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  • Открытый урок на тему: Speaking on the topic “Education

Открытый урок на тему: Speaking on the topic “Education

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предварительный просмотр материала

</ Date: 20.04.2016

Subject: English

Class: 8

The theme: Speaking on the topic "Education".

Aims: to compare educational system in Great Britain and Kazakhstan.

Educational: to receive topical vocabulary, to compare the facts on the theme to practice the usage of numbers and prepositions.

Developing: to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills;

to develop students' interest in research works.

Brining up: to interest in learning English, in learning education system in Great Britain and in our country Kazakhstan.

The type of the lesson: group work

The method of the lesson:

Visual aids: computers, posters, markers, pictures, an interactive board

The plan of the lesson

I. Organization moment

II. Phonetic drill.

III. Checking up the home tasks

IV. Introducing groups

V. Explanation of the new materials

1. Reading

2. Walking dictation

3. Sing a song

4. About marks

5. Work with poster

6. School uniform

IV. Conclusion.

V. Result

VI. Homework.

VII. Giving marks

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

a) The greetings.


Good day, dear our teachers, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!

b) Conversation with on duty.


You are welcome to our lesson by the theme: Speaking on the topic "Education". And I'll divide class into two groups. Group A - will speak about education in Great Britain. Group B - will speak about education in Kazakhstan. The aim of our lesson is to compare education into two countries: Great Britain and Kazakhstan. I hope you'll find something interesting and new for yourselves. Let's start, please. Good Luck!

II. Phonetic drill

The school

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, let` s go in

For soon the lessons will begin

Books and pencils I will need

When I start to write and read

Lots to learn and lots to do

I like to go to school, don` t you?

III. Checking up the home tasks

Слово учителя: Now let's play a little bit. Please, divide into two teams. You'll get the task to put the words in the right order. Bequickbutattentive. Thewinnerwillgettenpoints. Let's start!(письменное задание на порядок слов в предложении)

Восстанови порядок слов и запиши полученные предложения:

Сўзларни жойига қўйиб гап чиқар

  1. for study junior Boys years girls in four and schools

Ответ: (Boys and girls study in junior schools for four years)

  1. 7old at infant schools years leave Children

Ответ: (Children leave infant schools at 7 years old)

  1. usual is British dark As uniform

Ответ: (As usual British uniform is dark)

  1. in study and the separately girls schools Boys private

Ответ: (Boys and girls study in the private schools separately)

  1. the education grammar academic school provides A

Ответ: (A grammar school provides the academic education)

New words

1. curriculum - учебный план

2. education - образование

3. head teacher - заместитель директора

4. headmaster\headmistress - директор

5. Mark- оценка

6. timetable - расписание уроков

7. state school - государственная школа

8. secondary school - средняя школа

9. comprehensive school - общеобразовательная школа

10. private school - частная школа

11. primary school - начальная школа

12. boarding school - интернат


Our president N. A. Nazarbayev said: "Every person in our country must know three languages: Kazakh as a state language, Russian as a language of international communication and English as a widespread language in the world, as a language of business and new technology".

And our pupils know these languages well and now they show us their knowledge

IV. Introducing groups

Group A: Hello! We are glad to see you! Our group is from Great Britain. I'm Dilmira I like to read about Great Britain: this is Makhidil, she is fond of music and dancing, this is Otabek, he is very clever, Batir and Abror are brave.

Group B: Salem. How nice to meet you! You are welcome to our country. We want to know about your country's education. My name is Sevara. Zulfira and Sabrina are handsome. Shakhboz is nice, Saida is hardworking and Muslima is clever.

V. Explanation of the new materials


Responsible - [ris'pɔnsəbl] adj - жауапты

Prosperity - [prɔs'periti] n - гүлдену, өркендеу, жақсы тұрмыс

Priority - [prai'ɔriti] n - приоритет

Top - [tɔp] - төбе

Basic - ['beisik] adj - негізгі, басты

Content - ['kɔntent] n - мазмұн

Method - ['meƟəd] n - метод.

Computerize - [kəm'pju:təraiz] v - компьютерлеу

Create - ['kri'eit] v -жасау, құрұ

Electronics - [ilek'trɔniks] n - электроника

Electronic - [ilek'trɔnik] adj - электронды

Instruction - [in'strɅk ʃən] n - оқу, үйрету

Distance - ['distəns] n - арақашықтық

Talent - ['tælənt] n - талант

Pillar - ['pilə] n колонна .

Foundation - [faun'deiʃən] n - құру,негіз

Implementat ion - [implimən'teiʃn] n - іске асыру,қолдану

Vision - ['viʒn ] n - көз, зеректік, көріну

2. Look at the blackboard and read the text.

Group A: Education in Great Britain.

In Great Britain children start going to school when they are five and continue studying until they are 16 or older. Compulsory education begins at the age of five when they go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. First they attend the infant school from five to seven.

In infant schools children don't have real classes. They get acquainted with the class - room, desks, play and through plating. They learn numbers and how to add them. When children are seven they go to junior school which they attend until eleven. Boys and girls study at junior school for four years. There they have classes, read and write, do mathematics.

At secondary school pupils study English, Math, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and PT. there are some types of secondary schools in Great Britain. They are grammar school, modern schools and comprehensive schools. One can attend modern school but of a modern school don't learn foreign languages.

If they go to grammar school they will have a good secondary education. This type of school is most popular in England. At secondary school pupils study English, Math, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Foreign languages and PT lessons. English, Math and Science are called 'core' subjects. Pupils take examinations in the core subjects at the age of 7, 11 and 14.

There are some private schools in England. Boys and girls do not together study at these schools. The son and daughters of aristocracy go to these schools. Their parents pay much money for the education in private schools. The teachers of these schools pay personal attention to each pupil.

Group B: Education in Kazakhstan.

We started school at the age of seven. After four years of primary school we went to secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of classes are compulsory in our republic.

Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. It lasted 9 months. We had four holidays a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. On the 1st of September we got acquainted with our teachers and had our first lessons. Every lesson lasted 45 minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6 lessons.

The primary school curriculum included such as subjects Kazakh, Math, Russian, Drawing, PT and Music. We had also Nature classes. Our school was not English but we had English classes which started in the 2nd form.

Recently Kazakhstan has also developed several types of schools with greater specialization such as gymnasium, technical, lyceums and private schools. Education is free, except those which work on a commercial basic.

Today the educational system in Kazakhstan is presented by two languages: Kazakh and Russian. Primary education is the most developed of the state's educational system. Pupils receive their primary education in schools of three different levels. Primary 1 - 4 grades, middle 5 - 9 grades and junior 10 - 11 grades. After finishing the 9th grade children continue education in high schools in technical - professional institutes, or in special schools.

3. Walking dictation

I will read words and pupil in each group must come to the blackboard and write it correctly.

School, education, infant, junior, children, secondary, compulsory, comprehensive, grammar, modern, subject, private, primary, special.

4. Sing a song.

You can see the words of the song " You' re beautiful ". But some words are missing. Listen to the song and fill in with the missing words.

Plan, sleep, true, face, She, love, with, man, do, angel

My life is brilliant...

My life is brilliant.

My ______ is pure.

I saw an_________.

Of that I'm sure.

_______ smiled at me on the subway.

She was with another _________.

But I won't lose no ________ on that,

'Cause I've got a __________.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.

You're beautiful, it's _________.

I saw your ________ in a crowded place,

And I don't know what to _________,

'Cause I'll never be ______ you.

Найди в таблице следующие слова:

Государственный, образование, аристократия, искусство, школа с углубленным изучением предметов, средняя школа, галстук, школьная форма, общеобразовательная школа, мальчики, экзамен, математика, частный, история.

5. About marks

In Great Britain

A - excellent - отлично

B - very well - хорошо

C - satisfactory -удовлетворительно

D - poor - плохо

E - unsatisfactory - неудовлетворительно

In Kazakhstan

5 - отлично - excellent

4 - хорошо - very well

3 - удовлетворительно

2 - unsatisfactory - неудовлетворительно

6. Work with poster

I will give you posters, you must write education systems in against group's countries.


We are continuing our seminar about education. The next task is about school uniform in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan.

Today a lot of British schools have uniforms. Usually they differ only in colours but include a blazer, a pullover, a shirt (a blouse), trousers (a skirt), tights or socks, shoes and boots, a scarf and gloves of a certain color, a cap or a hat. School badge is on a cap and on a blazer's pocket.

One of the most important elements of the uniform is a school tie.

IV. Conclusion.


1. What kind of schools are there in Kazakhstan?

2. What does a primary school consist of?

3. How many years do pupil study at secondary school?

4. What kind of schools are there in Great Britain?

5. What does A level mean?

6. What school subjects have you got at your school?

7. How many year of study are compulsory in our Republic?

8. What holiday do you have every year?

9. How long does every lesson last?

10. How many lessons have day every day?

11. How many years do pupils go to school in Kazakhstan?

V. Result.

VI. Homework ex3 p159

VI. Giving marks.

Saying good - bye! Thank you for your attention. Our lesson is over.

See you the next lesson, good - bye!


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