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  • План урока по английскому языку на тему Sport in Kazakhstan and Britain

План урока по английскому языку на тему Sport in Kazakhstan and Britain

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предварительный просмотр материала
21.2016 Level: 7

The theme of the lesson

Sport in Britain and Kazakhstan


To give students more information about different kinds of sports in Britain and Kazakhstan


Reading, speaking, writing and listening in English Language Teaching..

Teaching results

Students can speak about different kinds of sport and the most popular sports in Kazakhstan and Britain. They can speak about their favorite sport and sportsman. They can use new vocabulary in their speech.

Main ideas

Good health is above wealth. Sports means health.

Methods summer residence active lesson type of work on a lesson:

Method "picture chooses" , group work individual work, cluster " group investigation divided method, gusty ball method, «You to me, I to you" method , reverse connection criteria values

Students types of that to teach value for, to connect:

to value group mutually, individually; to trust.

Necessary resources:

Text book, slide , pictures, poster, ball,


Teacher's activity

Student's activity.


2 minutes

Greeting .Make a dialogue.


illustrated choosing to the group divided

Pictures and cup

3 minutes.

Checking up home task

Students will answer the questions. Students will answer the questions about Central Asia.


Questions, plane

2 minutes.

To Brain attack

Students will be specify known one the sport an action through method of mimicry

7 minutes

Presentation of new lexis. Pronunciation. Phonetic drill exercise .Find the new words in the dictionary.


Students will read new words.

Repeat after the teacher.

Pronounce the new words.

Translate into native language.

Write down on their notebooks.

Showing slides on the board.

Slides number 5-7.

12 minutes

Work with the text. Find a partner from other groups and swap information. Talk to your partners. "Sport in Kazakhstan" and

"Sport in Britain."

Students will perform in a group and make up poster.

Choose the best one in your group. They will present their work to the class.

"Sport in Kazakhstan."

"Sport in Britain".



2 minutes

Doing exercise. Complete the sentences. now, that will check as you understood your friends, we will do this task

children will be will execute a task that will be indicated on aboard ( оқушылар бір топ екінші топқ бармақ әдісі арқылы баға береді)

Student's book.

Exercise 14 on page157.

5 minutes

to give a pupils task to write short story about your favorite sportsmen

students will write short story about your favorite sportsmen


The next grammar : Past continuous. to the teaching students new

grammar and to assign

children will execute a task on grammar

Cards. Envelopes

3 minutes

Pupils look at the blackboard. In the blackboard we see pictures. We must make up questions.

students make questions on a picture and set them to each other



3 minutes

to listen the estimations of leaders and give the estimation.to conduct a reflection to a passed lesson

leaders will read it estimations and will write a reflectionabout a lesson

Stickers and criteria card

A minute

Home task: ex 12,15 p 156-157


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