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  • Тест по английскому языку для 9 класса

Тест по английскому языку для 9 класса

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1. Буква "u" читается отлично от других слов:

A) tube

B) suit

C) use

D) bus

E) student

2. Сложное слово:

A) Motherland.

B) Refrigerator.

C) Territory.

D) Question.

E) Performance.

3. Слово, противоположное по значению.


A) exciting.

B) quiet.

C) calmly.

D) quitly.

E) dull.

4. Правильный вариант степени сравнения прилагательного:

My sister sings much … than I do.

A) Better.

B) Best.

C) Gooder.

D) Good.

E) More good.

5. Подходящее по смыслу слово.

... is a good film on TV tonight.

A) He.

B) They're.

C) She.

D) Their.

E) There.

6. Правильный ответ.

I agreed … that part-time job.

A) taken

B) takes

C) took

D) to take

E) take

7. Найдите синоним к выделенному слову в предложении:

He felt very ill.

A) sick

B) awake

C) tired

D) scared

E) boring

8. Закончите предложение: Very surprising and difficult to believe means …

A) boring.

B) amazing.

C) anniversary.

D) dangerous.

E) travelling.

9. Правильный вариант предлога:

I haven't seen my friend … a long time.

A) since

B) for

C) at

D) over

E) from

10. В слове «de…ide» пропущена буква:

A) k

B) c

C) p

D) t

E) r

11. Прочитайте числительное: 247

A) Two hundred and four seven.

B) Two hundred fourty andseven.

C) Two hundred and forty-seven.

D) Two and hundred fourty-seven.

E) Two hundred forty-seven.

12. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения.

I see that he has lost … pencil; perhaps you can lend him … .

A) your, our.

B) his, yours.

C) his, his.

D) theirs, yours.

E) mine, yours.

13. Выберите правильный вариант:

I caught two … .

A) fishes

B) hare

C) fishs

D) butterfly

E) fish

14. Правильная форма глагола в страдательном залоге:

He (to ask) to bring a glass of water.

A) Are asked.

B) Was asked.

C) Was ask.

D) Is ask.

E) Ask.

15. Лишнее слово:

A) Grapes.

B) Pepper.

C) Carrot.

D) Cabbage.

E) Onion.

16. Неверное словосочетание:

A) Junk food.

B) Tasty food

C) Starving food.

D) Delicious food.

E) Wealthy food.

17. Закончите пословицу:

A change of work...

A) ... must have an end.

B) ... than words.

C) ... home is best.

D) ... make long friends.

E) ... is as good as a rest.

18. Правильный вопрос:

- … ?

- No, you needn't read the text.

A) Will I read the text?

B) Could I read the text?

C) May read I the text?

D) Must I read the text?

E) Would I read the text?

19. Поставьте предложение в прошедшее время:

We promise we shall finish the work in time.

A) We promised we did finish the work in time.

B) We promised we shall finish the work in time.

C) We promised we should finish the work in time.

D) We promised we finished the work in time.

E) We promised we should finished the work in time.

20. Правильный вариант:

W.A.Mozart was born in __ .

A) Australia

B) Austria

C) Holland

D) Wales

E) Canada


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