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  • Викторина по английскому языку Австралия для 10 класса

Викторина по английскому языку Австралия для 10 класса

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Викторина «Добро пожаловать в Австралию»
Викторина «Добро пожаловать в Австралию»
Welcome to Australia
Welcome to Australia
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
The 1st task Your task is to put the missing letters Abro_d Abor_g_ne K_ngaro...
The 1st task Your task is to put the missing letters Abro_d Abor_g_ne K_ngaro...
К е у Abroad Aborigine Kangaroo Native Harbour
К е у Abroad Aborigine Kangaroo Native Harbour
The 2nd task There are 20 parts of 10 words. Try to combine them into the wor...
The 2nd task There are 20 parts of 10 words. Try to combine them into the wor...
К е у Archi-tecture Spa-nish Neigh-bourhood Un-employment Ara-bic Tempera-tur...
К е у Archi-tecture Spa-nish Neigh-bourhood Un-employment Ara-bic Tempera-tur...
The 3rd task Read the sentence and say if it is true or false 1) Canberra is...
The 3rd task Read the sentence and say if it is true or false 1) Canberra is...
The 4th task Complete the sentences Australia was discovered in ______ by ___...
The 4th task Complete the sentences Australia was discovered in ______ by ___...
The 4th task 7. About 70 per cent of the population live in the __________. 8...
The 4th task 7. About 70 per cent of the population live in the __________. 8...
К е у Australia was discovered in 1770 by James Cook. The discoverer of Austr...
К е у Australia was discovered in 1770 by James Cook. The discoverer of Austr...
The 5th task What is wrong in the sentences Australia is situated south of As...
The 5th task What is wrong in the sentences Australia is situated south of As...
К е у Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian...
К е у Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian...
The 6th task Write the names of the territories on the map Western Australia...
The 6th task Write the names of the territories on the map Western Australia...
The 7th task Translate the sentences into English – first read the Russian va...
The 7th task Translate the sentences into English – first read the Russian va...
К е у 1) The population is mainly English in background. 2) English is the ma...
К е у 1) The population is mainly English in background. 2) English is the ma...
The 8th task Answer the questions: What is the official name of the country?...
The 8th task Answer the questions: What is the official name of the country?...
The 8th task What colour is the flag of Australia? Which are the national col...
The 8th task What colour is the flag of Australia? Which are the national col...
К е у The Commonwealth of Australia In 1901 Constitutional Monarchy Canberra...
К е у The Commonwealth of Australia In 1901 Constitutional Monarchy Canberra...
К е у Green and gold The Kangaroo and emu January Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide...
К е у Green and gold The Kangaroo and emu January Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide...
The 9th task
The 9th task
The 9th task 5. Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest? Sydney Melbourn...
The 9th task 5. Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest? Sydney Melbourn...
The 9th task
The 9th task
Список использованных источников Активные ссылки на материалы из сети Вопросы...
Список использованных источников Активные ссылки на материалы из сети Вопросы...

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