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  • Методическая разработка урока физики на английском языке 7 класс Механическое движение

Методическая разработка урока физики на английском языке 7 класс Механическое движение

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Teacher: Klimenko E.A.




Subject: Physics



7 «a»


Mechanical motion


  1. Physics

  2. Presentation

  3. Experiment


  1. Educational: revise terms distance, displacement

To familiarize students with the new theme "speed"

  1. Developing: develop the ability to explain distance and displacement, speed of the object.

develop logical, thinking, and intellectual abilities:

3. Educative: enlarge students' outlooks; acquire a habit to work in groups.

Learning outcome:


1. know mechanical motion;

2. explain trajectory, reference system, reference point;

3. solve problems

4. know how to work in groups;

Core information:

trajectory, reference system, reference point; distance and displacement, speed of the object.




Teacher's actions

Students' actions

  1. Org. Moment



  1. Warm up


Find Russian equivalent on the board.

Distance - путь

Displacement - перемещение

Trajectory - траектория

Reference system - система отсчета

Reference point- точка отсчета

Material point - материальная точка

Mechanical motion - механическое движение

Speed , velocity - скорость

Cargo - груз

Tells the word

  1. Main part


Find equivalent to the definition and write down on the piece of paper.

Exchange papers between groups. (teacher helps)

Check answers

Distance is a part of trajectory that objects travel for some time. Letter is s.

Displacement of an object is a directed distance connecting initial and final position. Letter is .

Material point is an object the sizes of which can be neglected.

The trajectory of moving is the track left by an in the form of a line in relation to reference object.

Reference object is the point that is thought motionless.

Reference system is the system of coordinates, which shows the reference object and hours.

Mechanical motion is the motion when the object or its parts change the position during some time.

Speed - is total distance divided by total time.

Uniform motion - is the motion when the objects passes equal distances for equal time.

Non-uniform motion is the motion when he

object passes different distances for equal time

Put marks.

8-7 - "5"

6-5 - "4"

4-3 - "3"

Practice work (there is a pass track and 2 cars for every group)

Методическая разработка урока физики на английском языке 7 класс Механическое движение

You are in the groups of three.

  1. director

  2. assistant

  3. secretary

The task is the following

Directors checks the whole group's work, assistant carries the experiment, secretary writes on the paper results.

Find speed of the object. (no cargo - 1st group, 1crgo - 2nd group, 2cargo - 3rd group, 3 cargo 4th group )

Objectives: to find speed of the object practically.

Devices: track, car, stopwatch, meter rule.

Work procedure:

Distance s

Time t

Speed v


Given: Solution:

You should find speed of the car on the table, write down the results on the A3, and present your results on the board.

Given: Solution:

x= s=x-x0

x0= v=s/t




Conclusion: we have found speed of the car with cargo. It is ________cm/s.

Speed of the object depends on mass.

Students write words on papers check answer of the neighbor group and put marks.

Students solve problem.

Stick objectives and devices written on the paper, carry the experiment, and calculate speed.

Prepare to answer at the board.

  1. Home Assignment


P 23 ex1-3 (wr)

  1. Giving feedback and assessment



  1. Write one thing you liked at the lesson.

  2. Write two formulae studied at the lesson.

  3. Write three definitions you learnt at the lesson.

Today we have revised terms trajectory, reference system, reference point; distance and displacement, speed of the object. In addition, we have measured speed of the object. You did a good job!

Vocabulary revision

Vocabulary revision

is a part of trajectory that objects travel for some time.

is a part of trajectory that objects travel for some time.

is a directed distance connecting initial and final position.

is a directed distance connecting initial and final position.

is an object the sizes of which can be neglected.

is an object the sizes of which can be neglected.

is the track left by an object in the form of a line.

is the track left by an object in the form of a line.

is the point that is thought motionless.

is the point that is thought motionless.

is the system of coordinates, which shows the reference object and hours.

is the system of coordinates, which shows the reference object and hours.

is the motion when the object or its parts change the position during some time.

is the motion when the object or its parts change the position during some time.

is total distance divided by total time.

is total distance divided by total time.

is the motion when the objects passes equal distances for equal time.

is the motion when the objects passes equal distances for equal time.

is the motion when the object passes different distances for equal time

is the motion when the object passes different distances for equal time

Vocabulary revision

Vocabulary revision

is a part of trajectory that objects travel for some time.

is a part of trajectory that objects travel for some time.

is a directed distance connecting initial and final position.

is a directed distance connecting initial and final position.

is an object the sizes of which can be neglected.

is an object the sizes of which can be neglected.

is the track left by an object in the form of a line.

is the track left by an object in the form of a line.

is the point that is thought motionless.

is the point that is thought motionless.

is the system of coordinates, which shows the reference object and hours.

is the system of coordinates, which shows the reference object and hours.

is the motion when the object or its parts change the position during some time.

is the motion when the object or its parts change the position during some time.

is total distance divided by total time.

is total distance divided by total time.

is the motion when the objects passes equal distances for equal time.

is the motion when the objects passes equal distances for equal time.

is the motion when the object passes different distances for equal time

is the motion when the object passes different distances for equal time



Write one thing you liked at the lesson.


Write two formulae studied at the lesson.


Write three words you learnt at the lesson.



Write one thing you liked at the lesson.


Write two formulae studied at the lesson.


Write three words you learnt at the lesson.



Write one thing you liked at the lesson.


Write two formulae studied at the lesson.


Write three words you learnt at the lesson.



Write one thing you liked at the lesson.


Write two formulae studied at the lesson.


Write three words you learnt at the lesson.



Write one thing you liked at the lesson.


Write two formulae studied at the lesson.


Write three words you learnt at the lesson.



Write one thing you liked at the lesson.


Write two formulae studied at the lesson.


Write three words you learnt at the lesson.



Write one thing you liked at the lesson.


Write two formulae studied at the lesson.


Write three words you learnt at the lesson.

Find speed of the object.

with no cargo

Objectives: to find speed of the object practically.

Devices: track, car, stopwatch, meter rule.

Work procedure:


Find speed of the object.

With one cargo

Objectives: to find speed of the object practically.

Devices: track, car, stopwatch, meter rule.

Work procedure:

Distance (s, cm)

Time (t, s)

Speed (v, cm/s)


Find speed of the object

With two cargoes

Objectives: to find speed of the object practically.

Devices: track, car, stopwatch, meter rule.

Work procedure:

Distance (s, cm)

Time (t, s)

Speed (v, cm/s)


Find speed of the car

With three cargoes

Objectives: to find speed of the object practically.

Devices: track, car, stopwatch, meter rule.

Work procedure:

Distance (s, cm)

Time (t, s)

Speed (v, cm/s)



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