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  • КВН 'Путешествие по стране знаний' 5-6 классы

КВН 'Путешествие по стране знаний' 5-6 классы

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КВН в 5-м классе: "Путешествие по стране знаний"

Цель: повысить интерес обучающихся к предмету.

Задачи: 1. мотивировать обучающихся использовать знания, умения и навыки, полученные при изучении различных тем для решения поставленной задачи;

2. формировать умение употреблять ранее изученные ЛЕ в речи обучающихся;

3.развивать навыки аудирования;

4.развивать у обучающихся воображение и фантазию;

5.активизировать словесно-логическое мышление, устойчивость внимания;

6.формировать умение взаимодействовать в коллективе; прививать чувство товарищества, взаимопомощи.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, презентация в Power Point 2003, раздаточный материал.

Метод обучения: работа в группах.

Предварительная работа: создать презентацию, заранее класс поделить на 2 группы обучающиеся.

Ход мероприятия

I. Организационный момент:

1. Деление на группы.

2.Приветствие в классе, создание благоприятной атмосферы для работы на уроке.

T. Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you, Good morning, dear pupils, I am glad to see you.

T. My dear friends, let's imagine that you are passengers of a train. We are going to travel to Knowledgeland. Our train has got 2 carriages. They are the teams. Look at each other! Smile to each other! Enjoy our competition! A warm smile will encourage our work. As you see we are in a good mood. So, the train is leaving. We have 12 stations. At every station we'll stop and you'll have a special task to go on our trip. Good luck!

Let's introduce you with our jury. They are ......

II. Основная часть.

Путешествие по станциям, выполнение заданий.

Station 1 "The Greeting". Tell about your teams.

  1. Hello! I am glad to see you. My Сaptain name is : I am the captain of the team "Polar Bears". Our motto is "Learning is the eye of the mind" (Ученье - свет, а неученье - тьма).

  2. Captain 1. Hello! I am glad to see you. My name is : I am the captain of the team "The Bees". Our motto is "It is never too late to learn" (Учиться никогда не поздно).

3.Captain 2. Hello! I am glad to see you. My name is : I am the captain of the team "Good Friends". Our motto is "One for all, all for one" (Один за всех, все за одного).

Station 2 "English Grammar".

To speak English well we are to know English grammar. Do the first steps. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, has, have.

  • 1. I … fine.

  • 2. You … from England.

  • 3. The book … interesting.

  • 4. My friends … very clever.

  • 5. I … got a friend.

  • 6. My sister … got a lot of English books.

Пока наши команды отвечают, я хотела бы задать несколько вопросов болельщикам. Самых активных болельщиков ждут призы.

Guess what season I am speaking about. Угадайте, о каком времени года идет речь.

1. It is frosty. The temperature is about 20 degress below zero. (winter)

2. The weather is rainy. It clouds over. (autumn)

3. It is hot. Children have holidays. (summer)

4. Snow is melting. Icicles are falling. (spring)

Our trip is going on. The next station is number 3.

Station 3 "Guess the Word".

To understand English well we are to know a lot of English words. Finish these lists, please.







Station 4 "Odd Word".

Find one odd word in each line.

  • A cat, a dog, a ball, a mouse, a pig

  • Coffee, tea, milk, skate, juice

  • Sport, tennis, school, ski, skate

  • Book, lesson, subject, school, tiger

  • Animal, son, uncle, aunt, father

  • Blue, black, pink, yellow, pupil

Station 5 "Captain's Competition".

A good captain is the flag of the team. Let's begin the competition. (звук аплодисментов из коллекции картинок). Dear captains, this task is for you. Find, please, the animals hiding in the following sentences!

Example: If I shout, he'll hear me. (Fish)

I. Close the door at once! (Rat)

II. He'll come to America tomorrow. (Cat)

III. If Roger comes, we'll begin. (Frog)

T. Now let us check up.

Station 6-a "What Animal Is It?"

You know that a lot of passengers travel together with their pets. I know that you have got pets and you like them very much. Guess the animals.

  • god

  • nomeky

  • earh

  • srheo

  • gerti

  • tac

Station 6-b "What Animal Is It?"

Just now we can't go on at once. We have to walk our pets. And so we have a little time to work at station number 6. At this station I'll read you about different animals and you, please, guess them, write down a number of the animal.

It is big. It has small eyes. Its legs are short. Its tail is short too. It is fat. (a pig)

It is not big. It is red. Its tail is long. It lives in the forest. It can run. It likes hens. (a fox)

It is big. It is brown. Its legs are short. Its tail is short too. It likes honey. (a bear)

It may be big or small. It may be white, black, grey and brown. It is a good friend. Boys like it. It is in the yard. It says, "Bow, wow". (a dog)

It is not big. It may be white, black, grey and red. Its eyes are green. Girls like it. It says, "Mew, mew". (a cat) (Key: 5, 4, 3, 1, 2)

Our trip is going on. The next station is called "Riddles".

Station 7 "Riddles".

Do you like riddles? Guess! All my riddles are about school things. Dear passengers, be attentive!

1.My face is black,

As black as night.

On it, with chalk

All students write.(a blackboard)

2.I don't know the ABC,

But I'm writing as you see. (a pen)

3.I have many leaves,

But I'm not a tree.

I'm a nice thing,

Come and read me. (a book)

4.If you want to draw a line,

Take me, please, it will be fine. (a ruler)

5.I am black, and red, and blue.

I draw everything for you. (a pencil)

6.Big but can't talk

Four legs, but can't walk. (a table)

Station 8 "Fairy-tale Characters". This station is unusual. A lot of fairy-tale characters live here. Listen to thе following texts and tell me their names.





Red Riding Hood

Text 1. He is small and very thin. His nose is very long. His hair is long too. He has a hat on. He is kind to his friends. He helps them. He is made of wood. (Buratino)

Text 2. She is a very nice girl. She has a round face. Her eyes are large and blue. Her hair is blue. It is long. She has a blue ribbon in her hair. Her nice dress is blue. She has nice shoes on. She is very nice and clever. She can read and write. She helps her friends. (Malvina)

Text 3. He is a very big man. He has got a very long beard. His mouth is big and round. His eyes are very big and round too. (Karabas-Barabas)

Text 4. She is a very nice little girl. She loves her mother and her grandmother. She has a white skirt on. She has a red hat on. She has a basket in her hand. (Red Riding Hood)

Text 5. She is beautiful. She has long fair hair. Her eyes are big. She has no nice dresses. She has no beautiful shoes. She sleeps in the kitchen. She has no mother. Her sisters have beautiful dresses and shoes. (Cinderella)

Our trip is going on. The next station is called "The Colours".

Station 9 "The Colours".

Put the letters together to form words

На плакате нарисованы квадратики разных цветов, каждый цвет обозначает определенную букву. Из соответствующих им букв собираются слова. Желтому цвету соответствует буква S, красному H, зеленому D, белому E, коричневому R, черному I, синему T.

Green, brown, white, yellow, yellow (dress)

Yellow, red, black, brown, blue (shirt)

Station 10 "My favourite poems".

It was your hometask. You must learn the poems by heart. Recite any poems you like.

Ребята из разных команд по очереди читают английские стихи, которые специально приготовили к празднику. За каждое стихотворение дается 1 балл.(слайд 30)

Station 11 . "Spider Map". Find the numbers 0-12. (Приложение 2)

  • fivesixotn

  • oettenonei

  • utwovrrinn

  • rhelevenoe

  • rrlonezero

  • seventhree

  • eeeighteni

  • vefourteig

  • enootwelve

  • ninefeight

Station 12. "English numbers"

Gather the letters according to their numbers in the alphabet and you will get the word you like very much.

Собери слово. Каждая буква алфавита соответствует своему порядковому номеру.(слайд 33)

  • A-1, b-2, c-3, d-4, e-5, f-6, g-7, h-8, i-9, j-10, k-11, l-12, m-13, n-14, o-15, p-16, q-17, r-18, s-19, t-20, u-21, v-22, w-23, x-24, y-25, z-26

  • 8, 15, 12, 9, 4, 1, 25,19

III. Заключительный этап урока.

Our trip is coming to the end. I think it's just time to make conclusion of the lesson. Today we had a very interesting trip. You were active and clever passengers. I'm happy to announce the results of our competition.

Team 1 has got :.. points. Team 2 :. Team 3 :. The team with the highest score is the winner! (звук аплодисментов из коллекции картинок). The pupils of this team get "fives". Congratulations for everybody!


Station 2 "English Grammar".

Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, has, have.

I …. fine.

You …. from England.

The book …. interesting.

My friends …. very clever.

I …. got a friend.

My sister ….. got a lot of English books.

Station 5 "Captain's Competition".

I. Close the door at once!

II. He'll come to America tomorrow.

III. If Roger comes, we'll begin.

Station 6-b "What Animal Is It?"


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