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Внеурочное мероприятие на тему: Шотландская литература

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(Scottish Gaelic: Alba)
(Scottish Gaelic: Alba)
Location of Scotland within the United Kingdom and in the European continent...
Location of Scotland within the United Kingdom and in the European continent Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain. It is washed by the North Sea in the east, the Atlantic Ocean in the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea in the southwest.
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Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland Mainland Scotland is a beautiful mountaino...
Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland Mainland Scotland is a beautiful mountainous area divided into three geographical regions: the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands.
Scottish Highlands. Caledonia Тhere are very old mountains in the Highlands.
Scottish Highlands. Caledonia Тhere are very old mountains in the Highlands.
Ben Nevis, the highest peak in Great Britain Ben Nevis is the highest mountai...
Ben Nevis, the highest peak in Great Britain Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland and Great Britain.
A Highland Loch (lake) Loch – is a Scottish word for “lake”. Many of them wer...
A Highland Loch (lake) Loch – is a Scottish word for “lake”. Many of them were formed from former glaciers.
Loch Ness, Urquhart Castle The most famous lake in Scotland is Loch Ness, kno...
Loch Ness, Urquhart Castle The most famous lake in Scotland is Loch Ness, known for its mysterious monster.
Clan Tartans Rally The Scots are very proud of their traditions and their fam...
Clan Tartans Rally The Scots are very proud of their traditions and their family unity. They traditionally lived in groups called clans. Clan in Gaelic means “family” or “descendants”.
Men of each clan wear kilts of a specific tartan design and colour.
Men of each clan wear kilts of a specific tartan design and colour.
Scottish literature is the literature written in Scotland (legends and fairy...
Scottish literature is the literature written in Scotland (legends and fairy tales) or by Scottish writers. They described the beauty of nature, the heroic history of the country, the brave people. Тhe most well-known writers were Robert Burns, Robert Lоuis Stevenson, Walter Scott.
Scotland is proud of a great poet Robert Burns My heart`s in the Highlands, m...
Scotland is proud of a great poet Robert Burns My heart`s in the Highlands, my heart is not here My heart`s in the Highlands Achasing the deer
Scotland, Brave Heart Country
Scotland, Brave Heart Country
Skara Brae, a Neolithic settlement located in Orkney Scotland has a rich age-...
Skara Brae, a Neolithic settlement located in Orkney Scotland has a rich age-long history.
The Kingdom of the Picts was the state which became known as "Alba" or "Scotl...
The Kingdom of the Picts was the state which became known as Alba or Scotland. The development of Pictland, according to historian Peter Heather, was a natural response to Roman rule.
A Pictish eagle (symbol) stone in Strathpeffer The Aberlemno Pictish Serpent...
A Pictish eagle (symbol) stone in Strathpeffer The Aberlemno Pictish Serpent Stone, showing the serpent, the double disc and Z-rod and the mirror and comb There are a lot of stone monuments of the Pictish period in Scotland.
At that time this territory was inhabited by native people called Picts. In l...
At that time this territory was inhabited by native people called Picts. In legends they are often mentioned as a tribe of dwarf-people, living inside caves. They were brave and devoted people
Heather ale (вересковый напиток) was a drink оf the Picts .The scots wanted t...
Heather ale (вересковый напиток) was a drink оf the Picts .The scots wanted to conquer them and know the secret of the drink.
* * Robert Louis Stevenson wrote his famous ballad “Heather Ale” about it.
* * Robert Louis Stevenson wrote his famous ballad “Heather Ale” about it.
There rose a king in Scotland, A fell man to his foes, He smote the Picts in...
There rose a king in Scotland, A fell man to his foes, He smote the Picts in battle, He hunted them like roes. Summer came in the country, Red was the heather bell, But the manner of the brewing Was none alive to tell.
The king sat on his charger, He looked on the little men; And the dwarfish an...
The king sat on his charger, He looked on the little men, And the dwarfish and swarthy couple Looked at the king again. There stood the son and father, And they looked high and low, The heather was red around them, the sea rumbled below.
«I have a word in private A word for the royal ear. I would gladly sell my se...
«I have a word in private A word for the royal ear. I would gladly sell my secret, Only my son I fear… But now in vain is the torture, Fire shall never avail: Here dies in my bosom The secret of Heather Ale.»
Scottish fairy-tales.
Scottish fairy-tales.
An old Scottish fairy tale « I myself» !
An old Scottish fairy tale « I myself» !
“What is your name?” They started running and playing near the fire. Running...
“What is your name?” They started running and playing near the fire. Running near the fireplace, Percy touched the coals, and one of them fell on the brownie’s foot. “Why are you crying so loud and don’t let me sleep!”

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