were developing our using & speaking skills.
Self-assessment "Knowledge mountain".
Now, please assessment yourself once more. How well do you know this theme now? And stick the sticker on the levels: at the bottom, on my way, at the top.
Whose estimation increased?
Whose estimation went down?
Assessments table.
Let's look at Assessments table.
Teacher says result of each student, comment it.
For example, "It is a good job. And today you have "5" or "4".
You don't have any homework today.
The lesson is over.
Thanks for your job.