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  • Урок географии в 8 классе «Равнины Казахстана»

Урок географии в 8 классе «Равнины Казахстана»

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Краткое описание: К сожалению, разработок уроков по географии Казахстана в Интернете не так уж много, и уж совсем не встречаются разработки с элементами английского языка.Урок географии 8 класс по теме «Равнины Казахстана» составлен в помощь учителям, преподающим географию Казахстана с э
предварительный просмотр материала

Урок 15

: Конкретизировать представления учащихся об особенностях рельефа на территории Казахстана, познакомить с особенностями равнин на территории Республики; развивать умения учащихся работать с географическими картами и контурными картами; воспитывать интерес к изучаемому предмету.
Оборудование: Проектор, Презентация, учебник, Физическая карта Казахстана, Атлас
Тип урока: комбинированный урок
Методы и приемы: наглядно - практические, частично-поисковые


  1. Оргмоент.

  2. Проверка домашнего задания - фронтальный опрос об образовании основных форм рельефа на территории РК, о роли внутренних и внешних сил в разных районах РК в формировании рельефа

  3. Целеполагающий этап - актуализация представлений учащихся о равнинах, о градации равнин по высоте, о видах равнин по способу образования

1. What is called the plains? What surface can be plain? Plains are flat. There hilly plains

2. As distinguished by high plains?
Height plains.By height above sea level among distinguish low plains (lowlands), elevated (height) and high (Plateau).

Lowlands have absolute height to 200 m. For example, West-Siberian plain with flat surface in Eurasia. At the Earth's surface is the lowlands, which are even below the level Sea. For example, Pre-Caspian Sea lowland lies 28 m below sea level.

Highlands - It is plain from heights from 200 to 500 m. The hills include, for example Podolskin Ukraine.

Plateau - It is also plain, just high enough - over 500 meters above sea level. Examples are Serednosybirske plateau and plateauDean in Asia.

3. For the scale heights in the atlas defining what colors mark each type of plains in height. Give examples of each type of plains.

4.Изучение нового материала
- работа с Физической картой Казахстана - определение особенностей географического положения равнин на территории Казахстана

- работа с тектонической картой - определение особенностей тектонического и геологического строения равнин Республики

- просмотр Презентации PPT «Рельеф Казахстана»(см. Приложение1 Презентация PPT, Работа с текстом работа с текстом на английском языке - см. Приложение 2)

5. Закрепление
- работа с текстом учебника - определение особенностей каждой равнины на территории Казахстана, запись в тетрадь в виде таблицы

Равнины Казахстана

Общие черты равнин на территории Казахстана

Особенности равнин на территории Казахстана

Восточно-Европейская равнина

Западно-Сибирская (Северо-Казахская равнина)

Туранская низменность

Плато Устюрт

Плато Торгай

  1. Подведение итогов, рефлексия, выставление оценок.

  1. Домашнее задание

Приложение 2

Surface plains. On our planet dominated by flat terrain. It is well visible at physical map hemispheres.

Plains are flat. Their surface level, there are no notable rises and descents. There hilly plains, where alternating with a lower increase. But such disparities are high relative to 200 m. Thus, plain - A relatively level area Earth's surface with small fluctuations heights. Most of the plains of the world huge in size. This is reflected in their names: Great Plain of ChinaEurasiaGreat Plains in North America. At one Eastern European plain fit the territory of many countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Russia (West).

Height plains.By height above sea level among distinguish low plains (lowlands), elevated (height) and high (Plateau).

Lowlands have absolute height to 200 m. For example, West-Siberian plain with flat surface in Eurasia. At the Earth's surface is the lowlands, which are even below the level Sea. For example, Pre-Caspian Sea lowland lies 28 m below sea level.

Highlands - It is plain from heights from 200 to 500 m. The hills include, for example Podolskin Ukraine.

Plateau - It is also plain, just high enough - over 500 meters above sea level. Examples are Serednosybirske plateau and plateauDean in Asia.

Formation plains.Plains can be formed as a result of lifting and removal of sea water bottom. This occurs during the vertical movement of the crust. These plain called primary. For example, Black Sea lowlandFarmland was once the bottom of the Black Sea.

Secondary plain formed differently. Some of them, created river sediments (sand, loam), which accumulated in a long time decrease in the crust. Their surface is flat or undulating. Yes Mesopotamian marshes formed by sediments of the rivers Euphrates and Tiger. The plains may occur in place of mountains, when under the influence of external processes destroyed their peaks and slopes and valleys filled with rubble. Then the mountain place gradually and leveled into a hilly plain. An example is Kazakh dribnosopkovyk- High plain, where the tower remains of some mountain ranges. In Ukraine is so plainDonets Ridge.

Plains usually coated thickness of sedimentary rocks: sand, clay, lesamy, gravel, limestone. Lie deep beneath magmatic and metamorphic rocks: granites and gneiss. In some places they come to the surface. Layers of sedimentary rocks lying horizontally or with a slight incline. Determine which way inclined plain and on the ground, and can map the direction of flow of rivers.

Change surface of the plains.Plain is affected by internal and external processes. Plains, as usually lie on the platform - the old stable areas aligned lithospheric plates. Therefore, internal processes, there appear to be mainly in the slow vertical movements.

External processes related to the work of water and wind. Where there is enough fluid water formed river valleys, ravines. Yara destroy the area's fertile lands. To combat people impose on them bushes and trees. In the desert, where dry, the surface of the plains changes due to weathering and the action of wind, creating a sand ridge, dunes and dunes. Today was a great external force and economic activity rights. During construction of the bridge, laying paths gully fall asleep, make embankments. During mining operations have careers and near mines growing mounds of waste - piles. Unfortunately, often converting natural person has a negative surface consequences. Nedbal economic activity can lead to dense network of ravines, the conversion of fertile land on the heath.

Plains of Kazakhstan.

L owlands take 1/3 of the whole territory of Kazakhstan. They are West-Siberian Plain, Turanskaya plain and Pre Caspian.

West- Siberian plain. The south outskirts of West-Siberian plain are situated in the north and north-east of republic. It stretches like a narrow strip from the Ural mountains to Altay. The relief of this plain is monotonous. There are no high hills or uplands. Only in some places there are small lanes(впадина) and banks 5-15 meters high they present a chain of small lakes. As this plain was a floor of the sea so it consists of horizonal layers of sea sediments: clay, loam(суглинок) and sand.

This plain has a general slope (наклон)from the south to the north. In the south where it joins Saryarka, it raises 200m. above the sea level and in the north and north-east ( Petropavlovsk) it becomes lower till 130-140m. On the West-Siberian plain we can distinguish two plains: Preirtysskaya and Yesil-Tobolskaya.

Turanskaya plain. It occupies a considerable part of south-west and south of republic. Only the north part of it belongs to Kazakhstan. In the outskirts it rises about 200m above the sea level and lowing in the direction of the Aral sea. It has the horizonallayers of sea, lake and river sediment deposits. In the north it connects with Turgay hollow and west-siberian lowland.

On the territory of Kazakhstan Syrdariya divides Turannskaya plain into two parts: northern and southern. The north part is occupied by deserts Karakum and also Large and Small Barsuky and the southern part by the sand Kyzilkum.

Precaspian lowland is situated between general Syrt, Pre Ural plateau in the north and the Caspian sea in the south-west. In the south-west the plain borders on plateau Ustyurt and Mangyshlak. It consists of sea and river deposits such as sand, clay and silt(ил) At the banks of the sea the lowland lies 27 m below sea level and going further it slowly goes up and at the outskirts reaches the hight 100 absolute hight. The relief of Pre Caspian lowland is monotonous. There are many flat clay plains and sand massives.Here you can come across Naryn, Butpaysagyr, Bozanay, Kosdaulet, Myntobe, Taysoygan and Karakum sand.

Plateaus and hilly regions.

1Plateau Ustyurt. It is situated between a peninsular Mangystau and the Aral sea. Ustyurt represents a hilly plain with a average height 200m above the sea. The highest point is uval Muzbel(340)m. To the north-east it slowly goes down, It consists of some layers of clay, sandstone and limestone. Ustyurt is restricted(ограничить) by sheer (отвесный) rocks from all sides, they are curved by rare gorges which lead to the plateau.

2Turgayskoye plateau It is situated between Mugodzhary and the south Ural.The north part joins West Siberian plain and the south part Shelkar-Tengiz hollow. The average height is 200-300m. In the middle along the plateau from the north to the south it is going down, forming Turgayskaya hollow or Turgay strait or Turgay gatesThis strait connects West-Siberian plain with Turan lowland and Turgay plateau is separated from Saryarka. It consists of horizonal sea and continental deposits such as clay, sand, mergel and clay-sifliceous(кремнистовый) It is well irrigated by the waters of the Yesil, the Tobol and numerous lakes.

3PreUral (Emba) plateau is situated between Precaspian lowland and Mugodzhary.The average height of the plateau is 100-300m, It consists of clay and sand and in some places of phosphorits. It is irrigated by the river system of the Emba.

4 Plateau Betpakdala. It is situated between the river Sarysu in the west and lake Balkhash in the east, by Saryarka in the north and the river Chu in the south. The flat surface of the plateau is monotonous. Sometimes you can meet dry hollows and not deep lowings occupied by salt-marshes (солончаки) and self sedimentary lakes. There is no flowing water here. The average absolute height is 300-350m Eastern part of Betpakdala consists of granit and schists. South-west part consists of sandstone, clay, pebbles. In the lower part there are sea and continental deposits.

5 General Syrt a huge upland situated between the Volga and the Ural. Only a small south part of it belongs to Kazakhstan. It consists of limestone and chalk and other sedimentary deposits. Along Syrt flows numerous tributories of the Ural. The relief of this upland is different As for Kazakhstan it is more flat.

6 PreBalkhash upland plain is situated to the south of the lake Baykal, between Zhungarsky Alatau in the south-east, Zailiysky Alatau in the south and Chu Iliyski mountain in the west.The peculiarity of this plain is that it uprises from350 to 700m in the direction of the mountains surrounding it. On preBalkhash plain there are sand deserts Taukum, Saryeysik-Atyrau and Bakanas clay and sand plain crossed by numerous dry river beds.On the plain there are rows of sand alternating with sand hills and clay-sand spots.

Questions and Tasks

1. What is called the plains? What surface can be plain?

2. As distinguished by high plains?

3. For the scale heights in the atlas defining what colors mark each type of plains in height. Give examples of each type of plains.

  1. What is plain in Kazakhstan?

  2. As plains formed?

6.Under the action of processes which may change the surface of the plains?

7. Нow to determine the slope of the plains?


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