- Учителю
- Внеклассное мероприятие Праздники и обычаи народов мира
Внеклассное мероприятие Праздники и обычаи народов мира
Амвросіївська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №6
Амвросіївської районної ради Донецької області
Свята та звичаї
народів світу
позакласний захід
з англійської та німецької мов
та музичного мистецтва
для учнів lX-X класів
Урок склали:
учителя іноземних мов: Кесарь Н.Е.
Чернова Т.П,
Каланчук Л.В.
учитель музичного
мистецтва Данильченко С.А.
Практичні цілі:
навчити учнів коротко висловлюватись в межах відібраної теми;
уміти робити короткі повідомлення про певні події та факти, передавати зміст прочитаного, висловлювати свої думки і ставлення до предмета мовлення.
Загальноосвітні цілі:
сприяти усвідомленню учнями свого мислення;
залучати до діалогу культур: англомовної, німецької, російської та української;
розширювати загальний кругозір учнів, формувати їх автономію в навчальній діяльності;
учити будувати свою роботу над предметом "Англійська та німецька мови" свідомо, економно, творчо і цілеспрямовано.
Розвиваючі цілі:
розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, готовність до участі в спілкуванні;
формувати культуру усного мовлення,
розвивати в контексті організації англомовної комунікативної діяльності позитивні емоції учнів, чуйність, сприятливість до краси, естетичні переживання від краси побаченого, почутого, зробленого власними руками та однокласниками.
Виховні цілі:
Прищеплювати повагу до народу-носія англійської та німецької мов;
Виховувати розуміння важливості оволодіння іноземними мовами і потреби користування ними як засобами спілкування.
Бейджики з прапорцями держав та іменами учасників, сувеніри з представлених країн, страви та їх рецепти, національний одяг учнів, костюм мавки, оформлення аудиторії відповідно до теми заходу, технічні засоби, баян.
1.О Британии кратко. Кн. Для чтения на англ.языке.Сост. В.В. Ощепкова, И.И.Шустилова.-М.:Иностранный язык, Оникс,2000.
2.Английский язык: Кн. Для чтения к учеб. 10-11кл.ош./В.П.Кузовлев и др.-М.:Просвещение,2000
3. Цікава
англійська: Посібник.-Тернопіль: Навчальна книга-Богдан,2002
4. Поэзия Германии: Пособие.-М.-Оникс,2002
Хід заходу
І. Оргмомент
IІ. Основна частина
(Звучить фрагмент пісні І. Шамо «Києве мій»)
Lider1: Dear friends! We are welcome to our party. Today we shall speak about customs, traditions and holidays in different countries.
Lider2: We have many representatives from different countries. They will tell us about their national traditions of celebration holidays and some interesting facts of their history and origin.
Lider1: So I suggest speaking English. It is the language of human communication. Let's begin with our host-team from Ukraine.
(Звучить фрагмент пісні І. Шамо «Києве мій»)
Pupil1: Hello! Let me introduce my team… My name is Nastya. I live in Ukraine. Today I'd like to tell you about some traditional Ukrainian holidays and customs.
Ukrainian word "свято" means "holiday" comes from the words "святий день" in English "holy day". Holidays were first religious festivals. Now many holidays have nothing to do with religion.
Every country has holidays honoring important events. There are
many holidays in Ukraine. They are - the New Year's Day, Christmas,
All women's day, Easter, the Independence Day, the Victory Day,
etc. So we'd like to tell you about Christmas. It is one of the
most colourful holidays for all non - Slavic people. In our country
Christmas, means "Різдво". we celebrate the birthday of Jesus
Christ. This holiday our folk celebrate at home, in the circle of
relatives. Christmas is a religious holiday.
Pupil3: So according to religious traditions on Christmas table should table 12 dishes. On Christmas Eve all are waiting until the first star appears in the sky. This day no one should eat before this moment.
Pupil 4: Usual Christmas days are kutya, kalachi, suckling pig, varenyky and other delicious one. Kutya is our traditional dish and it is cooked only on Christmas. It consist of water, sugar and honey, pops, nuts and of course our national symbol - wheat.
Pupil5: We would like to present a song about our Motherland and to treat to you varenyky with curds.Смачного!
(Діти виконують пісню "На добро" та пригощають гостей варениками)
« Пісня на добро»
Слова Ю. Рибчинського Музика І. Карабиця
Гей на видноколі - клени і тополі,
Там вишнева ніч згора.
Там, в прозорій тиші,
Квітень вірші пише, травень на сопілці гра.
Там дитинства весни, райдуг перевесла,
Там початок всіх шляхів.
Там мене співати вчила рідна мати,
Бути щедрим батько вчив.
Яблунева, солов'їна, в моїм серці Україна,
В моїм серці сонячний Дніпро.
Щира, світла, промениста
Хай усіх єднає пісня,
Хай лунає людям на добро!
Гей, на видноколі - ранки ясночолі,
Гори, ріки і поля.
Роки там ясніють, там сади рясніють,
Там співа моя земля.
Я дарую людям, щирим, добрим людям
В радісний щасливий день
Зорі України, квіти України,
Буйний сад її пісень!
Lider2: Thank you. It was so interesting to know about some Ukrainian customs and to taste your varenyky
Lider1: And now I'll pass to the team from Britain. Welcome!
Great Britain
( Звучить фонова музика Enya "The Celts")
Pupil1: Hello, everybody! My name is Lara. Meet my team … We'd like to tell you about holidays, traditional dishes and drinks of England. So, we celebrate many holidays. They are Christmas, New Year, and Easter. But there is a tradition that makes England famous. Of course it's our cult of tea. Nowadays there are more than 1500 sorts of tea. But really good one you can taste only in England!
Pupil2: We, Englishmen, drink tea 6 times during the day. For more than 100 years Englishmen begin breakfast from the cup of tea, as it's also called "English breakfast". We do it twice: one time lying in the bed and once more when we have breakfast. During the lunch, we drink any sort of tea. Our dinner begins late so, we have many "tea breaks".
The main break for drinking tea begins at five o'clock and it is
called"5o'clock". At about 7 o'clock in the evening, we have
'higher tea'. Some English families have 'higher tea' or big tea,
and no supper. For higher tea they may have cold meat, bread and
butter, cakes, and, of course, a lot of tea. It's time for famous
tea "Earl Grey". By the way, there is a small wooden special "tea
table". Usually mother does this tea ceremony. And one more
interesting fact about tea. As you know, our traditional tea with
milk is called "English tea". Moreover, tea with a lemon we call
"Russian tea".
Pupil4: It is interesting to know that the 1st of January, New Year's Day, is a big holiday in Scotland. People do not work on that day, and children do not go to school. Scottish people celebrate New Year's Eve in every family. Friends usually come on that day. They have a good dinner. After dinner there are apples other fruit, and different sweets to eat. Then all the family and the friends begin to play games and dance.
Before 12 o'clock at night many people in the towns go out into the
streets to dance and to sing Scottish songs. When the town clocks
begin to strike twelve, the people cross their arms, join hands and
sing the famous Scottish song "Auld Lang Syne". It is about the old
days and friendship between the people. Then people wish a Happy
New Year to all and go home to meet the first-footers. A
first-footer is a man who comes first to a house on the
1st of January, on New Year's Day. Long ago people
thought that the man who comes first to a house on New Year's Day
will bring good luck to the family, if he is a friend. Today the
first-footer must be a man with dark hair and he must bring with
him a little piece f coal, a little money and a little piece of
bread. These things show that the family will be warm and they will
have food and money all the year.
Lider1: I was told that some guests have just arrived!
Lider2: And they dressed in a very strange way. Let's invite them.
Прибуття юних гостей з Великобританії
(учні 4 класу одягнені в національні костюми Великобританії: Англії, Шотландії, Уельсу та Північної Ірландії прилетіли "літаком" під мелодію пісні «Jingle Bells»)
How do you do? We were told that there is a big feast here. And
we've decided to visit it. My name is Peter. I am from England. I
live in London. I am Englishman. Nice to meet you.
Guest2: My name is Valeria. I am from Wales. I live in Cardiff. I am Welsh. I am glad to meet you.
Guest3: My name is Natalie. I am from Northern Ireland. I live in Belfast. I am Irish. How do you do?
Guest4: My name is Cyril. I am from Scotland. I live in Edinburgh. I am Scottish Hello. Nice to meet you.
Guest5: Hi! My name is Ann. I am a pilot of our plan. I live in Great Britain. I am British. Our country is known as a land of songs. All British people like to sing songs. We'd like to present one of them.
Виконують пісню «Jingle Bells» англійською та українською мовами
Guest1: It's a pity but we have no time. Our plan is leaving. Good-bye.
(гості від'їжджають)
Lider1: We enjoyed your performance very much. Thank you. Bye
Pupil2: Oh yes, it's our tradition Christmas song. We celebrate it on December 25th. People like this holiday very much. It is the most festive time of the year. Traditionally we light candles and have a big dinner with a roast turkey, pudding and mince pies. Children wait for Santa Clause and other miracles. We also sing carols.
Звучить пісня «We wish you Merry
We wish you Merry Christmas (3)
Happy New Year.
Let's do a little clapping(3)
And spread Christmas Cheer.
Let's do a little jumping (3)
And spread Christmas Cheer.
We wish you Merry Christmas (3)
And Happy New Year.
Lider1: Thank you. Our guests from Germany prepared something interesting for us too. Let's see.
( Звучит фоновая музыка Boney M Rivers of Babylon)
(вистава у вигляді лялькового театру)
Pupil1: I want to tell you about some holidays in our country. There are many holidays in Germany. The first spring holiday is Easter. Then the Green May Day comes. After that we congratulate all our mothers with Mother's Day.
Pupil2: But I want to tell you about the New Year. Every year starts in Germany on New Year's Eve as in any other country. But the celebration of New Year begins with Christmas on the 25th of December. The main symbols of Christmas and New Year are Santa Claus and door's wreath. This is everybody's favourite holidays. Decorating the Christmas tree, going to the New Year's parties, getting presents for our relatives and friends - we love all this and impatiently wait for New Year's Eve to come.
Lider2: Everybody knows Germany as a land of great poets, story-tellers, fairy tales and legends. Can you remember and recite something for us?
9-го класу читає вірш Г.Гейне «Лорелея» Німецькою мовою
(на фоне музыки Paul Mauriat Transparence)
Ich weiß nicht, was soll es bedeuten,
Daß ich so traurig bin;
Ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten,
Das Kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn.
Die Luft ist kühl und es dunkel,
Und ruhig fließt der Rhein;
Der Gipfel des Berges funkelt
Im Abendsonnenschein.
Die schönste Jungfrau sitzet
Dort oben wunderbar,
Ihr goldnes Geschmeide blitzet,
Sie kämmt ihr goldenes Haar.
Sie kämmt es mit goldenem Kamme
Und singt ein Lied dabei;
Das hat eine wundersame,
Gewaltige Melodei.
Den Schiffer im kleinen Schiffe
Ergreift es mit wildem Weh;
Er schaut nicht die Felsenriffe,
Er schaut nur hinauf in die Höh'.
Ich glaube, die Wellen verschlingen
Am Ende Schiffer und Kahn;
Und das hat mit ihrem Singen
Die Lorelei getan.
Lider1: Thanks a lot that was great!
Lider2: Russia is well-known for its original traditions and customs. It is our neighbor country and we have many equal things. Meet our friends.
( Звучить фонова музика- фрагмент пісні «Одинокая гармонь»)
From time immemorial, Russian folk had a lot of holidays which were
accompanied by traditions, ceremonies and songs. And now have more
holidays than any other folks do. These holidays are very different
and have their own ways of celebration. Our holidays consist of two
parts, state and church. The state holidays of Russian are the New
Year, All Mother's Day, the Day of Constitution and many others.
But we have a great many of church holidays. They are the Easter,
Trinity, Spas, and Christmas. All our holidays are interesting and
Pupil2: I want to tell you about the tastiest, the merriest, the most interesting and I think, the best of them. In other countries it is called Cheese, Pancake week. In Russian its name is Maslyanitsa. Maslyanitsa. Why do we call it "Maslyanitsa"? This is so because in our language an irreplaceable product of this holiday, butter, sounds 'масло'.It is celebrated seven weeks before Easter (end of February - beginning of March). Each day has its own name and rituals.
Pupil3: Monday is called "Celebration". Before this day we cook our traditional food, bliny. In English this word means pancakes. The bliny are especially symbolic. They connect two important spheres: the wet one (water or milk or butter) and the dry and sunny one (because they are usually prepared on a very hot pan). Also circle - shaped bliny resemble the sun.
Lider1: Today we have a great possibility to taste bliny. Help yourself!
(Учасники пригощають гостей млинцями, та виконують пісню "Блины")
1.Мы блинов давно не ели мы блиночков захотели.
Ой, блины, блины, блины, вы, блиночки мои.
Ой, блины, блины, блины, вы, блиночки мои.
2.Наша родная сестрица печь блины то мастерица!
3.Растворила на дрожжах - не удержишь на вожжах!
4.В кадке новой растворила, два часа блины всходили!
5.Напекла она поесть, сотни две, наверно, есть!
6.На поднос блины кладет и сама гостям несет.
7.Гости, будьте же здоровы, вот блины наши готовы!
Pupil4: During the Pancake Day we invite guests, enjoy traditional gluttony, sing songs and spend time laughing. This holiday is unforgettable!
Lider2: So, we have a possibility to listen to our guests from another beautiful country. Meet the USA' representatives.
( Звучить фонова музика)
Pupil 1: Hello! I am Peter. I want to tell you about customs and traditions of the American's dishes. It happened so that the group of English settles in 1620 founded the colony of Plymouth in Massachusetts. In order of these Pilgrims we consider the first harvest festival in 1621 in the last Thursday in November as a holiday of Thanksgiving Day.
Pupil 2: We suppose this holiday as the main holiday in America and it is very tasty. It is the best tradition of America: it is the tradition to eat. Americans eat much, but they do not like to cook. That's why they prefer fast food. There is a large net of fast food restaurants. Chinese fast food restaurants, Mexican fast food restaurants and, of course, Mc Donald's.
3: The main question which worries Americans is the question about
eats and diet. Best of all Americans like coca-cola, chips and
Pupil 4: There are several legends about the most romantic and charming holiday of St. Valentine's Day. Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about 3 century A.D. He was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire. The legend says that he was burn at the stake.
Pupil 5: On this day, people show their friends, relatives, and sweethearts that they care. People send candy or flowers you those whom they love. Most people send "valentines" greeting cards named after St. Valentine's letters writing from jail. Valentines can be heart-shaped or they can carry hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves.
Lider1: We would like to thank our guests, representatives, and friends. Tomorrow we will have St. Valentine's Day, so let's congratulate each other with heart-cards and wishes happy days for everybody.
(учасники дарують один одному "Валентинки" і вітають зі святом)
III. Підсумок
Lider2: As we see it is very useful to learn foreign languages, it helps us to develop friendship and understandings among people.
Lider1 and Lider2: Thanks everybody. Our party is over. See you soon. Good-bye.
Звучить заключна пісня «Шар наш земной»
Урок склали:
учителя іноземних мов: Кесарь Н.Е. учитель першої категорії,
Чернова Т.П. учитель вищої категорії,
Каланчук Л.В. учитель першої категорії,
учитель музичного мистецтва Данильченко С.А. учитель - методист
вищої категорії