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  • Конспект урока по билингвальной биологии на тему Органы Растения

Конспект урока по билингвальной биологии на тему Органы Растения

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</<b>Grade: 6th class Time: 45 min. Topic: Plant Body Structure

Plant Organs__________________________________________

Vegetative Organs Reproductive Organs

Root, Stem, Leaf Seed, Flower, Fruits

ROOTS: They absorb water and minerals from the soil. They also store foods in some plants. Such as; carrot, beet

They have no chloroplasts. A root contains Root Hairs, Epidermis, Apical Meristem, Root Cap, Xylem, Phloem

Root Hairs: these are very tiny structures. They provide increasing the surface area in soil( for absorbing water and minerals)

Epidermis: It covers the root. It provides protection

Apical meristem: It provides the longitudinal growth of roots.

Root Cap: It protects the apical Meristem cells.

Xylem: located at the center of the root. It provides absorbing/transporting water and minerals

Phloem: located at the center of the root. It provides absorbing/transporting organic nutrients. Such as; glucose

STEM: It provides connection btw roots and leaves. They have nodes. There are 2 types of stem.

  1. Woody Stem 2) Herbaceous Stem

It contains thick wood. It is soft and green

It is non-photosynthetic It is photosynthetic

Plants with woody stems can live more than 2 years Plants with herbaceous stems can live either 1 or 2 years

For example: pine or oak trees for example: cactus

LEAVES: Their shape and size are different. Function; photosynthesis, gas exchange, transpiration, regulation of temperature, excretion (excess water is removed as water vapors)

A leaf contains; The Cuticle, Epidermis, The Mesophyll , The Vascular bundles(veins)

The Cuticle Layer: It covers the outer surface of leaf. It provides preventing water loss from the leaf surface. There are lots of Stomata(pores). They provide exchanging of gases. (It doesn't let passing O2 and CO2 through it).

Epidermis: It provides protection of internal tissues from mechanical damages and bacterial or fungal invasion.

The Mesophyll Layer: It contains many chloroplasts. It is responsible for Photosynthesis.

The Vascular bundles (veins): It is responsible for transporting materials. It contains Xylem and Phloem.

Конспект урока по билингвальной биологии на тему Органы Растения


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