- Учителю
- План урока по английскому языку на тему 'Watching TV' (9 класс)
План урока по английскому языку на тему 'Watching TV' (9 класс)
Тема урока: Watching TV 1 | Школа: Степная средняя школа
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Дата | ФИО учителя Вайцеховская Анна Николаевна
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Класс: 9 | Количество присутствующих: 16 Количество отсутствующих: | |
Цели обучения | Все учащиеся смогут: понять общее содержание текста и знать слова по теме урока | |
| Большинство учащихся смогут выполнить упражнение после текста, ответить на вопросы по тексту | |
| Некоторые учащиеся смогут: формулировать вопросы и вести диалог | |
Языковая цель | Учащиеся могут вести диалог | |
| Ключевые слова и фразы: sport , entertainment, comedy shows, watching TV, news, comedies, films, programmes, information, educational | |
| Вопросы для обсуждения: what is your favourite TV programme? | |
| Письменные подсказки: | |
Предыдущее обучение: | Знают активный словарь по теме телевизор |
План урока
Планируемые сроки
Запланированная работа
Начало урока
Орг момент
Good morning. Nice to meet you. How are you? I hope you are well today. Let's start our lesson.
Проверка д/з тест
I shall show you a sound and your task is to pronounce it correctly and name all words with this sound on the topic "Television"
Игра «Куб»
Do you think it is good for children to watch TV?
What did you watch on TV yesterday?
Do you think TV is educational?
How often do you watch TV?
What do you usually watch on TV?
Do you think that TV is a good thing?
Определение целей урока
Now, what do you think , what are we going to talk about?
Ответы учеников.
О учителя
Доска листы
Основная часть урока
(Групповая работа )
Учитель предлагает учащимся составить кластер
-Work in groups. Write, please, on the lists of paper.
What words come to your mind when you pronounce
" Watching TV"
Учащиеся работают в группах, подбирают ассоциации к выражению составляют кластер, делают выводы.
Презентация групп.
О учителя
Учитель создает условия для осознания и осмысления нового материала по теме.
Учитель предлагает учащимся прочитать текст и ответить на поставленные вопросы
-Now read the texts and be ready to answer the questions.
Учитель предлагает учащимся ответить на вопрос: "Какую новую информацию учащиеся получили после работы с текстом?".
5. Answer my question: What new information have you learnt?
-What new facts have you found out?
-Which facts from the text do you find interesting?
Tell the class.
Учитель предлагает учащимся вновь обратиться к кластеру и дополнить его новой информацией
-Let's return to our cluster and add new information to it.
Учитель предлагает учащимся составить синквейн.
I think, now, you can talk (speak) about the role of TV in our life. And our task is to summarize everything we know about them. We have to make only 5 points.
1. What are we talking today about?
2. Give me 2 adjectives characterizing TV.
3. Now give 3 verbs characterizing it.
4. Give me 4 words or one sentence, describing it.
5. Give me only one word, a synonym which will complete our cinquain.
1. TV.
2.useful, educational
4. TV is a great force in the world.
5.leisure activity
1. TV
2.commercial, entertaining
3.broadcast, educate, transmit
4.TV helps to escape from everyday life problems.
5. entertainment
4. They are busy.
5. Friends
О учителя
Подведение итогов
Рефлексия . Учитель предлагает учащимся подвести итоги урока. Оценить работу на уроке.
-Our lesson is over. I would like you to express your
attitude to the lesson and give your self-assessment.
You may begin with:
Today at our lesson I have learnt…
found out…
Домашнее задание ex 3 p43
Television exposure damages child speech
Dr. Sally Ward, the country's leading authority on the speech development of young children, believes that babies under one year old should not watch TV at all. Children of two or three should watch for no more than an hour a day.
Dr. Ward's ten-year study of babies and toddlers in inner- city Manchester showed television was delaying speech development in children. The background noise from televisions stopped them from learning as early as they should. At 8 months, they neither recognized their names nor basic words like "juice" and "bricks" At 3 they had the languages of one year olds.
Now she has found that children from well-to-do families are being handicapped in the same way. "The television is being used as a babysitter, with nannies particularly. Some of these middle-class children are spending far too much time watching television and videos".
"They get very fixed on the colours and flashing lights. We found in our study it was quite difficult to get them interested in toys."
Parents or minders had stopped talking to them. They were not being taught a basic vocabulary through one-to-one conversations with adults.
"All the evidence showed, - said Dr. Ward,-those children whose language was below standard at the age of 3 could be set back for life."
Speech development- развитие речи сөйлеудің дамуы
Toddlers- няни бала бағушы
Inner-city- бедные районы города жұтаң
Well-to-do families- богатые семьи бай отбасындар
To handicap- препятствовать артқа тарту
To delay- задерживать, бөгеу
To be set back- отставать в развитии артта қалу
Do you think it is good for
children to watch TV?
What did you watch on TV
Do you think TV is educational?
How often do you watch TV?
What do you usually watch on TV?
Do you think that TV is
a good thing?