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  • Вне классное мероприятие (английский язык) для групп 1 курса СПО 'The Perfect Roommate'

Вне классное мероприятие (английский язык) для групп 1 курса СПО 'The Perfect Roommate'

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Краткое описание: Внеклассное мероприятие (английский язык) "The Perfect Roommate" разработано для групп 1 курса СПО. Данное мероприятие помогает преподавателю улучшить взаимоотношения в новом для студентов коллективе, выявить проблемы коммуникации в группе и/или с преподавателями. Особое вниман
предварительный просмотр материала

Внеклассное мероприятие для групп 1 курса

«The perfect Roommate»

«Идеальный сосед

Цели: стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка

улучшение взаимоотношений в группе и группы с классным руководителем



  1. систематизация лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Межличностные отношения»


  1. воспитание у учащихся умения работать в команде

  2. воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу


  1. практиковать учащихся в чтении, аудировании, говорении;

  2. улучшить коммуникативные навыки


  1. Развивать умение языковой догадки, мышление, память

  2. Развивать у учащихся интерес к предмету

  3. Развитие толерантного отношения в межнациональном коллективе

  4. Развитие творческого навыка учащихся

Оформление: компьютер, аудиозапись, плакат со словами и выражениями для высказывания мнения, раздаточный материал.

Ход мероприятия:

(на доске таблица для выставления очков командам, плакат со словами и выражениями (Приложение №3)

Good morning, our students! Good morning, our guests! (Доброе утро, студенты! Доброе утро, наши гости!)

I'm glad to meet you. How are you? Do you know English? Can you speak English? We'll see it. Today we'll have a competition. Two teams will take part in our competition. (Я рада видеть вас. Как вы поживаете? Вы знаете Английский язык? Вы умеете говорить на английском? Посмотрим так ли это. Сегодня у нас будет соревнование. Две команды примут в нем участие)

Now, let me introduce our judges. Here they are: …. (А сейчас, позвольте представить наших судей. Ими являются… далее фамилии студентов, выбранных ранее группой)

It's high time to begin our competition. (Самое время начать наше соревнование)

Round 1 (Говорение)

Write the Rules of Your Room and then present it for our jury. What your roommate should or shouldn't do to get on with you? (Составьте список правил в вашей комнаты и представьте его жюри. Что ваш сосед должен и не должен делать, чтобы ужиться с тобой? В данном конкурсе оценивается как лексико-грамматические навыки, так и творческий подход к презентации своего списка)

Round 2 (Чтение)

One of their roommates has recently moved out so you need to find a new roommate. There are 16 Ads (8 Room renters and 8 Room seekers)(Приложение 1). There are only 8 vacant rooms. Say which of these people should be put into one room. (Один из соседей только что съехал из комнаты, поэтому необходимо найти нового сосед. Перед вами 16 объявлений (8 из них о поисках соседа, а другие 8 о поисках комнаты) Есть только 8 комнат. Скажите кто из этих людей сможет жить в одной комнате.)

Round 3 (Аудирование)

Six people want to stay at the hotel. Listen to them and write into the table as much information as possible about them. (Приложение 2.) (Шесть человек хотели бы остановиться в отеле. Послушай их и запиши в таблицу столько информации, сколько сможешь)




Interests and hobbies

Additional information

Round 4 (Творческий конкурс)

Make a portrait of the perfect roommate. Describe him\her, tell us about his qualities. (Нарисуйте портрет идеального соседа. Опишите его\ее, расскажите нам о его личных качествах)

It's time to finish our competition. The teams have done their best to win. Now we'll find out who is the winner today. Let's listen to the judges. (Пришло время закончить наше соревнование. Команды сделали все возможное для победы. Сейчас мы выясним кто же выиграл сегодня. Послушаем судей)

Dear judges, tell us some words about the score. (Уважаемые судьи, огласите нам результаты.)

Подведение итогов:

Our congratulations to the team…Thank you very much for your work. (Наши поздравления команде … Спасибо большое за вашу работу)

Dear friends, Do you like our competition? I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. What do you like best of all? Thank you for your work. The party is over. Good-bye. See you soon. (Дорогие друзья, вам понравилось соревнование? Я надеюсь, что всем понравилось. Что вам понравилось больше всего? Спасибо за ваши старания. Мероприятие подошло к концу. До свидания. Увидимся!)

Приложение №1

Facts about the current roommates:

The people living at the house now are sociable, outgoing students at the university. They have parties or go out on the town at least once a week. There are no smokers at the house and no pets. The rent is $300 per month. The house is about 10 minutes from the university by foot.

Concerns about potential roommate:

Is _________ sociable? (They like to have fun now and then).

Does _________ smoke? (One of the current roommates is allergic to smoke).

Is _________ clean? (The last roommate was a slob).

Can _________ afford to pay rent? (The last roommate still owes them about 2 months rent).

Facts about the current roommates:

The people living in the house are easygoing. They like to make a lot of noise in the evening either playing guitars or listening to music. There are no pets in the house. Everybody in the house smokes. They rarely drink. The rent is about $200.00 and the house is about 20 minutes from the university by subway.

Concerns about potential roommate:

Does _________ have a pet? (The landlord doesn't allow cats or dogs at the apartment).

Is _________ easy to get along with? (The last roommate caused many fights).

Is _________ a heavy drinker? (The last roommate drank a lot and caused problems).

Does _________ mind noise? (The other roommates tend to make a lot of noise in the evenings)

Facts about the current roommates:

They are quiet, clean hardworking students. Most of them are on scholarship so they don't like to party much. The rent is about $450. The apartment is about 15 minutes from the university by bus.

Concerns about potential roommate:

Is _________ quiet? (The last roommate was way to noisy so it was hard to study).

Does _________ smoke? (One of the current roommates is allergic to smoke).

Is _________clean? (The last roommate was a slob).

Does _________ have money problems? (The rent is quite expensive).

Facts about the current roommates:

They are mostly studious, but like to have fun from time to time. There are no pets in the house, but several roommates smoke. The place is clean. The rent is $300 per month. The house is about 10 minutes from the university by bus.

Concerns about potential roommate:

Does _________ have a pet? (One of the current roommates is allergic to cat hair).

Is _________ quiet? (The other roommates are serious students).

Is _________ clean? (The last roommate was a slob).

Does _________ mind smoking? (Several of the roommates smoke).

Facts about the current roommates:

The people living at the house now are sociable, outgoing students at the university. They like to do a lot things together such as go to the movies or cafes together. There are no smokers at the house and no pets. The rent is about $400.00. The house is about 5 minutes from the university on foot.

Concerns about potential roommate:

Does _________ drink a lot? (The last roommate was a drunk and caused a lot of problems).

Does _________ have a pet? (The landlord doesn't allow cats or dogs at the apartment).

Is _________ clean? (The last roommate was a slob).

Does _________have enough money to pay rent? (The rent is quite expensive).

Facts about the current roommates:

This is a quiet house of mostly law and engineering students. There are no pets and no smokers. The roommates are mostly shy, quiet guys without much of a social life. The rent is $300.00 per month and the house is about 15 minutes from the university on foot.

Concerns about potential roommate:

Does _________ have a pet? (The landlord doesn't allow cats or dogs at the apartment).

Is _________ quiet? (The other roommates are serious students).

Does _________ smoke? (One of the current roommates is allergic to smoke).

Does _________ have enough money to pay rent? (The last roommate left without paying the rent).

Facts about the current roommates:

The people living at the house now are sociable, outgoing students at the university. They like to do a lot of things together such as going dancing or going to the movies. Everybody in the house smokes. There are no pets. The rent is about $390. The apartment is about 20 minutes from the school by subway.

Concerns about potential roommate:

Does _________ have a pet? (The landlord doesn't allow cats or dogs at the apartment).

Is _________ sociable? (They like to have fun now and then).

Does _________have enough money to pay rent? (The rent is quite expensive).

Is _________ tidy? (The last roommate was a slob).

Facts about the current roommates:

The people living in the house are easygoing. They like to sit around and play guitars and chat in the evening. They have two cats. Nobody in the house smokes. They drink occasionally. The rent is about $200.00 and the house is about 20 minutes from the university by subway.

Concerns about potential roommate:

Does _________ like animals? (Two of the roommates have cats).

Does _________ smoke? (One of the current roommates is allergic to smoke).

Is _________ easy to get along with? (The last roommate kept arguing with the other roommates).

Is _________ a heavy drinker? (The last roommate got drunk every week and started fights).

Приложение № 2

Приложение №3

I think (that)…

I guess (that)…

I suppose (that)…

I feel (that)…

As I see it…

My opinion is that…

If you ask me…

In my opinion

You agree

Just so

I quite agree here.




I should think so.

That's just what I was thinking.

You're not sure

Yes, but…

On the other hand…

I'm afraid I don't agree.

I don't think you are right.

I can't agree with you there.

I'm not so sure.

You disagree

On the contrary!

Just the other way round.


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