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  • Конспект урока по билингвальной биологии на тему Царство Животные

Конспект урока по билингвальной биологии на тему Царство Животные

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предварительный просмотр материала

Grade: 8th class

Time: 45 min.

Topic: Classification of living things and Kingdom Plantae

Classification: (is) a method by which biologist group and categorize species of organisms.

Species: (is) a group of organisms that naturally mate to make(((produce))) young plants or animals.

Classification of Living Things

Monera Protist Fungi Plants Animals

  • Bacteria Amoeba Mushroom Terrestrial P. invertebrates

  • Virus Paramecium Mold Aquatic P. vertebrates

  • Algae

  • Kingdom==phylum===class===order ==FAMILY== GENUS== SPECIES

Kingdom: PLANTAE(plants)

General(common) characteristics of Plants

  • They are Multicellular organisms

  • They are Eukaryotic organisms

  • They are Photosynthetic organisms (((they convert sunlight energy into chemical energy))) (((Green plants synthesize food by the process pf photosynthesis using water, mineral and CO2 with help of chlorophyll and solar energy. This is the reason these plants are called photo-autotrophs. Chlorophyll is a green pigment that captures the solar energy and converts it into stored form of chemical energy during light reactions of photosynthesis.)))

  • They are Autotrophic organisms. (((It means))) they can make their own foods ((( they don't depend on other organisms for feeding))) they are also called green plants.

  • They can be terrestrial and aquatic (They occupy land as well as water habitat )

  • Plants can reproduce Sexually and Asexually

  • They are nonmotile . They can not move from one place to another.they have passive movement.

  • Plants store carbohydrates as Starch but animals store carbohydrates as Glycogen

  • Their responses to stimuli are slow and limited.

  • Plants cell are covered by a Cellulose Cell Wall (that prevents contraction and make these organisms distinct from rest of other. Cell wall is a non permeable outer covering that insulate the plant cell from external environment.)

  • They can grow

  • All the plant cells have large central vacuole (((that store water and nutrients, thus helping plants in osmo-regulation.)))

  • Plants include 3 main parts; a) root b) stem c) leaf (((in addition to these structures there are Seed, Flower and Fruit))))

  • Plants complete their life in two phases: gametophyte and saprophyte. These two phases alter with each other and this phenomenon is called "alternation of generation".

Questions to the students:

  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of plants?

a)they are multicellular b) they are eukaryotic c) they are unicellular d) they are photosynthetic

2- Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of plants?

a) they have cell membrane b) they have cell wall c)they are prokaryotic d) they include starch


1- Explain the plants in our life ? 2- List name of the plants that you know?


Use the 'What I know' column to list the things you know about plants. Then list the questions you have about about plants in the 'what I find out' column.

Конспект урока по билингвальной биологии на тему Царство Животные

Конспект урока по билингвальной биологии на тему Царство Животные


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