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  • План-конспект вне классного мероприятия 'Выдающемуся драматургу посвящается. . . ' (8 класс)

План-конспект вне классного мероприятия 'Выдающемуся драматургу посвящается. . . ' (8 класс)

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Краткое описание: План-конспект, посвященный выдающемуся татарскому драматургу Кариму Тинчурину, может быть использован как пособие при подготовке мероприятия посвященного рассказу о любом другом известном человеке.Данный способ организации работы над материалом позволяет прикоснут
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План - конспект внеклассного мероприятия по теме « Памяти выдающегося драматурга посвящается…»

Работу выполнила учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Школа №54»

г. Казани Зарипова Вазифа Габдулнафиковна.

Казань - 2015 г.

Тема внеклассного мероприятия: « Памяти выдающегося драматурга посвящается…»

Класс: 8

Цели внеклассного мероприятия :

  • образовательная: развитие речевой догадки, расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие навыков говорения: монологической и диалогической речи; знакомство с культурой Татарстана;

  • Практические задачи: формирование навыков аудирования, закрепление лексических и грамматических навыков.

  • развивающая: развитие языковой догадки, умения находить нужную информацию в тексте, способствовать развитию логического мышления;

  • воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения, интереса к изучению культуры родной страны, иностранного языка.

Языковой материал: лексика по темам: биография, театр, образование , текст для чтения, текст для аудирования по теме «Карим Тинчурин» (видеофрагмент), тест; Past Simple, Present Simple.

Дидактический материал и наглядные пособия: фотографии из семейного альбома Карима Тинчурина, зрительные опоры с речевым клише, текстовые задания.

Оснащение: компьютер, проектор, карточки, DVD диск, раздаточный материал (распечатанные фотоматериалы, тексты).

Ход мероприятия.

Учебная ситуация

Формы организации



Начало мероприятия. Повторение лексики, снятие лексических трудностей: перевод и произношение новых слов; знакомство с темой в процессе аудирования.

Good morning children!

How are you?

I 'm OK! Thanks.

Do you like to go to the theater ?

Yes, I do!

We'll speak about famous Tatar playwright Karim Tinchurin today! Let's begin!

Children, look at the blackboard now. We review some words:

Playwright, a peasant, madrasah, rural school, Sayyar, educationalist, a public figure,





1 min.

2 min.

Просмотр видеофильма. Контроль понимания.

Oh! What we have! We don't waste time! Here we have a film. You should be very attentive today and at the end of the film you have to finish the sentences in the blanks*(смотри Приложение I).

1)Karim Tinchurin was born to 2) Karim Tinchurin stadied at

a) a peasant; a)madrasah;

b) a seaman; b)Buckingham Palace;

c) a worker. c) rural school.

3) Karim Tinchurin joined 4) Karim Tinchurin joined professional professional troup troupe in

a) Sayyar; a)1906 ;

b)Daffodil; b) 1910

c) Moxammadia. c) 1978.

5) Karim Tinchurin was a famous

a) singer ;

b) playwright;

c) dishwasher .


P1, P2, P3…


5 min.

Ролевая игра. Чтение текста с пониманием основной информации, перевод стихотворения данного автора с татарского на английский язык, составление диалогов и их инсценирование, монолог по теме «Карим Тинчурин».

And now we'll have a competition. We divide us in two groups. You are the first team and you are the second team. At first you have to read these parts of the text and take them in the right order. You have only 7 minutes to do the task. Let's begin!(Cмотри Приложение II)



Karim Tinchurin (1887-1938)

Karim Tinchurin is a talented playwright, innovating stage director, the Honored Artist of Tatarstan, educationalist and a public figure.
K.Tinchurin was born on September 15, 1887 in the family of a peasant, in the village of Tarakanovo (now Akkul) of Penza province. At teen age he worked as a dishwasher at the railway station eatery and then he studied in the famous "Mukhammadia" Tatar madrasah. However, Karim wasn't satisfied with the education process there, and in February of 1906 he ostentatiously left the madrasah together with other 82 shakirds (pupils).
After that he spent years wandering over Russian provinces, teaching at rural schools. In the course of years he acquired rich life experience and it was a good school for the future playwright. Meetings with plenty of interesting people, familiarization with outstanding persons' fates provided him with valuable materials for future plays.
K.Tinchurin was adopted into the first professional troupe "Sayar" in 1910, where he became an actor and a playwright, as well as one of the leading directors. In the first years he wrote such plays as: "Honest labour" (1912), "Fatal Step" (1913) and others. Karim Tinchurin was an innovating playwright. He used to redistribute the social semantic centers of a dramatic conflict. He concentrated all his attention on studying such a complex and contradictory phenomenon as the world of a (developing) personality.
K.Tinchurin started working in Moscow in 1918 in the Central Muslim Military Collegium, where he was in charge of the culture department and later he worked in one of the front troupes.
Karim Tinchurin founded the Tatar Academic Theatre named after G.Kamal in Kazan in November 1922. A whole galaxy of brilliant actors began working in this theatre together with K.Tinchurin: B.Tarkhanov, K.Shamil, G.Bolgarskaya and others.
K.Tinchurin wrote more than 30 plays during his short creative life. Some of them: "Kazan Guys", "The American", "Motherland" are in the gold fund of the national drama and theatre, while his immortal works "Blue Shawl" and "Uncontrolled" are among the classic works of the Russian multinational and world theatrical art.
K.Tinchurin was subjected to repression and convicted as "the enemy of the people" and he was executed by shooting without judicial investigation or trial on November 14, 1938. He was rehabilitated on October 14, 1955. Staging of his plays was renewed


The time is out. Please show me your texts. Everything is all right. There are no mistakes and every team gets 5 points.

Please attention! Children, you know that there a lot of poems in Tinchurin's plays. The second task is to translate from Tatar into English this poem*(смотри Приложение III). You have 5 minutes.

Galavetdin, take you seat,

It'll be nobody at home,

Close all doors

Using these strong keys…

T: Thanks a lot.

Here I have some photographs from Tinchurin's family album. I give them to you and the third task is to act out a short dialogue about Tichurin's family*(смотри Приложение IV).



Do you like reading?

Yes, I do. And you?

I like to read Tatar authors. I like Karim Tinchurin best of all. Look! I've got some pictures of his family.

And who is this?

This is his mother.

What is her name?

Her name is Machmuda…

Great! You've done it perfectly. Every team gets 5 points.

And at last! At last we have to retell the texts (they are the same). It can do only one member of the team. You have 5 minutes to do the task.

Tinchurin was born to a peasant family, in the village of Tarakanovo (now in ). After getting work as a dishwasher in his teens, he studied at the famous Tatar , . However feeling dissatisfied with the education process there, he left with 82 other pupils in February, 1906. After visiting several Russian provinces, working as an itinerant teacher in rural schools, in 1910 joined his first professional troupe , becoming not just an actor, but also a playwright and one of the leading directors. In 1912 he wrote the play Honest Labour and in 1913 he wrote Fatal Step. Karim was an innovative playwright, studying the complex and contradictory phenomenon of forming personality, and so dealing with the construction of the dramatic conflict in a novel way.

In 1918 Tinchurin was based in and was appointed chief of the Cultural Department of the Central Muslim Military Collegium. However by November 1922, he had founded the in . Here he worked with a number of prominent actors: B.Tarkhanov, K.Shamil, G.Bolgarskaya and others.

Tinçurin wrote more than 30 plays during his short creative life:

Kazan Guys, Motherland, Blue Shawl, Honest Labour, Yusuf and Zuleyha , The Parrot , The American, Without Sails , On the Kandra River ,There Were Three of Them.

A victim of political repression during , Tinсhurin was posthumously





P1, P2,P3…


P1- GR


29 min.

Подведение итогов .

Did you enjoy our competition? Thanks a lot our teams.

You've worked very well today. Nikita, Zarina and Anna were excellent . Thank you. Goodbye.

2 min.

Приложение I

1)Karim Tinchurin was born to 2) Karim Tinchurin stadied at

a) a peasant; a)madrasah;

b) a seaman; b)Buckingham Palace;

c) a worker. c) rural school.

3) Karim Tinchurin joined 4) Karim Tinchurin joined professional professional troup troupe in

a) Sayyar; a)1906 ;

b)Daffodil; b) 1910

c) Moxammadia. c) 1978.

5) Karim Tinchurin was a famous

a) singer ;

b) playwright;

c) dishwasher .

Приложение II



Karim Tinchurin (1887-1938)

Karim Tinchurin is a talented playwright, innovating stage director, the Honored Artist of Tatarstan, educationalist and a public figure.
K.Tinchurin was born on September 15, 1887 in the family of a peasant, in the village of Tarakanovo (now Akkul) of Penza province. At teen age he worked as a dishwasher at the railway station eatery and then he studied in the famous "Mukhammadia" Tatar madrasah. However, Karim wasn't satisfied with the education process there, and in February of 1906 he ostentatiously left the madrasah together with other 82 shakirds (pupils).
After that he spent years wandering over Russian provinces, teaching at rural schools. In the course of years he acquired rich life experience and it was a good school for the future playwright. Meetings with plenty of interesting people, familiarization with outstanding persons' fates provided him with valuable materials for future plays.
K.Tinchurin was adopted into the first professional troupe "Sayar" in 1910, where he became an actor and a playwright, as well as one of the leading directors. In the first years he wrote such plays as: "Honest labour" (1912), "Fatal Step" (1913) and others. Karim Tinchurin was an innovating playwright. He used to redistribute the social semantic centers of a dramatic conflict. He concentrated all his attention on studying such a complex and contradictory phenomenon as the world of a (developing) personality.
K.Tinchurin started working in Moscow in 1918 in the Central Muslim Military Collegium, where he was in charge of the culture department and later he worked in one of the front troupes.
Karim Tinchurin founded the Tatar Academic Theatre named after G.Kamal in Kazan in November 1922. A whole galaxy of brilliant actors began working in this theatre together with K.Tinchurin: B.Tarkhanov, K.Shamil, G.Bolgarskaya and others.
K.Tinchurin wrote more than 30 plays during his short creative life. Some of them: "Kazan Guys", "The American", "Motherland" are in the gold fund of the national drama and theatre, while his immortal works "Blue Shawl" and "Uncontrolled" are among the classic works of the Russian multinational and world theatrical art.
K.Tinchurin was subjected to repression and convicted as "the enemy of the people" and he was executed by shooting without judicial investigation or trial on November 14, 1938. He was rehabilitated on October 14, 1955. Staging of his plays was renewed

Приложение III

Галәветдин, кил ултыр,

Йорт буш кала, белеп тор,

Шушы нык йозак белән

Капкаларзы бикләп тор.

Исеңдә тот ныгытып

Йөрмә дөньяң онотоп.

Менә сиңа әчкечләр,

Бөтөнесен бикләп тот.

Без китәбез мәжлескә ,

Мәйсәрә кала эчтә ,

Кача-нитә күрмәсен,

Китеп йөрөмә читкә .

Тинчурин Карим Галиевич «Сочинения» том 2 (на татарском языке) - Казань, Татарское книжное изд., 1986, с.253

Приложение IV

Из семейного архива K. Тинчурина

Источник: Коллектив. Карим Тинчурин: истэлеклэр, шигырьлэр.- Казан: Татар. кит. нэшр., 2003.- 159 б., рэс. б-н.- Воспоминания, стихи о Кариме Тинчурине.

Мать Карима Тинчурина - Махмуда Тинчурина

Отец Карима Тинчурина - Гали Тинчурин

К. Тинчурин ( второй ряд, первый справа) - ученик медресе "Мухаммадия"

Семья Шахбазгерея Ахмерова.
В центре - будущая жена К. Тинчурина Захида. 1910 г.

Будущая жена Карима Тинчурина - гимназистка Захида. 1915 г.

Выдающиеся актеры труппы "Сайяр":
Габдулла Кариев, Карим Тинчурин, Зайни Султанов, Абдрахман Мангушев.
1916 г.

Габдулла Кариев с красавицами театра (слева направо):
Захида Тинчурина, Нафига Арапова, Гульсум Болгарская, Ашраф Синяева.
1917 г.

Карим Тинчурин. 1917 г.

Две звезды, нашедшие друг друга - Захида и Карим. 1919 г.

Красавицы татарского театра -
Гульсум Болгарская, Захида Тинчурина, Ашраф Синяева.
1919 г.

Карим Тинчурин среди деятелей искусства ( третий ряд, пятый слева) 20-е годы.

Режиссер Карим Тинчурин ( в центре) с артистами татарского театра.
1924 г.

Режиссер Карим Тинчурин ( в центре) с артистами Астраханского театра.
1929 г.

К.Тинчурин среди молодых татарских актрис

Есть время и на отдых.
Слева направо: Кави Наджми, Сарвар Адгамова, Захида Тинчурина, Карим Тинчурин.
1929 г.

Семья Тинчуриных с друзьями на даче. 30-е годы.

Карим Тинчурин с работниками театра. 30-е годы.

У дверей театра. Первый ряд, второй справа К. Тинчурин

Карим Тинчурин ( второй ряд, второй слева) с современниками - деятелями искусства

Карим Тинчурин. 1934 г.

Первый курултай писателей. Москва, 1934 г.
Карим Тинчурин (второй ряд, первый слева)

Творческое содружество.
Салих Сайдашев и Карим Тинчурин.

Драматург Карим Тинчурин. 1937 г.

Перед выходом на сцену

Счастливые времена. Карим и Захида

Последняя фотография Карима Тинчурина

Деятели искусства поздравляют Захиду ханум с 90-летним юбилеем.
Первый ряд слева направо: Риза Ишмурат, Захида ханум, Рабит Батулла.
1987 г.

Приложение V

Karim Tinchurin

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tinchurin was born to a peasant family, in the village of Tarakanovo (now in ). After getting work as a dishwasher in his teens, he studied at the famous Tatar , . However feeling dissatisfied with the education process there, he left with 82 other pupils in February, 1906. After visiting several Russian provinces, working as an itinerant teacher in rural schools, in 1910 joined his first professional troupe , becoming not just an actor, but also a playwright and one of the leading directors. In 1912 he wrote the play Honest Labour and in 1913 he wrote Fatal Step. Karim was an innovative playwright, studying the complex and contradictory phenomenon of forming personality, and so dealing with the construction of the dramatic conflict in a novel way.

In 1918 Tinchurin was based in and was appointed chief of the Cultural Department of the Central Muslim Military Collegium, the military wing of . However by November 1922, he had founded the in . Here he worked with a number of prominent actors: B.Tarkhanov, K.Shamil, G.Bolgarskaya and others.

Tinchurin wrote more than 30 plays during his short creative life:

  • Kazan Guys

  • Motherland

  • Blue Shawl

  • Honest Labour (1912)

  • Fatal Step (1913)

  • Yusuf and Zuleyha (1918)

  • The Parrot (1918)

  • The American (1925)

  • Without Sails (1926)

  • On the Kandra River (1932)

  • There Were Three of Them (1932)

A victim of political repression during , Tinchurin was posthumously.


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