Игра лото на 'Дружба'

Автор публикации:
Дата публикации:
Краткое описание:
предварительный просмотр материала

To live in peace

To resolve conflicts

To share things

To get lies

To spend more time together

To read a lot

To help other people

To smoke cigarettes

To come home at time

To be honest and hard-working

To respect the rights of people

To listen to the teachers

To have better relations with people

To prevent quarrels

To live in peace

To resolve conflicts

To share things

To get lies

To spend more time together

To read a lot

To help other people

To smoke cigarettes

To come home at time

To be honest and hard-working

To respect the rights of people

To listen to the teachers

To have better relations with people

To prevent quarrels

To live in peace

To resolve conflicts

To share things

To get lies

To spend more time together

To read a lot

To help other people

To smoke cigarettes

To come home at time

To be honest and hard-working

To respect the rights of people

To listen to the teachers

To have better relations with people

To prevent quarrels

To live in peace

To resolve conflicts

To share things

To get lies

To spend more time together

To read a lot

To help other people

To smoke cigarettes

To come home at time

To be honest and hard-working

To respect the rights of people

To listen to the teachers

To have better relations with people

To prevent quarrels

To live in peace

To resolve conflicts

To share things

To get lies

To spend more time together

To read a lot

To help other people

To smoke cigarettes

To come home at time

To be honest and hard-working

To respect the rights of people

To listen to the teachers

To have better relations with people

To prevent quarrels


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