- Учителю
- открытый урок - интернет в нашей жизни 8 класс. Docx
открытый урок - интернет в нашей жизни 8 класс. Docx
Речевая разминка
Internet: website, connection, download, broadband, World Wide Web.
Computers: desktop, technology, network, memory, laptop.
Software: document, programmes, application, files, documents;
Hardware: keyboard, mouse, screen, monitor, disk drive, scanner.
Введение в тему урока
Have you ever sent an e-mail to anybody?
Did you do it at home or at school?
Have you ever heard of the code used in e-mails? Do you know what emoticons (smileys) are? (ответы учеников - images of faces describing the emotions of people)
I'd like to introduce you some of the most common emoticons and e-mail codes. Work in pairs with the cards, match the two columns. (работа с раздаточным материалом)
And now exchange your tables with the neighbours and check them. Write the number of correct answers into your evaluation cards. (Правильные ответы на слайде. Учащиеся осуществляют взаимоконтроль и отмечают количество правильных ответов в оценочной карте).
Решение проблемной ситуации с использованием метода «мозговой атаки».
Цель этапа: развитие навыков неподготовленной устной речи, развитие познавательной активности и творческого мышления, развитие умений строить логически-опосредованные высказывания, работать над самореализацией поведения.
Teacher: - Children, imagine, please, that we have a chance to take part in a famous chat-show "Choice". But it'll be more interesting to be divided into 2 groups: the Green Group - "for" and the Red Group - "against". Choose the group, please (ученики вытягивают цвет группы по жребию).
Teacher: - Ladies and Gentlemen! The hot-topic of our discussion is the question "Computers and Internet: for or against". Give your hot arguments to stand your opinion. The scales will show us who the winner is! (ученики предлагают аргументы «за» и «против», учитель кладёт на весы гири, отмечая количество аргументов той и другой команды. Можно использовать песочные часы для ограничения времени)
In pairs look at some common signs used in e-mails. Match the two columns.
1. BTW
A. Great
2. RU OK?
B. Does anyone want to go?
3. NE1 WAN2 GO?
C. Are you OK?
4. FYA
D. In my opinion
5. FYI
E. For your action/ attention
6. GR8
F. tomorrow
7. IMO
G. thanks in advance
8. CU L8R
H. by the way
9. TIA
I. See you later
10. 2MORO
J. For your information
11. :-)
a) winking
12. :-D
b) kissing
13. ;-)
c) I see nothing
14. :'-(
d) crying
15. O:-)
e) I say nothing
16. X-)
f) angel
17. :-X
g) laughing
18. :-*
h) smiling
In pairs look at some common signs used in e-mails. Match the two columns.
1. BTW
A. Great
2. RU OK?
B. Does anyone want to go?
3. NE1 WAN2 GO?
C. Are you OK?
4. FYA
D. In my opinion
5. FYI
E. For your action/ attention
6. GR8
F. tomorrow
7. IMO
G. thanks in advance
8. CU L8R
H. by the way
9. TIA
I. See you later
10. 2MORO
J. For your information
11. :-)
a) winking
12. :-D
b) kissing
13. ;-)
c) I see nothing
14. :'-(
d) crying
15. O:-)
e) I say nothing
16. X-)
f) angel
17. :-X
g) laughing
18. :-*
h) smiling
Internet English
More than twenty years ago the British inventor Tim Berners-Lee created the world's first webpage. It is worth pausing to consider the extraordinary impact that his invention has had on the English language.
Everyday words like google, unfriend and app simply didn't exist in 1990.
Even more words have had unexpected shifts in meaning in those twenty years. If you had mentioned tweeting to an English-speaker a few years ago, somebody would have assumed you were talking about bird noises, not the use of the microblogging site Twitter.
Long ago, if someone lived online, it didn't mean they spent every waking minute on the internet, but that they travelled around with the rail network.
"The internet is an amazing medium for languages," said David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics at the University of Bangor. "Language itself changes slowly but the internet has speeded up the process of those changes so you notice them more quickly."
English is a remarkably inclusive language, and if words continue to be used for at least five years they generally end up in the Oxford English Dictionary.
But less accepted are the peculiar dialects that have sprung up amongst some users. For example, 'LOLcat' is a phonetic, grammatically-incorrect caption that accompanies a picture of a cat, like "I'm in ur bed zleeping".
In an article called "Cats Can Has Grammar" the blogger Anil Dash referred to LOLcat as "kitty pidgin". But does something like LOLcat have the staying power to become an accepted form of English?
Not according to Professor Crystal. "They are all clever little developments used by a very small number of people - thousands rather than millions. Will they be around in 50 years' time? I would be very surprised."
Internet English
Use the plan and make the text from it's parts.
New words.
Bird's or Internet's
Go by train?
The development of language
From vocabulary to dictionary
Funny pictures depend on language
Kat's lang
10 years of the top
unfriend - удалить из списка друзей, разг. "отфрендить"
app - программное приложение (сокр. от application)
microblogging site - сервис (сайт) микроблогов
medium - среда обитания
professor of linguistics - профессор лингвистики
has speeded up - ускорил
inclusive language - инклюзивный язык
end up - оказываются
less accepted - менее распространенным
peculiar - специфический
dialects: дословно - диалекты; здесь - интернет-сленг
have sprung up - появились, возникли
caption - подпись
accompanies - сопровождает
blogger - блогер (человек, который ведет интернет-дневник)
"kitty pidgin" - ломаному "кошачьему" языку
staying power: дословно - жизнеспособность, устойчивость; здесь - потенциал
assume - предполагать
rail - железнодорожный
Интернет-сленг Рунета
Бурное развитие интернета отразилось и на русском языке. Как и в профессиональном языке IT-специалистов, в интернет-жаргоне российских пользователей можно найти много английских заимствований.
Вот несколько примеров:
стартап - от англ. startup - новый сетевой проект
гуглить - искать информацию в сети с помощью поисковой системы Google
винда - операционная система семейства Windows
юзать - от англ. use - использовать
ИМХО - от англ. In My Humble Opinion (IMHO) - по моему скромному мнению
аська - программа ICQ для обмена сообщениями
Everyday words like google, unfriend and app simply didn't exist in 1990.
Even more words have had unexpected shifts in meaning in those twenty years. If you had mentioned tweeting to an English-speaker a few years ago, somebody would have assumed you were talking about bird noises, not the use of the microblogging site Twitter.
Long ago, if someone lived online, it didn't mean they spent every waking minute on the internet, but that they travelled around with the rail network.
"The internet is an amazing medium for languages," said David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics at the University of Bangor. "Language itself changes slowly but the internet has speeded up the process of those changes so you notice them more quickly."
English is a remarkably inclusive language, and if words continue to be used for at least five years they generally end up in the Oxford English Dictionary.
But less accepted are the peculiar dialects that have sprung up amongst some users. For example, 'LOLcat' is a phonetic, grammatically-incorrect caption that accompanies a picture of a cat, like "I'm in ur bed zleeping".
In an article called "Cats Can Has Grammar" the blogger Anil Dash referred to LOLcat as "kitty pidgin". But does something like LOLcat have the staying power to become an accepted form of English?
Not according to Professor Crystal. "They are all clever little developments used by a very small number of people - thousands rather than millions. Will they be around in 50 years' time? I would be very surprised."
Everyday words like google, unfriend and app simply didn't exist in 1990.
Even more words have had unexpected shifts in meaning in those twenty years. If you had mentioned tweeting to an English-speaker a few years ago, somebody would have assumed you were talking about bird noises, not the use of the microblogging site Twitter.
Long ago, if someone lived online, it didn't mean they spent every waking minute on the internet, but that they travelled around with the rail network.
"The internet is an amazing medium for languages," said David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics at the University of Bangor. "Language itself changes slowly but the internet has speeded up the process of those changes so you notice them more quickly."
English is a remarkably inclusive language, and if words continue to be used for at least five years they generally end up in the Oxford English Dictionary.
But less accepted are the peculiar dialects that have sprung up amongst some users. For example, 'LOLcat' is a phonetic, grammatically-incorrect caption that accompanies a picture of a cat, like "I'm in ur bed zleeping".
In an article called "Cats Can Has Grammar" the blogger Anil Dash referred to LOLcat as "kitty pidgin". But does something like LOLcat have the staying power to become an accepted form of English?
Not according to Professor Crystal. "They are all clever little developments used by a very small number of people - thousands rather than millions. Will they be around in 50 years' time? I would be very surprised."