Lesson plan Gerund and infinitive.

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предварительный просмотр материала

The lesson plan.Усвоение основного грамматического материала по заданной теме, развитие навыков применения его на практике.

The educational task:

  • понятие о герундии и инфинитиве.

  • наиболее распространенные случаи употребления герундия и инфинитива;

  • научить строить устное и письменное высказывание с использованием герундия и инфинитива;

The development task:

  • Развитие речевых и лексических навыков у студентов.

  • умение вести беседу на бытовую тематику, употребляя форму герундия и инфинитива;

  • совершенствование навыков и умений грамматического письма

The educative task:

    • Воспитание чувства коллектива, творческого отношения и заинтересованности при изучении иностранного языка.

  • Формирование умений делать выводы, выделять главное, понимая важность изучения всех аспектов английского языка и потребность пользоваться им как средством общения.

The type of the lesson:

  • Совершенствование умений по заданной теме .

The form of the lesson:

  • Традиционный: беседа, практика.

The form of cognitive activity:

  • Работа в парах, группах.

The expecting result:

  • Уметь применять данную структуру на практике. Закрепление знаний.

The didactic provision:

  • Интерактивная доска, колонки(для прослушивания)

The outline of the lesson:

Actions of a teacher

Actions of a students

Reflection of student

Individual work with student

Organization moment

3 min.

  • Greetings students

Hello, who is absent today?

- What day is it today?

- What date is it today?

Greeting the teacher!

Answer the questions

Checking the home task

5 min:

Ask pupils their home task.

Listen to the student answers, Helps them to correct mistakes.

Students give the right answers, and check with classmates

Work in pair and give answers.

Ask student to check up exercises with their classmates.


5 min

Ask student "what the theme of the lesson"?

Ask the questions: "Have you use the gerund and infinitive in your speech practice??

The theme of our lesson is: Gerund and Infinitive

The aim: 1) to know how to make a dialogue

2) to be able to negotiate by phone

3) to know how to use them

Student explains the theme about gerund and infinitive.

Learn the aim of the lesson.

Discuss with partner.

To give for students, The teacher's version.

Forming the new ideas and methods of actions

Practical using. Forming of the activity and knowledge. 10 min

Ask students to read new vocabulary, And try to remember this words.

Match new words with pictures.

Ask student to work with exercises.

1)To make own dialogue.

2) Read the text, translate, and answer the questions.

Student read, and translate, match.

Students make a dialogue.

Then asks students to check exercises with classmates.

Work individually

Work in pairs.

Information about home task

  • To learn by heart new vocabulary

  • Make a dialogue with using gerund and infinitive.

Summaries the lesson

Teacher gives the evaluation of the group and comments their marks.

Students appreciate their classmates


Teacher asks students to make the conclusion:

  1. What's your impression on this lesson?

  2. What have your learnt today?

  3. Do you like the lesson?

Students share information about the lesson and give their opinion? Make their conclusion.



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