• Учителю
  • 'Сызықтық алгоритмдерді программалау, енгізу және шығару операторлары' ағылшын тілінде сабақ жоспары

'Сызықтық алгоритмдерді программалау, енгізу және шығару операторлары' ағылшын тілінде сабақ жоспары

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предварительный просмотр материала

9 th class The date 03.12.2013

Theme of the lesson: Programming of linear algorithm, operators of appropriating, introduction and release.

Aim of lesson :

To form: to acquaint students with a structure linear programming and to form new knowledge with the reiteration of past themes.

To develop: develop the skills to work independently and learn to use the theory in practice, to know how to summarize and discuss-pending material.

To mentor: educate interest in the subject and discipline, supervise the work safety regulation and educate the ability to work with a group.

Type of lesson : combined lesson

Using the tool and demonstration of lesson: computer, interactive table, presentation,many small papers, picture

І. Organizational stage 3-тin

  • Greet are childrens

  • Сheck pupils

  • Check the readiness of students to the lesson

ІІ. Repeat the last lesson 7-тin

Go to ActivInspire.

1 page

  • What is algorithm?

  • In the algorithm has many qualities?

  • What is Programm ?

  • How many species are in the algorithm?

2 page

  • What is linear algorithm?

  • What is branch algorithm?

  • What is cycle algorithm?

ІІІ. Еxplain a new theme 20-тin

Program structure is divided three types:

  1. linear

  2. to branch

  3. cycle

Тhe program - is a sequence of the instructions intended for execution by control of calculable machine unit. Program - one of software artifacts.

Written in Pascal program consists of 3 parts:

  • theme part

  • variable part

  • part of operators

Let us to the following concepts in programming language Pascal:

  • On the Pascal programming language operators are divided into simple and composite.
    - Operators are written inside the program statements begin and end.
    - Operators begin and end call operator brackets.
    - Simple operators called operators that consists of a single operator;

Compound operator consists of several operators, and they include statements inside pischushie operators begin and end.
- We call empty statement ";" operator. This operator indicates the end of the previous statement.

Line algorithm - algorithm wherein the command executes one after another interleave.

Тo write a linear program must know the following operators :

- assignment operator :=

-introduction operator Read( ); or Readln( );

- release operator Write( ); or Writeln( );

Assignment operator - used to give the result of the calculation is written to the variables

Rule writing :=;
Here < name variable >-variable identifier;

:= sign appropriating, importance of inconstant accepts importance of number, at that was pattern counted;

< pattern > - arithmetic pattern or number.

In Pascal using two introduction operator: Read(); and Readln();

It Is as following general kind operator of Read: Read(a1, a2,.,an) - local a1, a2,.,unsteady in it promises the names an, to embed and talk parameters of operators names them. Importance of inconstant beginning first entered on пернетақта through. Cursor transmigrates not, following harden.

A Readln (a1, a2, ..., an) after the issuance of variable keyboard cursor moves to the next line

For example:
Var I:real; j:integer; k:char;

In Pascal to release results on the screen using operators Write (); or Writeln ();.

Write operator is written as: Write (a1, a2, ..., an)
For example In 2.15to when will you run this command:

Write('B =', В);

the screen shows the combination of the words B = 2.15.
Options that are issued by a comma to separate the first-the first since the operator Write written in place brackets.
Just what road operator registration parameter in the language Pascal Writeln ( ) transition used. Jaeger operator Writeln (a1, a2,., An) used a1, a2,., Issued an importance on the screen moves to the next line end cursor.

Write operator is used to give a comment.

Write a program that displays the word "I am a student at the institute"



WRITE ('I am a student at the institute');


After the program wrote:

- If you press knobku CTRL + F9, the program will run out;
- Tapping in knobku ALT + F5 to see the result.
Please go to the screen the word " I am a student at the institute"

ІҮ. Conclusion 5-тin

  • What operator, and divided by what commands?

  • What is an empty operator?

  • Organized as a composite operator?

  • Know which way to display the result on the screen?

  • Use the main responsibilities of operators introduction and release?

Ү. Hometask

Repeat. Write the program in Pascal:

How many apples they gather in t an hour if the first student one hour to collect a bucket of M, by the second student K bucket, third student L bucket apple.

ҮІ. Assess 5-min

Put the assessment in an e-zine.


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