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  • Контрольная работа по теме Бактерии билигвальная биология

Контрольная работа по теме Бактерии билигвальная биология

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Surname: 7th quiz group A


1- capsule a) bacillus

2- rod shape bacteria b) genetic material is transferred through cytoplasmic bridge

3- bacteria reproduce by means of c)coccus

4- ribosomes provide d) provides protection

5- In conjugation e) making proteins

6- spherical bacteria f)mitosis

Part B: choose the correct answer

  1. the bacteria moves by means of ……………..

a) cell membrane b) cilia c) flagella d) capsule

2- which of the following is a property of bacteria?

a) they have no flagella b) some of them are parasitic c) they are eukaryotic d) they are multicellular organism

3- which of the following structure looks like animals in bacteria?

a) nucleus b) ribosome's function c) cell wall d) lots of organelle's functions

4- which of the following bacteria can live in oxygenated places?

a) gram(+) bacteria b) gram(-) bacteria c) aerobic bacteria d) anaerobic bacteria

5- which of the following bacteria needs light for survival?

a ) aerobic bacteria b) anaerobic bacteria c) autotroph bacteria d) hetetroph bacteria

6- which of the bacteria has some enzymes that provides helping digestion?

a)Coccus b) spirillium c) bacillus d)vibrium

Part C: explain the following questions

  1. Explain what would happen if there were no bacteria on earth?

  2. How can bacteria help humans?

  3. Explain the types of reproduction in bacteria?


Surname: 7th quiz group B


1- transduction a) making proteins

2-mitosis b) provides protection

3- spherical bacteria c) is a reproduction in bacteria

4- cell wall d) coccus

5- ribosomes provide e) bacillus

6- rod shape bacteria f) is the viral transfer of genetic material

Part B: choose the correct answer

  1. which structures are used for locomotion in bacteria?

a) cell membrane b) flagella c) cilia d) capsule

2- which of the following is NOT property of bacteria?

a) they are unicellular organism b) they have flagella c) they are eukaryotic d) some of them are parasitic

3- which of the following structure looks like plants in bacteria?

a) nucleus b) capsule c) cell wall d) lots of organelle's functions

4- which of the following bacteria contains chloroplasts?

a) gram(+) bacteria b) gram(-) bacteria c) autotroph bacteria d) hetetroph bacteria

5- which of the following bacteria needs oxygen for survival?

a ) aerobic bacteria b) anaerobic bacteria c) autotroph bacteria d) hetetroph bacteria

6- which of the bacteria has some enzymes that provides helping digestion?

a)Coccus b) spirillium c) bacillus d)vibrium

Part C: explain the following questions

  1. Explain what would happen if there were no bacteria on earth?

  2. How can bacteria help plants?

  3. Explain the types of reproduction in bacteria?


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