- Учителю
- Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе 'Узнаем больше друг о друге'
Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе 'Узнаем больше друг о друге'
Дата проведения: 14 марта 2007 г.
Тема ( сюжет урока ): "Learning More About Each Other". Урок построен на основе популярного телешоу «Последний герой».
Цели и задачи урока: Практические:
1.Совершенствовать лексические навыки говорения по теме:"Learning More About Each Other";
2.Формировать грамматические навыки говорения ( Present Continuous );
3.Активизировать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;
4.Практиковать учащихся в аудировании, говорении, чтении, письме.
Воспитывать культуру общения, умение взаимодействовать, помогать друг другу, развитие интереса к изучению английского языка.
Оснащение урока: картинка с изображением острова, раздаточный материал ( карточки в виде "drifting bottles" с заданием для проверки лексики ( письмо), кассета со звукозаписью песен и текстов на аудирование, CD с заданием в Present Continuous, карточки с именами участников ролевой игры, 2 игрушечных телефона; компьютерная презентация.
1.Орг.момент.Good morning, children. Sit down.
2.Введение в сюжет урока: звучит музыка ( вступление к программе «Последний герой»).
На экране: The Last Hero - (slide 1)
Learn more about each other
T:.You are students from different countries. And you are going to take part in the programme "The Last Hero" .We must help each other to stay alive on the island. And we must learn more about each other.
3.Фон.зарядка: Игра начинается, ( на экране n - ( slide 2 )
sin, sing, rain, ring, fishing, shine, run, long )
звучит гонг: -morning, long, language
swimming, running, jumping, climbing,
sleeping, going;
У детей - карточки со звуками n- .Children, you have cards with 2 sounds, listen to me and show me the sound:
Sin, sing, rain, ring, fishing, shine, run, long.
4. Речевая зарядка:T:You are all students .And what are you going to be?( a poem, p.47) Звучит аудиозапись. Listen to the poem and answer my questions!
What are you going to be? (2)
P1,2: I'll be a teacher ( a doctor, a nurse, a dentist, a driver…)
That's the life for me.
T: What characteristics are necessary for doctors?…,teachers, drivers…
P1,2: A good teacher should be responsible, polite, kind…(образец - на экране ) - ( slide 3 )
5.T: На одном из предыдущих уроков мы заполняли анкету (Application Form)
участника игры. Возьмут ли нас на остров? ( ex.29.,p.50) Answer my questions!
T: What is your name ? P1: My name is Ann Brown. (у ребят-
карточки с вымышленными име-
When is your birthday? P2: My birthday is on the 7th of May.
What form are you in? P3: I am in the 5th form. ,etc.
What does your mother do? (father)
Have you got any brothers or sisters?
What foreign languages do you speak?
In your opinion, what are your main characteristics?
What are your hobbies?
Do you play a musical instrument?
Do you have any pets? What pets?
6.T: Well done! We are on the island. Let's get acquainted ! P1 - P2:
а) Игра: ребята встают в 2 круга - внешний и внутренний и задают друг другу вопросы, передвигаясь от одного к другому:
What is your name?
What form are you in?
What's your hobby?
Have you got any brothers and sisters?
Do you get on well with them? etc.
T: Who is your best friend? ( Парная работа, ребята садятся за парты и расспрашивают соседа по парте).
P1 - P2: What is your name?
How old are you?
Where are you from?
What would you say your family is like?
What do your parents do?
What are your main characteristics, in your opinion?
Have you got any brothers and sisters?
7. Монологическое высказывание.
T: We are around the fire. The Council of the Tribe. Tell us about yourself. Костер - ( slide 4)
Ребята выходят к доске с Application Form и рассказывают о себе и семье.
T: Children, we have one more participant. He came to the island to take part in our game.
Listen to him and guess what he does. Ex.26,p.49 ( Слушаем запись на кассете)
На экране: New words: out of doors -снаружи, на воздухе; ( slide 5 )
the whole year - круглый год ;
take care of - заботиться, ухаживать
T: Answer my questions:
1.What does Mr. Hopkins do?
2.Where is he from?
3.When does his working day begin?
4.Who helps him?
5.Does he like his sheep?
6.Do they work in the fields?
7.Does he wear a uniform?
8.Does he like his job?
9.T: Children! There are a lot of animals on the island. We must treat , feed and clean them .But we don't know how .Ведущий дает нам задание. Мы должны прочитать книгу, чтобы узнать как ухаживать за животными. Чтение упр.27,с.49 (Text 2)
.(домашнее задание)
Say if the sentence is true or false?( на экране ) - ( slide 6 )
1.Sheep and cows give meat and milk to people.
2.People keep sheep and cows as pets.
3.We can see tigers and lions at the circus.
4.Vets treat many kinds of animals, even zoo animals.
5.It isn't dangerous to treat sick animals.
6.Vets and animals mustn't get hurt.
10..Работа с Present Continuous. We have a lot of sports competitions on the island. ( slide 7 )
Repeat after me: I am running
He is swimming.( на экране : am
are + Ving
is )
Физкульт.минутка:T: Now we have competitions. Ann, run. What are you doing? P1: I am running.
What is Ann doing ? P2: She is running.
Nick, swim. What are you doing? etc.
11. Работа с CD. На доску выведено изображение кота, ловящего рыбу. На картинке также изображены дети , играющие в бадминтон, плывущий мужчина, мальчик, играющий мячом.) Также записана песня : One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right.
T: We are hungry. Let's go fishing. We are on the sea shore. What can you see?
P1,2: ( описание картинки): A man is swimming. A boy is playing with a ball. Children are playing badminton. A cat is fishing. The sun is shining.
Ребята поют песню.
12. Письмо: Look! There is a drifting bottle in the sea. But some words are missed. Sea water has spoilt them. ( слова : стр 45)Восстановить письмо. ( Restore the letter.) - прилагается.
T: Who is the letter about? P1: It's about Robinson Crusoe.
T: Robinson wanted to come back to England. He missed his family. And do you miss your mother and father?
13. T: We miss our family. Let's phone your mother and tell her about our new friends.
P1 - P2: -Hello, mum. How are you?
-I am fine. And you? Are you well? Do you get on well with the boys and girls on the island?
-I'm well. I have a lot of friends here. Jane Smith is my best friend.
-How old is she?
-She is 11.
What do her parents do?
-Her mother is a lawyer and her father is a doctor.
-What are her main characteristics?
-Oh,she is kind, shy, responsible and friendly.
-And what are you doing?
-We are swimming, running, jumping
14.Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание ( slide 8 ) : Look at the blackboard .( На экране - образец письма с описанием друга.)Your home task is to write a letter to your parents about your new friend .Well done! Your marks are…We helped each other to stay alive on the island! We learned more about each other.
T: Did you like the game?
What did you do at the lesson?
Did you help each other?
Did you learn more about each other?
Мы узнали больше друг о друге, научились расспрашивать друг друга, рассказывать о себе, слушать и понимать друг друга, описывать картину. Мы пели, выполняли команды, играли, писали. Мы помогли друг другу выжить на острове.
Our game is over. Stand up, please! The lesson is over. Good-bye, children.