- Учителю
- Урок-путешествие по английскому языку A Walk In the Park для 2 класса
Урок-путешествие по английскому языку A Walk In the Park для 2 класса
Вчителя англійської мови
Соледарської загальноосвітньої
школи І-ІІІ ступенів №13
Подзерки Н.В.
Theme : A Walk In The Park
Objectives :
to revise the lexical material on topic "Seasons. Weather";
to develop learners' reading and speaking skills;
to practice lexical material in groups and pair work;
to teach learners to cooperate with each other during games.
Equipment: students' book, pictures on the topic "Seasons.Weather", handouts "Match the pair", "Choose the right variant", вірш в малюнках "Spring is Green", «світлофори» (red and green), tape-recorder with a cassette.
I. Lead In
1. Warming-up
T: Good morning, kids. Today we are going to walk in the park. Tell me, please, what season is it now?
Ps: It is spring.
T: Yes, it is spring. There are four seasons in the year. Let's remember them. Guess, what season is it:
Крізь хмари світять зорі чисті,
Бурулька сльози ллє краплисті.
Струмка говірка голосна…
Хто розбудив її? (Весна. Spring.)
Пташки щебетанку співають веселу,
А дощик край неба лишає веселку,
І поле зеленими варунками вкрите,
Крокує землею омріяне (Літо.Summer. )
Сіно склала, хліб обмолотила,
Сад прибрала, ліс позолотила.
Звірі ніжать в листі лапки босі,
Стелить килим нам під ноги … (Осінь. Autumn.)
Спить ведмедик у бар лозі
Не боїться він морозів
Смокче лапку недарма -
Замела стежки … (Зима. Winter.)
2. Check on homework.
a) T: Kids, recite a poem, please.
Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
b) Checking on understanding. Put the colourful circles in the right order (Учитель роздав кольорові кружечки і малюнки пір року, а учні розкладують їх в тому порядку, в якому вони йшли у вірші)
II. The Main Part.
1.Vocabulary Review (a role-play)
a) T: Every season has its own weather. Let's play game "Echo". Say after me (Teacher shows pictures) - It is cold (warm, cool, windy, frosty, sunny, hot), etc.
b) T: One more game for you "Show me the weather". I'll tell you different kinds of weather and you will show it to me. (гра «Показуха»)
с) T: This time I'll show you the picture with the weather. You are TV announcers. Describe the weather which I show to the audience.
2. Vocabulary Practice
a) Game "Clap your hands"
T: Clap your hands when you'll hear the weather-words:
- Spring is coming,
Flowers are coming too.
Spring! Spring! Spring!
The trees are green, blue sky is seen.
Grey winter has gone away!
It is warm and sunny day!
When it is windy
We go home with Cindy.
When it is raining
We like reading and playing.
b) Game "Is it cold today?"
T: Try to guess what is the weather like today. (Вчитель «загадує» погоду. Учні відгадують. Хто відгадав, стає ведучим)
P: Is it cold today?
T: No, it is not.
P: Is it sunny today?
T: Yes, it is. Etc.
c) Lexical game "Hurry up!"
Учні діляться на дві команди. На дошці - дві колонки однакових слів, але записані в різному порядку (слова за темою «Погода»). Вчитель називає слово, учні по черзі вибігають та закреслюють його.
3. Relaxation.
Виконується зарядка-масаж «The weather in London(Paris, Kyiv, etc.)»
Діти становляться в коло і робитимуть «масаж» на спині сусіда.Англійські речення про погоду супроводжуються відповідними рухами.
T: The weather in London is warm. It is sunny.(легке поглажування по спині)
Look! The weather is windy.(імітують рухи вітра)
It is raining.(стучать пальцями)
It is hailing now.(стучать кулачками)
It stopped hailing and raining. (повторення рухів у зворотньому порядку)
It is warm again.
It is sunny and hot.
4. Oral Practice. Pair work.
1) T: Read the sentences and match the pair.
1. It is sunny and hot.
2. It is raining and windy.
3. It is cloudy and cold.
4. The sky is blue. It is warm.
a) Let's go to the park.
b) Let's go out to swim.
c) Let's go home and watch TV.
d) Let's have some hot tea.
Key : 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a.
2) T: As you have seen the weather can be rather changeable. What will you do in different weather? Make up short dialogues. Pretend speaking on the phone.
- Hello, Ann! How are you?
- I'm fine. And you?
- Fine. The weather is cold today.
- Yes, you are right. Let's stay at home and watch TV. Etc.
5. Reading.
1) Pre-reading activity
T: Read the text. Be ready to answer the question "What season is it?" and prove it.
2) While- reading activity
T: Listen to the cassette and read the text "In The Park".
IN THE PARK It is sunny and warm today. Children and their teacher are walking in the park. The park is beautiful! The trees and grass are green. There are many flowers in the park. They are white, blue and yellow. The birds are singing their songs. Children are playing hide-and-seek. But what is this? The wind is blowing. It is cold. It is cloudy. Is it raining? Oh, no! Children are hiding under the big tree now. They are looking in the sky. The sky is grey. But children are not very sad. They are singing: Rain, rain, go away! Come to us another day. Little children want to play! Is the rain going to stop? Yes, it is! The sun is looking out. It is not windy now. It is warm. Children can walk and play again. They are happy!
3) Post-reading activity
T: So, tell me, what season is it?
P: It is spring because the trees are green. There are many flowers in the park.
T: Right you are. And now your task is to say if the sentences are true or false.
(завдання виконуються зі «світлофорами»)
It is sunny and warm today
It is cold.
Children are with their teacher.
They are walking in the park.
The park is bad.
The trees and grass are green.
There are many flowers in the park.
The wind is blowing.
Children are hiding under the little tree.
They are happy!
Key: 1+, 2-, 3+, 4+, 5-, 6+, 7+, 8+, 9-, 10+.
6. Speaking
a) T: Imagine we are in the park now. Look around. There are many flowers! Pick up flowers and read their names.(на парті - квіти, на них написані слова з теми «Пори року. Погода.» Квітки розрізані навпіл. Треба знайти половинку, скласти квітку і прочитати слова. Учні ходять по класу, шукаючи пару.)
b) T: You have picked up flowers. Now read the words on them and make up sentences with those words to describe the weather in the park.
7. Writing
T: Underline the right word according to the picture. (Вчитель роздає учням таблички з малюнками погоди)
It is (cold, warm)
It is (snowy, rainy)
It is (sunny, cloudy)
It is (warm, hot)
It is (warm, windy)
It is (cloudy, snowy)
III. The Final Part
T: So, it's time to come back home from the park. Did you enjoy our trip? Which activities did you like most of all? You worked very well today. Your marks are…
2. Homework
Your hometask for the next lesson is to draw a picture of your favourite weather and to describe it.