• Учителю
  • Поурочный план по физике на английском на тему Question exam for september. (8 класс)

Поурочный план по физике на английском на тему Question exam for september. (8 класс)

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

Lesson: Exam for September

School: № 20


Teacher name: Nurbek K.

Grade: 8

Number present:

absent: 0

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing

Lesson Objectives

  1. All learners will be able to: check their knowledge about

  2. Most learners will be able to: answer and solve middle problems

  3. Some learners will be able to: answer and solve difficult problems

Language Objectives

Learners can: Use new words in their speech


Key words and phrases: all words from lessons about heat and temperature, energy and different types of energy, heat transfer.

Previous learning

Heat transfer.


Planned timings

Planned activities



5 min

  1. Remembering: in form of «online microphone»

1.to ask some questions about heat and temperature

2.to ask about energy and different types of energy

3.to ask about heat transfer and 3 ways of heat transfer








  1. Creating: create PPT presentation in form of puzzle for exam questions about previous lessons with easy, middle and difficult solutions in order to compare the knowledge of pupils.

  2. Evaluating: create 5 or 6 papers presentation with different exercises and with questions about previous lessons and to make the summary at the end.

  3. Analysing: to get together all papers with answers, to check it and give fairly grades.

  4. Applying: for applying to show one example of solving problems in exercises and to make interesting summary at the end.

  5. </ Understanding: for understanding will be used exam in form of puzzle for better understanding and doing it with big pleasure.

PPT presentation, picture and video


5 minutes

Reflexion: to give right answers for questions

Home task: to re-read previous lesson's abstract



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