Урок по теме Ярмарка еды

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Московской области Сергиево-Посадского района пос. Лоза

Открытый урок по английскому языку


Цели урока:

  1. Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

  2. Совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырех основных видах речевой деятельности.

  3. Развитие общих и специальных учебных умений, позволяющих

совершенствовать учебную деятельность по овладению английским языком.

  1. Развитие и воспитание способности и готовности к самостоятельному и непрерывному изучению английского языка.

  2. Формирование качеств гражданина и патриота.

Задачи урока:

1.Обучающая: помочь овладеть диалогом этикетного характера, диалогом-обменом мнениями, полилогом (способностью к общению в группе).

2.Развивающая: развить сенсорное восприятие учащихся, коммуникативные умения и навыки в процессе общения на языке, умение подготовить связное высказывание по теме.

3.Воспитательная: формировать мотивацию к изучению английского языка. Формировать уважение к культуре и традициям других народов.

Оборудование: вывески, меню, карточки с загадками и ребусами, магнитофон с кассетой.


I.Вступительное слово учителя.

T: Good morning, dear friends! Sit down, please! What day is it today? What date is it today? What is the weather like today? (Ответы учащихся).

We are having a Food Fair today. Do you want to visit it? Let's begin. Meet Nadia and Ksusha. They will help me and they want you to be happy at our Food Fair. So, you are welcome.

II. Речевая зарядка.

Gs: Hi!

Hello, Friends! Answer our questions, will you?

  1. Do you like fruit (meat, vegetables)?

  2. Which fruit (vegetables) do you like?

  3. What kind of food do you like?

  4. Have you ever had a butter and cheese sandwich?

  5. Is Coca-Cola worth trying?

  6. What do you order when you go to a café or restaurant?

  7. What is your favourite food?

  8. What do you usually have for breakfast?

  9. Have you ever tried hot dogs?

  10. Do you know what a sandwich is?

  11. Which drinks do you like and which don't you like?

  12. What would you like to try at our Food Fair?

III. Посещение ярмарки.

T: Well, thank you, girls! Now we know what you like and don't like. You have come to our Food Fair. What is a Food Fair?

P1: A food fair is when the restaurants and cafes in town set up food booths and give out samples of their food for free.

T: Why do they give away food for free?

P2: It's a way to advertise their restaurant. They want people to know what kind of food they have, so that they will visit their restaurant later.

T: Wall, we see a lot of booths. Each booth represents a national cuisine. They are all worth trying. Let's listen to their promotions.

Каждое кафе представляет ученик-его хозяин.

P3: "Today! Only once a year! We are here to invite you to visit our American Smiley Hot Dog Café! We serve tasty hamburgers and cheeseburgers, hot dogs and all kind of soft drinks. Come on. We give you out samples of our food."

P4: "Welcome to our Russian café Sunny Pancake! You see many pancakes with cream and jam here. We have Siberian pelmeni, too. They are made with different kind of spices. Our refreshing drinks such as kvas and blueberry juice are very popular, as well."

P5: "Have you ever tried a real English pudding? Have you ever tried a real English breakfast? You are welcome to our restaurant Queen Victoria. This restaurant is known for some old traditions and a different kind of pudding. You have a wonderful opportunity to try some of them. You can also have a cup of English tae with milk, lemon or cream."

T: Thank you. The owners of all the booths have represented their cafes and restaurants well. It's time to taste their food.

IV: Диалоги и полилоги отрабатываются заранее. Пары посетителей подходят к выставкам, беседуют между собой и с хозяевами. Порядок оговаривается заранее.

Примерные диалоги

    Visitor1: Let's taste some Russian food.

    Visitor2: What are they offering?

    V1: I see pancakes with jam and cream. And they offer Siberian pelmeni and kvas.

    Waiter: Good morning! Are you ready to order?

    V1: Could you give us some pelmeni, please?

    W: Would you like it spicy?

    V1: Just a little pepper.

    V2: I'd like some sour cream, please.

    W: Here you are.

    V1: Oh, it's very tasty!

    V2: It's great!

    W: Anything else? We can recommend our drinks; kvas or blueberry juice.

    V1: Some kvas, please. I've never tried it.

    V2: Me, neither.

    W: Here you are. Enjoy it.

    V1: Oh, thank you. I like kvas.

    V2: It's excellent!


    V1: Would you like some pudding? I see it is being served by the English restaurant

    Queen Victoria.

    V2: Yes. I'd like some.

    W: Good morning! Here is our menu.

    V1: Oh, they have different kinds of pudding.

    V2: Let's try bread pudding.

    W: Take some, please. Help yourself!

    V1: Oh, it's finger-licking good.

    V2: Yes, it's delicious.

    W: Let me recommend a cup of English tea.

    V1: I'd like to try it.

    V2: It's tasty.

    V1: I like it, too. It is strong enough for me.

    W: Anything else?

    V1: No, thank you.

    W: See you in our restaurant.


    V1: Would you like to drop in on the American booth?

    V2: Sure.

    W: Can I help you?

    V1: Yes, I'd like a hamburger.

    V2: I'd like a hot dog, please.

    W: Here you are.

    V1: My hamburger is well done.

    V2: The hot dog is good, too.

    W: What would you like to drink? We have Coke, iced tea, lemonade.

    V1: I want some iced tea, please.

    W: Here you are. And you, are you ready to order anything to drink?

    V2: A little Coke, please. Thank you.

    V1: It's great! I'm full.

    V2: Me, too. I now know traditional food of some countries.

    V1: They're great!

    IV. Лексические игры.

    Teacher: Oh, well. Thank you, boys and girls. And now, will you solve some riddles and puzzles?

    __h___ ( honey) __sc_(scone) m n

    ey e o

    l e ( lemon, melon)

    It's green outside and red inside. (Watermelon)

    V. Грамматические упражнения

    Teacher: Thank you. And now I'd like you to listen a short dialogue, and fill in the blanks. (Учащиеся слушают диалог и заполняют пропуски). And now, let's check. Who wants to read? (Диалог берется из учебника Happy English 7-9 кл. автора Клементьевой Т.Б. и Дж. Шеннон стр.293).

    Teacher: Do you like our fair? Maybe, the owners of some booths will give us some of their recipes. How to make English tea or iced tea,

    And I've got some new recipes. I want you to know them too.

    And here are some funny sandwiches. Would you like to taste them?

    Now, open your Workout Books and let's do exercise C p.35. I give you only 3 minutes. Well, let's check it.

    VI. Итог урока.

    Teacher: Well, our Food Fair is over. I'm very glad and proud that you have shown good knowledge. I'm sure you can visit restaurants and cafes abroad some day. You will be able to order any food you like there. Good luck!

    Our lesson is over.

    Оценки только хорошие и отличные. После урока мы обсуждаем, что получилось хорошо и над чем стоит поработать.


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