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  • Контрольная работа по теме Грибы билигвальная биология

Контрольная работа по теме Грибы билигвальная биология

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PART A: Fill in the blanks with TRUE or FALSE

1- Mushrooms are multicellular organisms………..

2- Mushrooms are parasitic , symbiotic and aquatic………..

3- Mushrooms have cell wall that is made up of cellulose……….

4-lichens can Not survive under arctic conditions………..

5-lichens are parasitic , symbiotic and aquatic…………

6- lichens take a role helping in environmental pollution………..

PART B: Choose the correct answer

1- mushroom which doesn't used as food source…..

a)orange cap boletus b)field mushroom c) polypore d) polish mushrooms

2- moldy mushrooms belong to …………….

a)pinicel b) yeast c)brand- blight d) polypore

3- mushrooms parasite…………….

a)only on plants b)only on animals c) both of them d)none of them

4- budding can reproduce cells of..........

a) pinicel b)yeast c) miller d) brand- blight

5- lichens belong to……………..

a)algae b) mushroom c)terrestrial plants d) cianobacteria

6- which of the following has tallus in their structure?

a)algae b) mushroom c)lichens d) cianobacteria

7- which of the following used as an indicator for pollution in the environment?

a)bacteria b)mushroom c) lichen d) algae

PART C: Explain the following questions

  1. what is the role of lichens in the environments

  2. why are not lichens found in the big cities?



PART A: Fill in the blanks with TRUE or FALSE

1- Mushrooms are unicellular organisms…………..

2- Mushrooms are terrestrial, saprophytic and parasitic………

3- Mushrooms have cell wall that is made up of chitin…………

4- lichens can survive in arctic conditions hot desert…………..

5- lichens are terrestrial and symbiotic …………………

6- lichens do NOT take a role helping in environmental pollution…………….

PART B: Choose the correct answer

1- lichens belong to……………..

a)algae b) mushroom c)terrestrial plants d) cianobacteria

2- mushrooms parasite…………….

a)only on plants b)only on animals c) both of them d)none of them

3- mushroom which doesn't used as food is…..

a)orange cap boletus b)field mushroom c) polypore d) polish mushrooms

4- which of the following used as an indicator for pollution in the environment?

a)bacteria b)mushroom c) lichen d) algea

5- moldy mushrooms belong to …………….

a)pinicel b) yeast c)brand- blight d) polypore

6- budding can reproduce cells of..........

a) pinicel b)yeast c) miller d) brand- blight

7- which of the following has tallus in their structure?

a)algae b) mushroom c)lichens d) cianobacteria

PART C: Explain the following questions

1-what is the role of lichens in the environments

2-why are not lichens found in the big cities?


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